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  • register variable
  1. DFG结点间数据依赖关系分析、共享寄存器变量分离及有向边的形成。

    Analyze the relationship between the notes of DFG , separate the variables sharing the same register .

  2. CLRJIT只能跟踪固定数目的寄存器分配变量;一旦需要跟踪的数目超出这个数目,它就开始将寄存器的内容移到内存中。

    The CLR JIT can only track a fixed number of variables for register allocation ; once it has to track more than this , it begins to spill the contents of registers into memory .

  3. 只有对这些寄存器和变量进行正确的配置,图像传感器才能按设计要求工作。

    Only those registers and variables are configured correctly , the image sensor can work according to design requirements .

  4. 剩余的空间用来保存寄存器和存储本地变量。

    The remaining space is used for saving registers and storing local variables .

  5. 在生命范围之外,变量不再被使用,是死的,它的寄存器可以供其他变量使用,这样,编译器就可以安排更多的变量到寄存器当中。

    In between live ranges , the value of a variable is not needed : it is dead , so its register can be used for other variables , allowing the compiler to allocate more variables to registers .

  6. 该方法将空闲的堆栈寄存器分配给需要静态寄存器的变量,用软件的方法实现了寄存器功能的动态划分,提高了寄存器的利用率,解决了静态通用寄存器不足引起的软件流水失败问题;

    The novel mechanism dynamically participates register functions , as well as overcomes static general register pressure for software pipelining ;

  7. 访问实际硬件(卡)寄存器的代码现在应该进行一些修改,访问模拟设备寄存器的本地变量。

    The code that accesses the actual card registers should now be changed to access the local variables that mimic the device 's registers .

  8. 寄存器的数量在每个处理器当中都是固定的,所以在程序的某个特定的位置,可以保存在寄存器中的变量的数量是有限制的。

    As any processor has a fixed set of registers , there is a limit to the number of variables that can be kept in registers at any one point in the program .