
  1. 因此,本部分主要为实现信用卡消费者的权利而设计或完善相关制度。

    Therefore , this part is to realize the rights of credit card consumers .

  2. 虚假广告侵犯消费者的权利。

    False ads jeopardize consumer rights .

  3. 但他认为公司不能以系统故障为由剥夺消费者的权利。

    But he does not believe that to a fault to justify the abridgement of the rights of the consumers .

  4. 他说,虽然现在消费者的权利有所保障,但同时他们这些守法的供应商也失去了保护。

    ' Although consumers are now protected , now we law-abiding vendors have lost protection , ' Mr. Chen said .

  5. 《消法》的颁布实施,催生和强化了消费者的权利意识和自我保护意识。

    The promulgation and implement of " The consumer law " has awakened and strengthened the consciousness of consumer right and self-protection .

  6. 我国的网上商务发展水平较低,消费者的权利意识比较淡薄,因此我国对网络交易中消费者权益的保护任务更加艰巨。

    The internet business is under-developed in China , the sense of right protection is very weak , and therefore China has more difficulties .

  7. 消费者的权利依旧受到不同程度的侵害,大部分的消费者却没有能够得到相应的司法和行政方面的救济。

    Consumer rights are still subject to different degrees of damages ; however , most consumers are not able to get the corresponding judicial and administrative relief .

  8. 此时,学者对消费的概念、范围以及消费者的权利和义务进行研究就十分必要了。

    In this case , scholars ' explain about the concept of consuming , range , consumers ' rights and obligation is necessary when the dispute need to be resolved .

  9. 然而,与此同时由于法制的不健全、市场的不完善等多种原因,使得消费者的权利屡屡受到侵害,且不断呈现出高发态势。

    However , at the same time , as the rule of law is not perfect , market imperfections and other reasons , makes the consumer rights are violated repeatedly , and constantly showing a high incidence trend .

  10. 因此,企业与政府之间应该建立动态沟通机制,目的是降低信息不对称程度,完善市场体系建设,保护投资者利益,维护消费者的权利,保障全社会的福利。

    So a dynamic communication mechanism must be built between government and enterprises to reduce information asymmetry , improve the market system construction , protect the interests of investors , safeguard consumers ' legal rights and ensure all social welfare .

  11. 本文只对涉外产品侵权的法律选择方法进行研究,希望能够通过对外国相关立法与理论的分析,为今后的相关立法提供借鉴,从而更好的保护我国受到外国产品侵害的消费者的权利。

    This article study the choice of law of foreign products only , hope to according to the analysis of foreign-related legislation and theory , could be referenced of the relevant legislation for future , and thus could protect the consumers infringed by foreign products in our country .

  12. 判断单个纵向垄断协议是否应该被禁止,应该从其制定的目的以及具体的市场占有份额来进行合理分析,才能区分其是否有利于竞争的开展,最终维护消费者的权利。

    To judge whether a sole vertical monopoly agreement should be prohibited ; reasonable analysis is required to apply to the purpose of its establishment and detailed market share . This helps to determine the possibility of the emergence about further competition and protect consumers ' rights as well .

  13. 新型ASTRA,质量是消费者应得的权利,不是我们的特别恩典。

    The new Astra , quality is a right , not a privilege .

  14. 文章第三部分介绍了网络交易过程中消费者应有的权利。

    The third part of the article , the author introduces the rights of consumer in the network trade process .

  15. 对广告代言行为进行有效的规制,既利于维护市场公平竞争的秩序,也利于保护消费者的合法权利。

    Endorsements valid for the regulation of behavior , not only helps maintain the market order of fair competition , but also conducive to protect the legitimate rights of consumers .

  16. 在此基础上,文章提出了电信消费者的一般权利的特殊表现和特殊性权利,并分析了现实生活中侵害电信消费者权利的主要表现。

    The context poses in this extent the special expression of their general rights and the special rights , and analyses the most phenomena that infringe on the rights of consumers in the society .

  17. 接受消费者教育的权利获取充足的消费信息,在有议价能力的基础上作出明智的购买决定,以及知道消费者应有的基本权责和付诸实行。

    The right to consumer education - To acquire knowledge and skills needed to make informed , confident choices about goods and services , while being aware of basic consumer rights and responsibilities and how to act on them .

  18. 这种行为违背了市场经济自由、公平的竞争规则,阻碍了全国统一大市场的形成,侵犯了广大经营者和消费者的基本权利,导致了行政权力的寻租和政治的腐败,是一种违法行为。

    Such behavior goes against market economic rule of freedom and fair , blocks the formant of national big market , encroaches basic rights of many proprietors and consumers , brings about " looking for rents " of executive power and political corruption , is illegal behavior .

  19. 第十条消费者享有公平交易的权利。

    Article 10 A consumer shall have the right to fair dealing .

  20. 此质保给予消费者具体的法律权利。

    This warranty statement gives the customer specific legal rights .

  21. 这将为消费者的选择和权利提供简明的信息。

    It will provide simple and clear information to consumers about their choices and their rights .

  22. 消费者受教育的权利

    The right to consumer education

  23. 条例同时赋予消费者有限的新权利来防止个人隐私落入不法者手中。

    The rules also give consumers limited new powers to prevent sensitive data from slipping into the wrong hands .

  24. 在美国,消费者享有的类似权利救济更多地来源于商业实践中广泛而成熟的无因退货制度,它在一定程度上弥补了消费者撤回权立法的不足。

    But there is extensive and mature return policy in American business practices , which to a certain extent have the similar effects as the right of withdrawal , and make up for the deficiencies of the legislation .

  25. 相比消费者的几种基本权利中,知情权是与日常生活联系最为密切,也是引起消费者的主观感受最为强烈的一项法定权利,我国对消费者知情权的保护做了详细的规定。

    Comparing these fundamental rights of the consumer , the right to know is the most closely connected with everyday life . Also , it caused the most intense subjective feelings of consumers . Our government made a lot of regulations to protect the right to know for consumers .

  26. 通过分析,我们发现这些交易规则和制度体系的相当一部分是通过规制交易双方当事人&金融消费者与金融经营者的权利义务来实现交易公平这一终极目标。

    Analysis of the trade rules and system reveal that the rights and obligations of both sides involved could realize fair deal , which is the ultimate object .

  27. 这与美国相比,真是一个天一个地。当然,美国的消费者更清楚他们的权利,甚至是变得滥用自己的权利。

    This is quite different from the U.S. , of course , where consumers are more than aware of their rights , and might even tend to abuse them .

  28. 消费者知情权是消费者的基本权利之一,随着社会的发展法治也不断完善,人们逐渐了解并重视到这项权利。

    The consumers ' right to know is one of the basic rights of consumers , along with the development of society , the rule of law is also constantly perfect people gradually understand and attention to this right .

  29. 消费者安全权是消费者最基本的首要权利。

    Consumers ' safety right is the primary right , and also the most basic right .

  30. 法律社会化思潮和消费者运动的蓬勃发展,使消费者的权利意识逐渐增强。

    Legal socialization of thought and the vigorous development of the consumer movement make consumers aware of their rights gradually .