
jì yǎng
  • foster;farm out;entrust one's child to the care of sb;ask sb. to bring up one's child
寄养 [jì yǎng]
  • [farm out;ask sb. to bring up one's child] 把孩子托付给他人抚养

  • 将婴儿寄养在她祖母处,自己进城工作

寄养[jì yǎng]
  1. 我们外出时把狗寄养在养狗场。

    We put the dog in kennels when we go away .

  2. 这些小孩已安顿好,交给寄养父母了。

    The children were placed with foster parents .

  3. 我们在找寄养家庭,帮忙照看一个孩子几天。

    We are looking for foster carers who can care for a child for a few days

  4. 他一生中的大部分时间都在他母亲、父亲及各种各样的寄养家庭之间辗转度过。

    He has spent most of his life being shunted between his mother , father and various foster families

  5. 他们总是把孩子寄养在亲戚家

    They 're always farming out their children on their relatives .

  6. 因为很多宠物主人认为用宠物保姆比选择传统的宠物寄养有优势,专业的宠物保姆行业正在快速发展。

    The professional pet-sitting industry is growing rapidly because many pet owners feel that there are advantages to using pet sitters , rather than traditional pet care options .

  7. 而有了Rover和DogVacay,狗主人可以选择各种各样的人家来寄养宠物,再也不用把它们关在狗舍了。

    Rover and Dog Vacay , meanwhile , offer boarding options for pets in people 's homes rather than a kennel .

  8. 她说自己曾在Craigslist网站上发布征集收养者的告示,为猫寻找寄养家庭,梦想着以咖啡馆的形式开一家猫咪庇护所。

    She posted adoption notices on Craigslist , found foster homes for cats and dreamed of a cat sanctuary with a cafe .

  9. 幸亏有寄样家庭的支持,Squirt才得以茁壮成长,而这个寄养家庭有养母,和四个兄弟姐妹,还有科迪的两只狗狗。

    Squirt is continuing to get stronger thanks to the support of her adoptive family , which includes her new mom , her four siblings , and Cody 's two dogs .

  10. 杰米·福克斯(JamieFoxx)、罗斯·拜恩(RoseByrne)和鲍比·坎纳瓦尔(BobbyCannavale)也是,特别是卡梅隆·迪亚兹(CameronDiaz),她带着近乎骇人的自暴自弃,全心投入汉尼根小姐(MissHannigan)这个角色——安妮的寄养母亲,一个嗜酒、邋遢的刻薄女人。

    So do Jamie Foxx , Rose Byrne , Bobby Cannavale and , especially , Cameron Diaz , who flings herself into the role of Miss Hannigan , Annie 's boozy , blowzy meanie of a foster mom , with almost frightening abandon .

  11. “Squirt需要一个妈妈,这样才能解决问题。”幸亏有寄养家庭的帮助,Squirt才得以茁壮成长,而这个寄养家庭除了它的养母和兄弟姐妹之外,还有科迪的两只狗狗。

    She needed a mom so it worked out . ' Squirt is continuing to get stronger thanks to the support of her adoptive family , which includes her new mom , her siblings , and Cody 's two dogs .

  12. 就读动物相关课程的学生会在哈妮的好朋友的教育中心里,经由每天照顾TPAWS的寄养动物而得到实际的工作经验。

    There would be students from local animal husbandry courses getting work experience , by taking care of any TPAWS foster animals in the building on a daily basis .

  13. 家庭寄养和孤残儿童的社会适应能力发展

    The foster care and development of disabled orphans ' adaptive skills

  14. 曾寄养在一个家庭里,对吗?

    Were in the same foster home , weren 't you ?

  15. 所以我和我丈夫阿尔决定申请做寄养家庭。

    So my husband and I applied to be foster parents .

  16. 美国有超过50万寄养儿童然而寄养系统的资金严重不足

    It 's distressing to know that there are over 500000 children

  17. 上海市儿童福利院的孤残儿童家庭寄养工作至今已有10年。

    In Shanghai , this program has existed for 10 years .

  18. “养狗场联盟”为所有养狗者提供短期寄养设施。

    League kennels offer short term boarding facilities to all dog owners .

  19. 你被寄养在恩爱的肯特一家。

    You were placed in the wonderful adoptive home of the kents .

  20. 她将孩子寄养在外婆家。

    She has farmed out her baby with her grandmother .

  21. 寄养儿童社会技能特点和影响因素研究

    Development and Influential Factors of Foster Children 's Social Skills

  22. 不过,2002年,寄养看护中的12.4万美国儿童等待人认养。

    But in2002,124,000 American children in foster care waited to be adopted .

  23. 从1975年开始,杰妮辗转在六个不同的寄养家庭生活。

    Genie lived in six different foster homes after 1975 .

  24. 我被寄养时写的日记

    It 's a diary from when I was in foster care .

  25. 他们不愿意告诉我,我是被寄养的。

    They weren 't even gonna tell me that I was adopted .

  26. 14岁时他进入到寄养体系.

    By age 14 , he was in the foster care system .

  27. 看看他们能否帮我找到她的寄养家庭时

    to see if they could help me find her foster family ,

  28. 我们去度假时把狗送到养狗场寄养。

    We put the dog into kennel when we went on holiday .

  29. 她想把比利留在我们这里寄养一个月。

    She wants to leave Billy here with us for a month .

  30. 这就是那个在孩提时代曾经被人寄养过的妇女。

    This is the woman who was once adopted as a baby .