
  • 网络Traditional marketing channels;conventional marketing channel
  1. 在B2C领域,传统营销渠道与网络营销渠道是一对相互竞争的矛盾。

    In B2C area , traditional marketing channel and Internet marketing channel is a pair of contradictions .

  2. 笔者通过对传统营销渠道模式的优劣势比较分析,运用SWOT分析法等较为详尽的分析了塔机制造企业在新的市场形势下如何进行营销渠道模式的选择。

    Through the traditional mode of marketing channels comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of using the SWOT analysis , case analysis and other more detailed analysis of the industrial manufacturing enterprises in the new market situation , how the choice of marketing channel mode .

  3. 为适应网络经济时代全球化竞争的需要,我国企业必须重视研究消费者需求及其行为的变化,在改革传统营销渠道模式的基础上,应建立新的需求导向(拉动)型的ECR营销渠道模式。

    With the globalized competition of network economy era , China 's enterprises must study the changes in consumer 's demands and related behavior On the basis of reforming traditional marketing channel model , new ECR marketing channel model of demand drawing must be established .

  4. 网络营销与传统营销渠道的冲突及整合探析

    A Study on Channel Conflicts and Integration of Network Marketing and Traditional Marketing

  5. 论制造商网络营销与传统营销渠道冲突的管理策略

    On the strategies for conflict management of Internet marketing channels and traditional marketing channels

  6. 通过对传统营销渠道与网络营销渠道的比较分析阐明了网络营销渠道的优势。

    The essay researches the advantages of the internet marketing channel by comparing with the traditional channel and the internet channel .

  7. 进一步阐述了专业对讲机生产企业面对激烈的市场竞争环境,对传统营销渠道进行变革的必要性。

    Further elaborated special field transceiver enterprise face intensive market competitive environment and it is necessary to transform for traditional sales channels .

  8. 第二章回顾了历年来各类学者对营销渠道选择的研究,其中包括对传统营销渠道选择和网络营销渠道选择的文献;

    Chapter 2 reviews the literature on marketing channel choice , including traditional marketing channel choice and the internet marketing channel choice ;

  9. 在前台整合方面,我们可以将电子商务渠道与传统营销渠道的目标市场分成三大块:电子商务独有目标市场、传统渠道独有市场、共有目标市场。

    We can divide the object market into three parts : pure e-commercial object market . traditional object market and common object market .

  10. 这种新型营销渠道的加入不可避免地会对传统营销渠道的利益产生巨大的冲击,从而导致渠道冲突。

    The initiation of such new marketing channels will inevitably have a huge impact on the interests of the traditional marketing channels , leading to channel conflict .

  11. 由于渠道成员之间存在目标冲突、领域冲突及理解冲突,网络营销渠道与传统营销渠道间的冲突不可避免。

    As conflicts exist among the members involved in marketing in their targets , territories and understanding , differences and competition are inevitable between the Internet marketing channels and the traditional marketing channels .

  12. 但是这些企业中很多都是依靠传统营销渠道的支持得以发展壮大的,引入电子营销渠道后,很难保证传统营销渠道与电子营销渠道间不会发生利益上的冲突。

    But the problem is many of these companies relied on tradition distribution channel to develop , it is hard to say no conflict will occur after they adopt Internet as another distribution channel .

  13. 第三章全面讲述了传统营销渠道模式及其演变过程和中国企业的营销渠道模式发展现状,包括了传统渠道模式、垂直渠道模式、水平渠道模式和多渠道模式;

    The third chapter has narrated the traditional channel pattern and its evolution and the marketing channel pattern of Chinese enterprises . The patterns include traditional pattern , vertical channel pattern , horizontal channel pattern and multi-channel pattern .

  14. 本文通过对传统营销渠道的分析,指出了传统营销渠道中存在的问题,提出了企业应注重营销渠道的观念及策略创新,以提高企业的整体效益。

    Based on the study of some problems existing in traditional marketing channel , the writer of the article suggests that an enterprise should attach great importance to the innovation in marketing ideas and tactics for better overall benefits .

  15. 网上购物作为一种新的营销渠道,为消费者提供丰富的商品信息和个性化服务,允许消费者随时随地进行购物,相对于传统营销渠道拥有天然的竞争优势。

    As a new marketing channel , the online shopping supplies consumers with rich information about commodities and characteristic services , which can allow them to shop at anytime they like . Comparing with the traditional marketing channels , it owns some natural advantages .

  16. 在未来5到10年内,旅游业大部分传统的营销渠道将会被网络所取代。

    In next five or ten years , the most traditional marketing channel of tourism will be replaced by network .

  17. 然而,在目前的市场环境下,我国企业沿用的仍然是传统的营销渠道模式,这种模式在效率、成本和可控性等方面存在着问题。

    However , under the present marketing environment , Chinese enterprises have been continuing to adopt the traditional marketing channel , which lacks efficiency and controllability and costs much .

  18. 目前,人保财险大连分公司主要的营销渠道仍然局限于传统的直销营销渠道和个人代理人渠道,已经远远不能适应迅速变化的保险市场环境和个性化的消费者的保险需求。

    Nowadays , PICC Dalian branch are still using traditional marketing channel , which cannot meet the fast changing market and the individual demands of insurance customers .

  19. 文中提出要根据产品和服务本身的特点,结合电子商务环境的状况,动态地、发展地管理网络营销和传统营销间的渠道冲突,以达到增强企业竞争力的目的。

    This paper argues that in order to enhance the competitiveness of the enterprises , the manufacturers should adopt dynamic and developing management strategies to effectively manage the conflicts between the Internet marketing channels and the traditional marketing channels .

  20. 随着现代农业市场化程度的不断提高,传统的农产品营销渠道己不能适应新的市场经济形势和农产品营销发展的需要。

    With the continuous improvement of modern agricultural , the traditional marketing channels of agricultural products have not adapt to the new situation of market economy and the needs of the development of agricultural products marketing .

  21. 从传统的渠道模式的问题和成因出发,找出传统服务营销渠道的特征,对传统服务营销渠道进行分类并对服务营销渠道建设提供基本思路;

    The feature of finding out traditional service sale channel from cause and the problem of traditional channel pattern , classify for traditional service sale channel offer for serving sale channel construction Basic way of thinking ;