
xiāo fèi pǐn
  • consumer goods;consumption goods;articles of consumption
消费品 [xiāo fèi pǐn]
  • [consumer goods] 直接满足人们需要或欲望的经济物品

消费品[xiāo fèi pǐn]
  1. 第二部分,分析了发展农村消费品市场的必要性;

    Part two , It have analyzed the necessity of expanding the rural consumption goods market ;

  2. 由于消费品变得极大丰富,人们开始更多地休闲,而不是更多地消费。

    With a surfeit of consumption goods , people would start swapping greater consumption for greater leisure .

  3. 当地商店可供选择的消费品很少。

    The choice of consumer goods available in local shops is small .

  4. 可怜一下这个国家的店老板吧——5月份消费品的销售量又下滑了。

    Spare a thought for the nation 's shopkeepers — consumer sales slid again in May

  5. 冰箱、电视、自行车等耐用消费品被大批量地生产出来。

    Consumer durables such as refrigerators , television sets , bicycles and so on were produced in large quantities .

  6. 随着市场的放开,我认为人们将能够增加用于消费品的支出。

    As the market opens up , I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods

  7. 下一步是开发庞大的消费品市场。

    The next step is to tap the large market for consumer goods .

  8. 我们需要像铅笔、墨水和纸张这样的消费品。

    We need such expendable supplies as pencils , ink and paper .

  9. 此外,它能显著地增加未来的最终消费品生产,以及全部经济主体的实际收入。

    Furthermore , it can also significantly increase , in the future , the final production of consumer goods and the real income of all economic agents .

  10. 简单包装是另一个方法,将香烟从诱人的消费品重新归类到麻醉剂。

    Plain packaging would be another step in the reclassification of cigarettes from inviting consumer products to narcotics .

  11. “糖,酒和烟,”经济学家亚当·斯密曾写道,“绝不是生活的必需品,但是却成为几乎全世界人的消费品,因此,也成为了征税的绝佳对象。”

    Sugar , alcohol and tobacco , economist Adam Smith once wrote , are commodities which are nowhere necessaries of life , which have become objects of almost universal consumption , and which are , therefore , extremely popular subjects of taxation . "

  12. 该图表展现的是1972-1983十一年间英国耐久消费品的拥有量

    The table below shows the consumer durables owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983 .

  13. 签署协定的公司包括从宝洁和可口可乐这样的消费品巨头到阿斯达和马莎等超市,种类繁多。

    The companies range from consumer giants like Proctor and Gamble and Coca-Cola to supermarkets including Asda and Marks and Spencer .

  14. 5月7日至10日,首届中国国际消费品博览会将在海南省海口市举办。

    The first China International Consumer Products Expo is scheduled for May 7-10 in Haikou , capital of south China 's Hainan province .

  15. 全年社会消费品零售总额比上年下降3.9%。不过,12月份,社会消费品零售总额同比增长4.6%。

    Growth in retail sales came in at negative 3.9 percent year-on-year last year , but the growth recovered to positive 4.6 percent in December .

  16. 利用Logistic模型预测耐用消费品社会拥有量

    Forecast social possessive quantity of durable commodity by logistic model

  17. 以IT业、快速消费品业为基础,以制造业、IC业、新媒体及房地产为主攻方向。

    Based on IT and FMCG industries , specializing in Manufacturing and IC industries , in New Media and Real Estate .

  18. 证据之二是消费品委员会(ConsumerProductCommission),在过去数年中,该机构的工作人员少了,预算也至少削减了10%。

    Exhibit B is the Consumer Product Commission , where staff have been cut and budgets reduced by at least 10 per cent over the past few years .

  19. 社会消费品零售总额ARIMA模型的建立及预测

    Creating ARIMA Model by the Total Volume of Social Retail Consumer and Forecasting the Trend

  20. 这正是宝洁CEO麦睿博坚称的观点。他正在带领宝洁这个消费品巨头朝着数码时代的商业模式转变。

    That 's what CEO Bob McDonald is claiming , as he attempts to turn the consumer product giant into a model of business in the digital age .

  21. 印度工商联合会(FederationofIndianChambersofCommerceandIndustry)最近指出,中国资本和消费品进口突然增加,正在损害该国三分之二的中小企业。

    The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry recently noted that two-thirds of small and medium-sized enterprises are suffering from the sudden rise in imports of Chinese capital and consumer goods .

  22. 对我国GDP、M1和社会消费品零售总额等经济时间序列构造状态空间模型,并利用模型进行预测。实践表明,状态空间模型具有良好的预测效果。

    China 's economic time series such as GDP , M1 and total retail sale of consumer goods are used to set up the State Space Models .

  23. 杰夫•维斯蒙特曾是投资银行家,他创建了一家专注于消费品公司的对冲基金WestwoodsCapital。

    Jeff Westmont , a former investment banker , is the founder of westwoods capital , a consumer oriented hedge fund .

  24. 本文选取A、B、C、D、E五家处于电子消费品和汽车制造行业的上市公司作为研究对象来考察隐性存货驱动成本IDC(Inventory-DrivenCosts)对企业利润的影响程度。

    In this paper , five listed firms called A , B , C , D and E respectively are selected as the objectives to confirm how their Hidden IDC ( Inventory-Driven Costs ) influence their profitability .

  25. 市值达1650亿美元的消费品巨头宝洁(ProcterandGamble)在几秒钟内就遭受了37%的损失。

    Procter and gamble ( PG ) , the $ 165-billion consumer giant , lost 37 % of its market cap within seconds .

  26. 这个出乎意料的转型及它在众多工业领域和消费品上的成功应用使QNX得以与当时专注于PC软件开发的公司如微软公司(Microsoft)和IBM公司区分开来。

    This unintentional shift and successful deployment in so many industrial and consumer products helped differentiate QNX from other PC companies of the time like Microsoft ( MSFT ) and IBM ( IBM ) .

  27. 中外消费品公司高管们都喜欢援引麦肯锡(mckinsey)一份有创意的报告该报告预计,到2025年,中国城市居民将达到10亿人。

    Consumer goods company executives , both Chinese and foreign , love to quote a seminal McKinsey report predicting China would have 1bn city dwellers by 2025 .

  28. 在他接掌IOC之际,商业赞助商将目光转向体育运动,寻求新营销机遇,并将奥运会重新定位为推广世界最知名消费品的营销媒介。

    He took control as commercial sponsorship turned to sport for new marketing opportunities and re-oriented the games into a marketing vehicle for the world 's best-known consumer products .

  29. CF通常用于推荐各种消费品,比如说书籍、音乐和电影。

    CF is often used to recommend consumer items such as books , music , and movies , but it is also used in other applications where multiple actors need to collaborate to narrow down data .

  30. 另一方面,FDI的结构性偏斜却又加大了江苏三次产业的结构偏差、扩大了江苏三次产业发展水平和国际竞争力的差别,还助长了江苏消费品工业的过度扩张。

    On the other hand , the averted structural of FDI worsens deflection of the three industrial structures , widens the gap between the provincial three industrial levels and the international competitiveness , and indulges the overgrowth of the provincial consumer goods industry .