
jì dì
  • send;mail;posting and delivery
寄递 [jì dì]
  • [mail;postal delivery] 指邮局寄送邮件

  1. 办法要求寄递企业规范操作和文明作业,避免抛扔、踩踏等行为。

    The guideline also requires companies to deliver parcels appropriately , banning behavior such as tossing and stamping on parcels .

  2. 相关法律禁止寄递活体动物,商家必须遵守,快递公司也不应明知故犯。事件回顾

    Relevant rules have forbidden the sending of live animals via postal services , and sellers and courier companies shall not violate the rules knowingly .

  3. 苹果产品完整性总监史蒂夫.肯纳(SteveKenner)在信上签字,信件寄递时间是11月22日。

    The letter was signed by Steve Kenner , Apple 's director of product integrity , and was submitted on November 22 .

  4. 国内和国际邮件寄递;

    Posting and delivering of domestic and international postal materials ;

  5. 本单仅限寄递国内特快专递邮件时使用。

    This EMS waybill is available only for sending the domestic EMS item .

  6. 盲人读物邮件免费寄递。

    Mailing and delivery of publications for blind persons shall be free of charge .

  7. 除买卖合同有规定外,单据不用航空寄递。

    The documents shall not be forwarded by air route unless the contract of sail so provides .

  8. 网路运输担负着邮件寄递的全过程的时间和空间的位移。

    Transport network responsible for mail delivery of the entire process of the displacement of time and space .

  9. 第三十条国际邮递物品未经海关查验放行,邮政企业不得寄递。

    Article 30 . Postal enterprises shall not post or deliver international postal articles that are not examined and allowed to pass by the Customs .

  10. 第八条信件和其他具有信件性质的物品的寄递业务由邮政企业专营,但是国务院另有规定的除外。

    Posting and delivering services of mail and other articles with characteristics of mail shall be exclusively operated by postal enterprises , except as otherwise provided by the State Council .

  11. (五)国际邮递物品:指中华人民共和国与其他国家和地区的用户相互寄递的印刷品和邮包。

    International postal articles : referring to printed matter and postal parcels posted and delivered between users of the People 's Republic of China and users of foreign countries or regions .

  12. 第二十五条寄递邮件逐步实行邮政编码,具体办法由国务院邮政主管部门规定。

    Article 25 . In posting and delivering postal materials , postal codes shall be adopted gradually , and specific pertinent measures shall be formulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council .

  13. 邮政合同应定义为邮政企业将邮政用户符合普遍服务范围规定的实体邮件从寄件人处寄递到约定收件人处,由邮政用户支付邮政均一资费的合同。

    Postal contract should be defined as a contract that based on universal service that the post office should send a mail from the addresser to the addressee , with the precondition that the addresser defray the uniform postage .

  14. 在商业化运作的情况下,时限不再仅仅是衡量邮政产品质量与服务水平的一个重要指标,而且已成为寄递业务市场竞争的焦点。

    Under the condition of commercial operations , time limit is not only an important index which is applied to evaluate post production quality and service level , but has also been the focus of competition on post service market .

  15. 第二十条用户交寄邮件,必须遵守国务院有关主管部门关于禁止寄递物品、限量寄递物品的规定。

    Article 20 . In handing in or posting postal materials , users must abide by the provisions formulated by the relevant competent department under the State Council on articles forbidden to post or deliver and articles to be posted or delivered in limited amounts .

  16. 第四十一条本法下列用语的含义是:(一)邮件:指通过邮政企业寄递的信件、印刷品、邮包、汇款通知、报刊等。

    Article 41 . The meanings of the following terms used in this Law are : ( 1 ) postal materials : referring to mail , printed matter , postal parcels , money orders , newspapers , periodicals , etc. posted and delivered by postal enterprises .