
chuán sòng
  • transmit;transfer;convey;deliver;circulate
传送 [chuán sòng]
  • (1) [convey]∶把一处的东西送到另一处

  • (2) [transmit]∶通过媒介传递

  • 由短波无线电传送的一则消息

传送[chuán sòng]
  1. 这是目前传送电子邮件等某些类型的数据的最高效方式。

    This is currently the most efficient way to transmit certain types of data like electronic mail

  2. 723压缩算法对得到的语音信号进行压缩,最后通过网卡芯片将信号传送至internet。

    723 mode , and last transmit the signal to internet .

  3. 从这些仪器得到的数据用遥测仪传送到实验室。

    Data from these instruments is telemetered to the laboratory .

  4. 搜索队被传送到那个星球的表面。

    The search party was teleported down to the planet 's surface .

  5. 讲话经广播系统传送出去。

    The speech was piped over a public address system .

  6. 新闻节目是通过卫星传送到我们这里来的。

    The news programme came to us via satellite .

  7. 信息从神经末梢沿脊柱传送到大脑。

    Messages travel along the spine from the nerve endings to the brain .

  8. 声音信号可以通过电缆传送而不失真。

    Audio signals can be transmitted along cables without distortion .

  9. 它被传送带直接送到了那边。

    It was taken right there on a conveyor belt .

  10. 一根细电缆将信号传送给一台计算机。

    A thin cable carries the signal to a computer

  11. 该间谍团伙向敌方传送秘密情报。

    The spy ring passed secrets to the enemy .

  12. 信息通过电子方式传送到各所学校和学院。

    The information is electronically transmitted to schools and colleges

  13. 潮湿的砖块由传送带送进另一间小屋进行干燥。

    The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry .

  14. 这个系统不间断地监控辐射水平,并将信息传送到中央计算机。

    This system continuously monitors levels of radiation and relays the information to a central computer

  15. 传送带会发出刺耳的噪音并释放出乌黑的橡胶颗粒。

    The belt may make a squealing noise and throw off sooty black particles of rubber

  16. 电视摄像机把这场战争彻头彻尾的恐怖传送到全世界的千家万户。

    Television cameras are carrying the full horror of this war into homes around the world

  17. 在传送情况良好时,可以收到外国电台。

    When the transmission is good , foreign stations can be heard .

  18. 我委托他传送。

    I entrusted him with its transmission .

  19. 村里的邮件都由他传送。

    He 's the postal delivery man in his village .

  20. 厨房和餐室之间有一个传送饭菜的窗口。

    There 's a hatch between the kitchen and dining room for serving food .

  21. 不存在进位传送项。

    No carry-propagation takes place .

  22. 最奇怪的机器有一个"传送功能",它将在一秒钟内把人们带到不同的地方!

    The strangest machine includes a ‘ teleport'which will take people to a different place in a second !

  23. 多媒体智能专事于将IP为基础的视频传送至多屏幕的市场和技术。

    For example : MultiMedia Intelligence specializes on the markets and technologies for delivering IP-based video to the ' nth ' screen .

  24. 犹如一条承载着悲欢离合的传送带。

    A conveyor belt of celebration , but also of condolence .

  25. 解析范本,并传送到标准输出(浏览器)

    Parses template and sends to standard output ( Browser ) .

  26. 在总线传送操作期间,字节可以无限发送或接收。

    The bytes can be unlimitedly sent or received during the bus transfer operation .

  27. 从卫星传送来的信号

    signals transmitted from a satellite

  28. 如果雇员的个人计算机与该机构的网络相连,那么,雇员就可以把这个列表程序传送给网络上的另一位用户。

    If the employee 's computer is connected to the organization 's network . the employee may send the listing program to another user over the network .

  29. 预生成Web页面是为了解决无延迟传送Web页面而提出的一种解决方案。

    Pre-generating web pages has been proposed as a solution to deliver pages without delays .

  30. InternetGIS上矢量型空间数据传送的最优化策略

    Optimization Strategy for Spatial Vector Data Transmission in Internet GIS