
xīn tiào
  • heartbeat;palpitation;pant;cardiopalmus
心跳 [xīn tiào]
  • [palpitation] 心脏跳动

心跳[xīn tiào]
  1. 随着他的走近,她觉得自己的心跳加速了。

    She felt her heartbeat quicken as he approached .

  2. 她的心跳平稳下来。

    Her heartbeat steadied .

  3. 病人的心跳停顿了几秒钟。

    The patient 's heart stopped beating for a few seconds .

  4. 在见到她的一刹那,他的心跳顿了一下。

    His heart missed a beat when he saw her .

  5. 他听得到自己的心跳。

    He could hear the beating of his own heart .

  6. 他在送往医院途中停止了心跳。

    He arrested on the way to the hospital .

  7. 我的心跳开始加快。

    My heart started to beat more quickly .

  8. 她心跳正常。

    Her heart is beating normally .

  9. 她的心跳加快。

    Her heart beat faster .

  10. 屋内唯一的声音就是他的心跳声。

    The only sound inside was the beating of his heart

  11. 我们都知道太卖命了会导致心跳加速。

    We all know that when we exert ourselves our heart rate increases .

  12. 她心跳加快,满心喜悦。

    Her heart beat so fast and she was full to the brim with joy .

  13. 她控制不住地心跳加速。

    Her heart raced uncontrollably .

  14. 他看到苏珊时感觉自己心跳加快了。

    He felt his heart quicken when he saw Susan .

  15. 她的心跳得很快。

    Her heart is beating fast .

  16. 我有些心跳。

    My heart is beating a bit too fast .

  17. 这台仪器监听病人的心跳。

    This instrument monitors the patient 's heartbeats .

  18. 他因激动而心跳得厉害。

    His heart fluttered with excitement .

  19. 他的心跳不规则。

    His heartbeat was un-steady .

  20. 企业已经羸了一半,科技的确渗透到了我们生活的方方面面,记录我们的步数和心跳。

    Companies have already won part of the battle , having driven tech into every part of our lives , tracking our steps and our very heartbeats .

  21. 幸运与他们同在:巴黎的心跳恢复了。

    Luck stayed with them : Paris ' heartbeat returned .

  22. 轮到她时,她的心跳得很快。

    When it was her turn , her heart was beating very fast .

  23. 我感觉很兴奋,我的心跳很快。

    I felt excited.My heart beat fast .

  24. 问题就是要维持心跳的规律性。

    The idea is to maintain the regularity of the heartbeat .

  25. 当看到他在做什么时,威伯的心跳几乎都停止了。

    Wilbur ’ s heart almost stopped when he saw what was going on .

  26. 我们应该在正确的目标下,以心跳的速度来计算时间。

    We should count time by heart throbs , in the cause of right .

  27. 范妮的心跳得快了起来,她不敢猜测她往下讲些什么,也不敢求她再往下讲

    Fanny 's heart beat quick , and she felt quite unequal to surmising or soliciting any more .

  28. 常见症状有:呼吸加速、出汗、畏惧、气短、恶心、心跳不规律。

    Some of the common symptoms of this phobic condition include rapid breathing , sweating , feeling of dread and irregular heartbeat .

  29. 你的心跳加速,呼吸急促,赶紧把手伸进兜里,发现手机还在那里,才感到了一丝欣慰。

    Your heart rate accelerates , you feel short of breath , you reach quickly to your pocket and feel a wave of relief as you find your phone is still there .

  30. 我们的眼睛始终离不开屏幕,心跳加快,而这样我们就不会错过任何一个人物、场景或台词。

    All of this makes our hearts beat faster while our eyes are stuck to the screen so that we don ’ t miss a single character , scene , or word .