
  • 网络Consciousness;states of consciousness;MCS;conscious state
  1. 多因素Logistic回归分析:意识状态分级、术后并发症、出血部位有统计学意义(P<0.10)。

    Multivariate Logistic regression results : consciousness state grade , complications after operation , and locations of hematoma had statistic significance ( P < 0.10 ) .

  2. 单因素分析:术前MAP、意识状态分级、GCS值、血肿形态、出血部位、血肿量、血肿是否破入脑室、血肿是否复发、及术后并发症等有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Univariate analysis results : MAP , GCS , consciousness state grade , shape of hematoma , locations of hematoma , volume of hematoma , whether hematoma break into ventricle or not , hematoma recur , and complications post-operation had statistic significance ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 并根据OAA/S及VRS评分,记录患者意识状态、疼痛评分及副反应情况。

    The cognitive funtion , pain score and side effects after operation were recorded by OAA / S and VRS score .

  4. 结果:血栓组和非血栓组意识状态、出血部位分别进行X~2检验,P>0.05,无显著性差异。对出血量进行X~2检验,≤30ml组P>O。

    Results : To check X2 test for consciousness , the location of cerebral hemorrhage for thrombus group and non-thrombus group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 所以,并不是说精神分析的无意识状态就是真实。

    It 's not that the psychoanalytic unconscious is telling the truth .

  6. “绵延”是生命的本质,也是自我的意识状态。

    ' continuity'is the essence of life and self consciousness .

  7. 数量化脑电图监测异丙酚麻醉时意识状态

    Quantitative Electroencephalogram Monitor the Consciousness to Unconsciousness During Propofol Anesthesia

  8. 我真遗憾自己处于无意识状态,没法清醒地享受那一切。

    I am just sorry I wasn 't conscious to enjoy it .

  9. 他发现,在无意识状态下做出的复杂决定似乎结果最好。

    He found that such complex decisions seem to be best made subconsciously .

  10. RE对于意识状态变化的反应更为敏感。

    RE is more sensitive to the changes in the level of sedation .

  11. 任何情况需要下作出的反应都会处于那种意识状态下油然而生。

    Whatever response is needed then arises out of that state of consciousness .

  12. 我整日整夜都在无意识状态。

    I was not conscious of day and night .

  13. 我们无法在我们的主观的意识状态中观察客观的世界。

    We cannot observe the objective world in our subjective states of consciousness .

  14. 在无意识状态下不加修饰地写出整个想法。

    Automatic writing without editing of the whole idea .

  15. 他们一旦进入无意识状态.他们的存在就消失在黑暗中

    As soon as they became unconscious their very existence faded away into darkness .

  16. 目的评价熵指数在全麻苏醒期监测患者意识状态的效能。

    Efficacy of spectral entropy in measurement of depth of anesthesia and noxious stimulation ;

  17. 你们的星球正处在移进全意识状态的最后步骤中。

    Your planet is in the final stages of moving herself into full consciousness .

  18. 催眠和变更意识状态的探索与思考

    Exploring and Thinking about Altered State of Consciousness

  19. 这种1小时的有意识状态被认为是最佳的适应时间。

    This small window of consciousness was renowned as the best time for boning .

  20. 第三种意识状态就是记得自己。

    The third state of consciousness is self-remembering .

  21. 作者们表示:有经验的人都是在下意识状态下做出大多数决策的。

    People with experience do most of their decision-making subconsciously , the authors say .

  22. 夫妻一个理解,生活在一个扩展的意识状态,以及获得的启示。

    One understands Non-Duality , Lives in an Extended State of Consciousness and Attains Enlightenment .

  23. 从无意识状态里面浮上来的。

    Just floated up from my subconscious .

  24. 时间、空间与意识状态是柏格森时间哲学中的三个核心概念。

    Time , space and conscious state are three core concepts in Bergson 's time philosophy .

  25. 通过翻正反射判断大鼠意识状态的改变;通过脑电图判断脑电活动变化。

    Changes in the conscious state were judged by loss of righting reflex ( LOR ) .

  26. 并不仅仅是当你在进行创作性的工作时才进入那个意识状态。

    Not just be confined to that state of consciousness when you do your creative work .

  27. 智慧作为知识的内在意识状态,并不总是以外显的形式表现出来。

    As inner consciousness state of knowledge , wisdom is not always appeared with explicit form .

  28. 结果就是,数目不断增加的个体们将进入非理性的意识状态。

    And as a result , increasing numbers of individuals will enter irrational states of consciousness .

  29. 通过仪式或礼拜,他的心志完全投入到更高的意识状态。

    Through ceremony , or puja , he focuses his mind to a higher state of consciousness .

  30. 非常意识状态

    Non-ordinary State of Consciousness