
  • 网络Consumer Action;consumer activism
  1. 为飞机乘客代言的非盈利组织“航空消费者行动计划”(AviationConsumerActionProject)的常务董事保罗•哈德森(PaulHudson)说:“乘客本来就没有多少权利,而已成文的规定中有很多实际上并没有得到真正的贯彻。”

    Passengers have very few rights and many of the ones on paper are not really enforced , ' says Paul Hudson , executive director of the nonprofit Aviation Consumer Action Project , which advocates for airline passengers .

  2. 双向对称模式从理论上为我们提供了一个应对消费者行动主义者的策略模式,但仍需更多的实践验证。

    The two-way symmetrical model offers a theoretic approach , but needs more practice proof .

  3. 最后第五章,在前两章的深度分析之后,导入公共治理的框架,倡导政府、食品行业组织与消费者行动的合作治理。

    Finally , rafter previous two chapters ' depth analysis , the fifth chapter inducts the public governance frame and promotes the cooperation government which formed by government , food industry organizations and the consumers move .

  4. 提供可持续发展的正面例子也有助于消费者采取行动。

    Providing positive examples of sustainable development can also help consumers take action .

  5. 怎么能刺激消费者付诸行动?

    What will motivate the customer to act ?

  6. 广告作为一种特殊文本,其最终目的和功能是说服消费者采取行动购买宣传的产品或者服务。

    As a special text type , the purpose of advertising is to persuade the audience to get action to buy the products or services advertised .

  7. 在接受调查的公司中,大约有36%将召回案件的上升归结为过去5年内监管的趋紧,27%归结为消费者维权行动。

    Some 36 per cent of those surveyed attributed the recall increase to tighter regulation over the last five years and 27 per cent to consumer activism .

  8. 广告作为一种特殊的实用性文体,具有特殊的文体特征和明确的商业性目的:说服消费者采取行动购买产品或接受其服务。

    As a special pragmatic style , advertisements have particular stylistic features and definite commercial objectives : to persuade consumers to take action of purchasing the advertised products or to accept their service .

  9. Xbox仍然是微软进渗透进消费者家庭的行动的关键所在,因为该公司迄今推出的许多以消费者为导向的产品并未获得成功,比如windowsphone。

    The Xbox remains key to Microsoft 's efforts to penetrate consumers ' homes , as many of its other consumer-oriented products ─ such as Windows Phone ─ have stumbled .

  10. 默克尔敦促消费者采取一致行动来保护环境。

    Ms Merkel urged consumers to take concrete steps to protect the environment .

  11. 武汉的情况表明,中国消费者已经开始行动了但或许还不够快。

    Wuhan is evidence that Chinese consumers are finding their feet but perhaps not quickly enough .

  12. 撒钱的奇特性和反常性会不会引起人们的怀疑,导致消费者不敢采取行动?

    Would the unusual and eccentric nature of the device incite suspicion , which might cause consumers to hold off ?

  13. 要使绿色消费由时尚变为每个消费者的自觉行动,必须由房地产开发企业、政府、消费者三方相互配合,才能共同推进。

    To make green consumption by the fashion conscious action into every consumer , it must be real estate development business , government , consumers three complement each other in order to forge ahead .

  14. 从消费者的购买行动的决定因素来看,一类是消费者头脑中关于各个企业产品的信息结构,一类是消费者关于企业品牌的感性因素。

    From view of the decision factors on purchasing actions , there are two types of the decision factors . One type of factors is the products ' information structure in the consumer mind , the other is the consumer emotion factors about the brand .

  15. 自我主张与行动消费者必须以自我行动争取公平交易的权利。

    Involvement or action - consumers must assert themselves and act to ensure that they get a fair deal .

  16. 英汉广告语言在表达习惯、语言和文化上的差异都会使译文对广告的功能产生重要的影响,从而影响消费者最终采取消费行动。

    So , one thing should be noticed that the expressing way , the linguistic and cultural differences can have a strong impact on the function of advertising which will influence consumers ' final purchasing action .

  17. 广告的目的是引起消费者对某种信息或观念的关注,并劝服消费者采取行动,是要引起广告商和消费者之间的一种互动。

    Its purpose is to attract the consumers and persuade them to take certain actions , causing an active interaction between the advertisers and the consumers .

  18. 换句话说,营销人员希望向消费者头脑中灌输某些东西,改变消费者的态度,或者促使消费者采取某个行动。

    That is , the marketer might want to put something into the consumer 's mind , change an attitude , or get the consumer to act .