
  • 网络parasitic weeds
  1. 在上世纪90年代,它克服了非洲谷类生产的最大生物障碍,就是能使庄稼枯死的一种叫斯特赖加的寄生杂草。

    In the1990s , he conquered the greatest biological constraint to cereal production in Africa-the deadly weed Striga .

  2. 在我脚下,房子周围中的极少的玉米正被一种名叫Striga的寄生性杂草所包围,这种杂草遍布非洲,能够造成颗粒无收。

    At my feet , I could see that the few maize plants growing around the house were being attacked by Striga , a parasitic weed found throughout Africa that can reduce harvests to nothing .

  3. 我想起了为找到解决寄生性杂草的办法,洛克菲勒基金会斥资进行的生物科学研究。

    I thought about the biotech research that the Rockefeller Foundation had funded to find a solution to Striga .

  4. 植物诱导抗性不仅可以防治作物病虫害,而且可以控制寄生性杂草。

    Induced resistance of plants has been applied to control not only pest and disease , but also parasitic weed .

  5. 菟丝子是苜蓿田中最常见的一年生寄生性恶性杂草,是世界性的杂草检疫对象。

    The dodder is one kind of annual autoecious weed of alfalfa , cosmopolitan weed quarantine object .

  6. 根肿病菌寄主范围较为广泛,不仅危害十字花科蔬菜、油菜、板蓝根和山葵,还可寄生十字花科杂草。

    The hosts of P. brassicae are broad , including cruciferous vegetables , oilseed rape , radix isatidis , horseradish and cruciferous weeds .

  7. 因为叶甲和寄主关系密切,许多为专性寄生,为杂草生物防治提供了广阔的前景。随着实验技术的不断革新,人们对它的研究也日益广泛和深入,目前己迈入了分子水平。

    With the development of the technique of experiment , the research on the insects of Chrysomelidae has proceeded extensively and deeply , and now it goes to the molecular level .