
fǎn huí dì zhǐ
  • return address
  1. 例如,如果指定level为0,那么就是请求当前函数的返回地址。

    For example , if you specify a level of0 , you are requesting the return address of the current function .

  2. 如果指定level为1,那么就是请求进行调用的函数的返回地址,依此类推。

    If you specify a level of1 , you are requesting the return address of the calling function ( and so on ) .

  3. LROFFSET是返回地址的堆栈框架的偏移量。

    LR_OFFSET is the offset into the stack frame of the return address .

  4. 最后,bi$lr(branchindirect)分支跳转到在链接寄存器内指定的地址(返回地址),进而从函数返回。

    Finally , bi $ lr (" branch indirect ") branches to the address specified in the link register ( the return address ), thus returning from the function .

  5. 当包装函数结束时,CPU从栈中取得返回地址并开始执行fn(arg)函数。

    When the wrapper function terminates , the CPU fetches the return address from the stack and executes the fn ( arg ) function .

  6. 一种由中央处理器(PU)持的寄存器,主要用于在过程或子程序之间传送自变量和保留返回地址。

    A register , maintained by the central processing unit ( CPU ) which is used mainly for passing arguments between procedures or subprograms and for maintaining return addresses .

  7. Stackguard修改C编译器(gcc),以便将一个“探测”值插入到返回地址的前面。

    Stackguard modifies the C compiler ( gcc ) so that a " canary " value is inserted in front of return addresses .

  8. 事实上,包装函数将fn指针保存在子进程的栈中对应包装器本身的返回地址的位置;

    In fact , the wrapper function saves the pointer fn into the child 's stack position corresponding to the return address of the wrapper function itself ;

  9. FPW通过监视前帧指针来实时检测对函数返回地址的溢出攻击。

    FPW detects the overwriting to return address in real time by monitoring the previous frame pointer in stack .

  10. return-name:构建电子邮件返回地址的名称。

    Return-name : The name for the return address in the the build e-mails .

  11. 并置负载均衡器的服务器地址要与NFA、集群服务器地址以及返回地址相分离。

    The address for the server that is collocated with the Load Balancer should be separate from the NFA , the cluster server address , and the Return Address .

  12. 在上面的示例中,callingFunc()函数中对func()函数的调用未处理该内存位置的返回地址。

    In the example above , the call to the func () function inside the callingFunc () function is not handling the return address of the memory location .

  13. 未指定返回地址,请检查服务属性。

    No return address specified . Check your service properties .

  14. 无返回地址的递归消除方法研究

    Study of how to convert recursive algorithm without return address

  15. 允许返回地址被覆盖,但不允许控制流转向非授权的用户;

    Overwriting is allowed but unauthorized change of control flow is not allowed ;

  16. 后备栈:一种高效的返回地址栈修复机制

    Backup Stack : An Efficient Return-Address-Stack Repair Mechanism

  17. 包含函数的返回地址。

    Contains the return address of the function .

  18. 是否将新的返回地址保存为默认的返回地址?

    Do you want to save the new return address as the default return address ?

  19. 可以使用该选项来检测缓冲区溢出(它将改写返回地址)。

    You can use this option to detect buffer overruns , which overwrite the return address .

  20. 返回地址:~~出现在被发送邮件的发件人行中的地址。

    Return address : ~ ~ Address to appear on the ' From ' line of sent mail .

  21. 而要想获得高的返回地址预测精度,在发生分支误预测后对返回地址栈进行修复是必不可少的。

    In order to achieve higher prediction accuracy , it is necessary to repair the return-address-stack after branch mispredictions .

  22. 回复字段中不能包含多个返回地址。请解决该问题后再试。

    The Reply-To field cannot contain more than one return address . Please correct the problem and try again .

  23. 在发送邮件或新闻消息之前,必须在“邮件和新闻”首选项中指定返回地址。

    Before sending mail or news messages , you must specify a return address in mail and news preferences .

  24. 这个参数定义希望获取返回地址的调用堆栈级别。

    The argument defines the level of the call stack for which you want to obtain the return address .

  25. 通常,非递归算法要保存返回地址,使程序能继续正确执行。

    Usually , return address must be saved for continuing a right execution of the program in no recursion version .

  26. 稍后,我会详细介绍链接寄存器,总的来说,它用于临时存储返回地址。

    I will get to the link register shortly , but basically it is used for temporary storage of return addresses .

  27. 当前,大多数高性能微处理器都使用返回地址栈为返回指令提供预测目标地址。

    In most current high-performance microprocessors , the predicted target addresses of procedure returns are provided by a return-address stack ( RAS ) .

  28. 在不发生返回地址栈溢出时,使用后备栈机制能够获得100%的返回地址预测精度。

    With the backup stack technique used to repair the return-address stack , a 100 % return-address prediction accuracy can be achieved unless overflow appears .

  29. 汇编模块常常不是这样,这意味着链接(传递参数和调用/返回地址的方式)不一样。

    Assembler modules usually don 't , which means that the linkage ( how parameters and calling / return addresses are passed ) will be different .

  30. 提出一种利用进程堆栈中的函数返回地址链信息来提取不定长模式的方法。

    This paper proposed a new method to construct variable-length patterns by using the chains of function return addresses information from call stack of the process .