
  1. CCTV黄金资源广告传播价值分析

    An analysis of The Value of CCTV Prime Time Advertising Commercial

  2. 部分品牌也纷纷在App的世界里发布其应用,想以最快的速度在移动互联网世界里抢占先机树立形象,产生传播价值。

    Some brands are in the world of App , its application to the fastest speed in the mobile Internet world first sets up the image , produce spread value .

  3. 省级卫视传播价值何在?

    What Is the Value of Provincial - Level Satellite Broadcasting ?

  4. 广告传播价值及其外部性诠释

    The Value of Advertising Communication and the Interpretation of Its Externality

  5. 论网络教育的文化传播价值

    On the Value of Web - based Education in Culture Dissemination

  6. 浅谈名记者的新闻传播价值

    Brief Comment on Value of News Propaganda Reported by Famous Journalists

  7. 一个电视频道的传播价值是由多方面因素决定的。

    The value of a TV channel is determined by many factors .

  8. 从传播价值看新闻的写作

    The News Writing from the View of Communication Value

  9. 如何评估电视栏目的广告传播价值

    How To Evaluate Advertising Broadcasting Value of TV Programs

  10. 新闻发现是指对事物传播价值和传播效果的发现。

    News discovery means the discovery of communication value and effect of objects .

  11. 网游作为广告载体的传播价值及应用对策

    Communication Values and Applications of Online Games Advertising

  12. 原生态民歌的电视传播价值

    The Values Study on Chinese Original Folk Songs in the Field of TV Communication

  13. 图形设计及其传播价值

    Graphic Design and its Communication Value

  14. 信息技术对科技期刊传播价值链的影响与变革

    Influence and Innovation of Information Technology on the Dissemination Value Chain of Science and Technology Periodicals

  15. 赞助营销的本质和传播价值研究

    Nature and Communication Value of Sponsorship

  16. 新闻传播价值体系的嬗变

    Transmutation of News Propagation Value System

  17. 社会价值包括文化传播价值、经济发展价值、政治价值。

    The society value includes cultural diffusion and innovation value , economic development value and politics value .

  18. 提出按事实的重要程度和传播价值的大小来安排新闻结构的基本要求。

    He claims to order news constitutions base on the importance of facts and value of communication .

  19. 追求实效和传播价值的消息写作历来受到媒体发展和技术工具更新的影响。

    Effectiveness pursuing and communication valued news writing is affected by the media development and technical tool update .

  20. 长春亚冬会品牌传播价值与招商价值评估报告与应用效果

    An Evaluation Paper and Applicable Effectiveness on Brand Communicational Value and Commercial Value of the Changchun Asia Winter Games

  21. 国内对其研究主要从三方面出发:文化传播价值;语言和语体特征;翻译策略。

    Former studies on it are mainly from such perspectives as language and style , cultural transmission , and translation strategy .

  22. 仪式直播中表演的传播价值选择&对奥运开幕式‘假唱’事件的思考

    On Choice of Communication Values in Live Broadcast of Ceremonies : A Case Study of " Lip-synch Event " in Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony

  23. 在新闻写作中,“报道思想”是新闻工作者认识到的传播价值观念。

    In news writing ," reporting thinking " is of the propagating values which journalists realize , and which is also " writing intention " .

  24. 它们的发展、特色和传播价值对于财经类电视谈话节目今后的发展趋势和创新有极大的参考依据和借鉴价值。

    Their development , characteristics and the value of communication have a great reference and value for trends and innovations of financial TV talk show .

  25. 史态类新闻的复活不但根基于其丰富的理论与实践基础,更得力于其内在的多重传播价值。

    The revival of history-oriented journalism is based on a rich foundation of theory and practice , and strengthened by its inner multiple communicative values .

  26. 第三章进一步研究《搜神记》中死而复生的价值。包括民族心理观念价值、文学价值、审美价值、传播价值以及民俗价值五大价值。

    Chapter three further researches on the value of reviving in this novel , including ethno psychological value , literature value , aesthetic value , dissemination value and folk value .

  27. 在一个大众化和泛娱乐化的社会中,图像是最具有传播价值的,因为它简洁、直观、生动,具有视觉上的优先性和强大的冲击力。

    Pictures have the greatest transmission value in a popularized and vast entertained society : they are simple , direct-viewing and lively , have visual priority and powerful shocking effect .

  28. 电信运营商作为信息通信和传播价值链中的重要单元,应该适应现代信息社会人们对信息需求的这种变革,使自己从通信运营商逐步演变为信息运营商。

    As the important unit in the value chain of information communication and spread , telecommunication operators ought to be compliant to the requirement transformation among the modern information society .

  29. 因此,小说选本的价值是多重的,具有阅读与传播价值、理论批评价值和小说史、文学史价值。

    Therefore , the fiction anthology has multi-values , embodying the value for reading and spreading , the value of theoretical criticism and the value of fiction history and literature history .

  30. 出国留学教育的价值在高等教育领域主要体现在六个方面:文化价值、经济价值、思想价值、知识传播价值、发展价值和人才培养价值。

    The importance of studying abroad education mainly has the following six aspects : Cultural value , Economic value , Disseminating knowledge value , Conceptual value , Potential value and Cultivating talents value .