
hán shòu jiào yù
  • correspondence course
  1. 党校函授教育的生命力在于保证办学质量,而办学主体人员的素质是关系到党校函授教育质量的关键。

    The vitality of the Party School 's correspondence course lies in its high - quality education which has a direct bearing on its teaching staff .

  2. 党校教务工作在函授教育中应抓好以下几方面工作:选好任课教师,加强培训管理;

    Works shall be done for the educational administration in the correspondence course of party School in the following aspects : capable teachers selected and training administration be strengthened ;

  3. 成人函授教育织造专业理论教学的探讨

    Exploration about the Theory Teaching of Weaving in Adult Correspondence Education

  4. 浅谈高师函授教育改革的方向

    On the direction of reformation in correspondence education in teachers colleges

  5. 远程学习是一种特殊的开放式学习,在这种学习形式下,指导教师和学习者相隔遥远。有时也称为“函授教育”或者“函授课程”。

    The concept of distance learning is not a new one .

  6. 浅谈高校图书馆如何为成人高等函授教育服务

    Discussion on How University Library to Serve Adult Higher Correspondence Education

  7. 用现代远程教育的优势改造传统函授教育

    Reconstructing Traditional Correspondence Education with the Advantages of Modern Distance Education

  8. 利用网络技术改造成人函授教育的可行性探讨

    The Feasibility of Reforming Adult Education by Correspondence through Network Technology

  9. 利用信息技术改革函授教育模式

    Innovation of Old Educational Model with Communication Technology in Correspondence Education

  10. 发挥情报教育职能服务成人函授教育

    Developing Information 's Educational the Function and Serving the Adult Correspondence Education

  11. 影响体育函授教育质量诸因素及其分析

    Analyses on Factors Influencing on Quality Of Sport Correspondance Education

  12. 传统函授教育与现代远程教育的整合

    The Integration of Traditional Correspondence Education and Modern Distance Education

  13. 如何提高函授教育中会计、统计课的教学质量

    Improving the Instruction Quality of Accounting and Statistics Courses in Correspondence Education

  14. 反思函授教育试论党校师德建设

    On the Construction of Teacher 's Ethics in Party Schools

  15. 教学质量是党校函授教育的生命线。

    Teaching quality is the lifeblood of the party school correspondence education .

  16. 函授教育办公自动化管理系统设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Office Automation Management System for Correspondence Education

  17. 高师图书馆应为高等函授教育服务

    The Library of Teachers ' Colleges and Universities Should Serve Correspondence Education

  18. 高等体育函授教育自学环节管理浅议

    The Management of the Self-teaching Link in the P. E. Correspondence Education

  19. 提高成人高等函授教育质量的有效途径

    On Effective Ways of Improving Adult Higher Correspondence Education Quality

  20. 高等函授教育特色课程体系的构建

    On the Construction of the Course System of Higher Education by Correspondence

  21. 现代教育技术与远距离函授教育的整合发展

    Integrated Development of Current Educational Technology & Distance Correspondence

  22. 强化管理搞好函授教育的教材供应工作

    Strengthening the management for a better supply of teaching materials for correspondence education

  23. 中国早期函授教育形成与发展研究

    A Research on the Forming Process and Development of Chinese Early Correspondence Education

  24. 关于函授教育管理与教学质量监控体系建立的研究

    Research on Establishing Management and Teaching Quality Assurance System in P.E. Continuous Education

  25. 发挥党校优势在函授教育中强化素质教育

    Exploiting the Party Schools Advantages and Strengthening Quality-Oriented Education in Education by Correspondence

  26. 努力探索创办高水平函授教育

    Struggling Search for Establishing High - Level Correspondence Education

  27. 中学体育教师的函授教育

    Correspondence education for middle school and primary P.E. masters

  28. 成人函授教育与现代远程教育整合的研究与探析

    Research on the Integration of Correspondence Education and Distance Education in Adult Education

  29. 在函授教育中引入网络教学的应用研究

    The Research of Apply Network Teaching to Correspondence Education

  30. 新经济条件下发展函授教育的构想

    Visualization on Correspondence Education Development under New Economic Conditions