
  • 网络byte alignment;byte aligned
  1. TDS不支持字节对齐规则。

    TDS does not support byte alignment rules .

  2. 当应用程序移植到不同平台时字节对齐(alignment)问题经常出现,稍有差错就有可能导致buserror等内存错误。

    At the same time , byte alignment problems may arise when transplant application from one platform to another . An incaution often causes bus error and other memory error .

  3. 采用字节对齐的索引压缩技术,不但可以有效地减少索引占用的磁盘空间,而且可以加快检索时间,索引的空间和时间效率都得以提高。

    The index efficiency of space and time is improved by these methods .

  4. 为进行字节对齐,十六进制数据的位数必须为偶数

    Hex data must have an even number of digits in order to be byte aligned

  5. 这意味着字将是4字节对齐的,半字将是2字节对齐的,而字节则不需要对齐。

    That means that words will be4-byte aligned , halfwords will be2-byte aligned , and bytes don 't have to be aligned at all .

  6. 在下一篇文章中我们将更详细地介绍这方面的内容,但是对于大部分DMA传输来说,都必须按照16字节边界对齐,并且大小应该是16字节的整数倍。

    We will deal with this more in a later article , but for the most part DMA transfers must be aligned to a16-byte boundary and be sized as a multiple of16 bytes .

  7. 所有堆栈的值都必须是双字(8个字节)对齐的,整个帧应该是4字(16个字节)对齐的。

    All stack values must be doubleword ( 8-byte ) aligned , and the whole frame should be quadword ( 16-byte ) aligned .

  8. 不管是传入的参数还是通过其他方式获得的地址,DMA的目标地址必须要与缓存线路(16字节)进行对齐。

    Whether it 's an argument passed in or an address gotten some other way , the DMA targets must be aligned on cache lines ( 16 bytes ) .

  9. 优化的传输是128的整数倍,它们都在128字节边界上对齐。

    Optimal transfers are multiples of128 bytes that are on128-byte boundaries .

  10. 在这个示例中,结构s以8个字节为单位进行对齐,s.var2变量同样也是如此。

    In this example , the structure s is aligned to an8-byte boundary , and so is the s.var2 variable .

  11. 然而,对于2的任意次幂,这会确保不论您的初值是什么,所生成的值都是对多个字节的倍数而对齐的。

    However , for any power of two , this will give you a guarantee that no matter what your starting value is , the resulting value will be aligned to a multiple of that many bytes .

  12. 现代的体系架构(Pentium及更新的体系架构)更喜欢将“longdouble”按照8字节或16字节进行对齐。

    Modern architectures ( Pentium and newer ) would prefer " long double " to be aligned to an8-or16-byte boundary .

  13. 该方法采用设置特殊序列码作为定界符,设计一种类似帧同步的字节边界检测与字节边界对齐模块,检测数据包有效数据的起始点,实现定位误码比对。

    In the comparison , a special sequence code is adopted as delimiter . A byte boundary measurement and alignment similar to the frame synchronizing is designed to check the effective data beginning in a burst and accomplish error bit comparison .

  14. 记住,传输16字节或更多字节的DMA在SPE和PPE上必须是16字节的整数倍,并按照16字节边界进行对齐。

    Remember that DMA transfers of16 bytes or more must be in16-byte multiples and aligned to16-byte boundaries on both the SPE and the PPE .