
  • 网络conductive bundle
  1. 术后DTI显示对照组5例患者因手术导致传导束受损,研究组2例损伤。

    Postoperatively , DTI showed white matter tracts were damaged in 5 cases in the control group and 2 cases in the study group and all of the 7 patients developed corresponding disability .

  2. 55例(71.4%)符合原因不明的病窦综合征或原发性传导束退化症(PHBD)。

    Most of the patients ( 71.4 % ) fell into the SSS of unknown cause or primary His bundle degeneration ( PHBD ) .

  3. 结论采用单次磁或电震刺激MEP仍能客观反映脊髓运动传导束的功能状态,电和磁刺激MEP之间存在一定程度的同源成份,可以作为临床与动物实验比较研究的依据。

    Conclusion MEP elicited by single magnetic or electric stimulation can reflect the functional status of the motor tracts in the spinal cord . Some co-origin components exist between electric MEP and magnetic MEP , which can be used as the comparative foundation for the clinical and experimental researches .

  4. 预激综合征异常房室传导束切断的外科治疗

    Surgical treatment of preexcitation syndrome by interruption accessory atrioventricular conduction pathway

  5. 两组均未观察到有结样细胞或形成传导束的特殊细胞。

    No special node-like cells were observed in two groups .

  6. 术中注意避免损伤传导束和冠状血管。

    Care should be taken to avoid injury of atrioventricular node and coronary vessels .

  7. 心脏传导束染色的实验研究

    Experimental study on heart conduction system staining

  8. 周围神经移植联合神经营养因子修复脊髓传导束的实验研究

    The experimental study of repair of spinal tracts with peripheral nerve graft combined with neurotrophic factors

  9. 体外循环心内直视手术应用碘气染色显示传导束的动物实验及临床应用

    The application of iodine gas staining for conduction system in experimental study and clinical practice during cardiac surgery

  10. 提供脑肿瘤与脑运动皮质区和运动传导束即锥体束的位置关系信息,制定手术方案。

    The relationship between motor cortical area , pyramidal tracts and brain gliomas was demonstrated , which was used to optimize-the pre-surgical planning .

  11. 防止传导束损伤及恢复二尖瓣功能是手术成功的关键,对心脏传导解剖的正确认识和术者丰富的手术经验是手术成功的保证。

    The key to the successful surgery is to avoid the damage of conduction system of heart and to rehabilitate the function of mitral valve .

  12. 52例经6个月到6年随诊,证实异常房室传导束切断成功率为94.3%。

    Follow-up for 6 months to 6 years in 52 patients , in 94.3 % of them complete section of the accessory atrioventricular conduction pathway was confirmed .

  13. 方法:18例风湿性心脏病合并慢性心房颤动的患者在行二尖瓣置换术的同时行窦性心律疏导术,其所有切口都平行于传导束和心房动脉。

    Methods : A total of 18 patients with rheumatic heart disease and atrial fibrillation were performed mitral valve re - placement , simultaneously underwent SPDP . Every incision of SPDP parallels natural impulse conduction pathway and atrial artery .

  14. 结论局限性主动脉瓣下狭窄是进展性的疾病,需掌握该病的病理解剖和手术适应症,手术关键是彻底解除狭窄,同时防止对主动脉瓣、二尖瓣及传导束的损伤。

    Conclusion DSAS is a progressive disease , Better knowledge of pathological anatomy , timing of surgery , the key to the operation is that left ventricular outflow tract should be thoroughly dredged , no injury should be made to the aortic valve , mitral valve and conduction bundle .

  15. 【结果】在窦性心律失常、房性心律失常、室性心律失常、房室传导阻滞及束支阻滞的发生率,老年组高于非老年组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    【 Results 】 In the sinus arrhythmias 、 atrial arrhythmias 、 ventricular arrhythmias 、 auriculo-ventricular block and bundle branch block , the occurring rates of elder group were higher than non-elder group ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) .

  16. 一种头发粗细的纤维,由玻璃制成,能传导光线,成束使用以传输图像。

    A hair-thin fiber made of glass that functions as a waveguide for light ; used in bundles to transmit images .