
  • 网络Register Addressing;register mode
  1. X-DSP提供七种基本寻址方式,分别为立即寻址、绝对寻址、累加器寻址、直接寻址、间接寻址、存储器映射寄存器寻址和堆栈寻址。

    X-DSP offers seven basic addressing modes , they are immediate addressing , absolute addressing , accumulator addressing , direct addressing , indirect addressing , memory-mapped register addressing , and stack addressing .

  2. 在寄存器寻址模式中,我们也不会访问主存的内容,而是访问寄存器。

    In register mode , rather than accessing the contents of main memory , you access registers .

  3. 它通过在通用的I2C协议上建立系统专用的数据传输协议,完成了不同数据宽度的寄存器寻址读写等复杂操作,同时节省了芯片管脚资源。

    This interface builds a special data transport protocols on I ~ 2C communication , realize a series operations of read / write on registers with different width . Meanwhile it greatly reduces resource of the chip .

  4. 最后,在索引寄存器间接寻址模式中,基址和索引都保存在寄存器中。

    Finally , in indexed register indirect addressing mode , both the base and the index are stored in registers .

  5. 所有实际的处理都发生在寄存器之间(或寄存器和立即寻址模式操作数之间)。

    All of the actual processing takes place between registers ( or between registers and immediate-mode operands ) .