
  • 网络Function body
  1. 有几个版本中已出现了在函数体中用yield语句定义的生成器。

    For several versions , we have had generators defined with the yield statement in a function body .

  2. 像这种不放到方法或函数体中的JavaScript代码称为静态JavaScript。

    When JavaScript is coded like that and not put within a method or function body , it 's called static JavaScript .

  3. 定义、变量和函数体可以在程序的任意位置出现,Perl所提供地强大功能可以最好地满足这种随意性。

    Namespaces can begin and end anywhere . Definitions , variables , and functions bodies can occur anywhere and Perl will do its best to accommodate such madness .

  4. defmethod实现将有多个,每个实现指定触发执行的一个dispatch-value,另外还包含一个将在触发时执行的函数体。

    There will be many defmethod implementations , each specifying a dispatch-value that triggers execution , and a body of functions to execute when triggered .

  5. 我们稍后将查看这个函数体。

    You will look at the body of that function shortly .

  6. 每个块都是作为一个匿名函数体来执行的。

    Each chunk is executed as the body of an anonymous function .

  7. 函数体的第一条语句可选为字符串;

    The first statement of the function body can optionally be a string literal ;

  8. 在具体做实验时,开发人员就可以根据需要往函数体里面增加相应的函数体。

    When doing experiments , according to need developers increase the corresponding function body .

  9. 基于势函数体绘制梯度估算方法

    A Method of Gradient Estimation in Volume Rendering

  10. 可以在全局范围以及在名称空间、函数体或类声明内使用静态断言。

    You can use static assertions in global scope and inside namespaces , function bodies , or class declarations .

  11. 方法签名以冒号结尾,表示下面的代码行是函数体。

    The method signature ends with a colon , which indicates that the body of the function follows on subsequent lines .

  12. 在函数体内部,局部变量的优先级比同名的全局变量高。

    Within the body of a function , a local variable takes precedence over a global variable with the same name .

  13. 内联优化是一种有效的编译优化技术,它通过将函数体直接嵌入到调用点来消除函数调用开销。

    Function inlining has been proposed as an efficient compiler optimization technique . It expands a function call site into the actual implementation of the function .

  14. 美元符号($)后面跟着数字用于在一个函数体定义或者准备好的语句中表示参数的位置。

    A dollar sign ( $ ) followed by digits is used to represent a positional parameter in the body of a function definition or a prepared statement .

  15. 不幸的是,一旦您开始编写通用的断言来描述自己希望在某个特定的函数体中处理的值时,就很容易创建一些模糊的条件。

    Unfortunately , once you start writing general predicates describing the values you would like to handle within a particular function body , it becomes easy to create ambiguous conditions .

  16. 采用Morse型势函数对体心立方晶体表面层及近表面层原子的行为进行了分子动力学模拟。

    Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to study the atomic behaves in the surface and deeper layers of body-centered cubic ( bcc ) crystal , with the Morse potential denoting the interactions among the atoms .

  17. 基于改进阈值函数的体震信号平移不变去噪

    Translation-Invariant De-noising of Body Fluttering Signal Based on Improved Threshold Function

  18. 多输出函数多维体运算的新表示法

    New Expressions of Multi-output Function 's Cubical Operations

  19. 利用点扩展函数对体全息成像系统的深度分辨率进行分析。

    Its imaging resolution was analyzed by using the point spread function of volume holographic imaging system .

  20. 研究了基于径向基函数的体数据场技术,提出了一种修复三角网格模型的算法。

    An innovative holes repairing algorithm for triangle mesh was put forward and implemented based on volumetric data field .

  21. 传输函数是体绘制算法中的关键步骤,它将体数据的信息映射成颜色、不透明度等视觉属性,并赋予数据空间的每个体素,然后通过不同的绘制流程生成图像空间的像素。

    Transfer Function design is one of the most important procedures in volume rendering . Transfer function maps data values to display attributes , such as color and opacity .

  22. 在线面连接问题中,电流展开函数包含体展开函数、线展开函数和连接点展开函数三类。

    When analyzing a system of conducting bodies interconnected by wires , the current expansion functions consist of three classes , body expansion functions , wire expansion functions and junction expansion functions .

  23. 新stats函数的函数体要略加修改,以计算数字序列的样本方差。

    The body of the new stats function is modified slightly to calculate the variance of the numerical sequence .

  24. 半权函数与裂纹体的几何尺寸无关,对边界条件没有要求。由功的互等定理得到应力强度因子KⅠ和KⅡ的积分形式表达式。

    Integral expression of fracture parameters , K I and K II , are obtained from reciprocal work theorem with semi-weight functions and approximate displacement and stress values on any integral path around crack tip .

  25. events/X内核线程(每CPU一个)从工作队列中抽取任务并激活一个bottom-half处理程序(由处理程序函数在结构体workstruct中指定)。

    The events / X kernel threads ( one per CPU ) extract work from the work queue and activates one of the bottom-half handlers ( as indicated by the handler function in the struct work_struct ) .

  26. 函数叫做单体(monad),被用来以数学方式表达状态的变化,而Haskell这样的函数性语言则用单体来处理输入/输出并管理状态中的变化。

    Functions known as monads are used to express changes in state mathematically , and functional languages such as Haskell tend to use monads to process input / output and manage changes in state .

  27. 基于近似距离函数的三维体数据重构

    3D volume data reconstruction based on approximate distance functions

  28. 广义齐次函数和二体问题

    Generalized Homogeneous Function s and the Two-Body Problem

  29. 函数空间多体挠性结构系统动力学、稳定性与控制的研究

    Study on Dynamics , Stability and Control of Multi-Body Flexible Structure System in Functional Space

  30. 内部函数是函数体紧跟函数声明之后的标准函数。

    An internal function is a standard function where the function body follows the function declaration .