
  • 网络SERIE A;Series A;Italian Serie A
  1. 在他掌管下,AC米兰赢得了8次意甲冠军和5次欧洲冠军杯/欧冠联赛冠军,比意大利其他任何足球俱乐部都多。

    Under his ownership AC Milan won eight Serie A titles and five European Champions League , more than any other Italian club .

  2. AC米兰说卡卡在任何时候都是是非卖品,尽管拉尔德隆说他希望卡卡能为转会离开意甲做出努力。

    AC Milan have said that Kaka is not for sale under any circumstances , although Calderon has said he hoped the player would push for a move away from the Serie A side .

  3. 有了这三驾马车,AC米兰赢得了后来的四个意甲冠军杯。

    With this trio , AC Milan won their next four Scudettos .

  4. 利物浦打算在冬季转会窗开启之时与意甲豪门AC米兰争夺日本球星本田圭佑。

    Liverpool are ready to challenge AC Milan for the services of Japanese superstar Keisuke Honda .

  5. 本周日意甲AC米兰与切沃遭遇,贝克汉姆由于跟腱开裂而中途退场。

    Beckham pulled up during AC Milan 's Serie A encounter with Chievo on Sunday night after rupturing his tendon .

  6. 在早先在AC米兰的职业生涯中,他只参加了两场比赛,并且在5年前,他表示种族歧视将会使他不会再回到意甲赛场。

    Formerly with AC Milan , with whom he played only two games , he promised five years ago that racism would prevent him from returning to Serie A.

  7. 还有利物浦队的杰拉德,切尔西队的特里,AC米兰队的卡卡是唯一入选的意甲联赛球员。

    Liverpool also has Steven Gerrard , John Terry is the only Chelsea player on the lineup and AC Milan 's Kaka is the lone star from Italy 's Serie A.

  8. 在1997年国际米兰(InterMilan)对阵尤文图斯(Juventus)的一场意甲比赛中,边裁示意进攻队员没有越位,因此他判定国际米兰一粒进球有效。

    In a 1997 Italian Serie A match between Inter Milan and Juventus , he awarded a goal to Inter after his linesman indicated an attacking player was onside .

  9. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)2013年进行的一项调查显示,2000-2012年,所有西甲联赛冠军由三支球队瓜分;在意甲和英超,三支球队瓜分了92%的联赛冠军头衔;在德甲,这个数字为83%。

    A 2013 study published by the European Commissionfound that between 2000 and 2012 the same three teams won 100 % of the league titles in Spain , 92 % in Italy and England , and 83 % in Germany .

  10. 在过去的两年里,艾力森一直效力于意甲球队ASRoma,他在2016年7月完成了转会。

    Alisson has played for AS Roma - an Italian Serie A team - for the past two years , having completed his transfer to the side in July 2016 .

  11. 他总共代表国际米兰在意甲出场476次。

    He collected a total of476 Serie A appearances for Inter .

  12. 我们有更多的时间来准备意甲的比赛。

    We will have more time to prepare for the league .

  13. 1968年,米兰队先后获得意甲冠军杯和优胜者杯冠军。

    In1968 AC Milan won the Scudetto and the Cup Winners Cup16 .

  14. 意甲领头羊同样对小罗的队友德科感兴趣。

    The Serie A champs also interested in Ronie 's teammate Deco .

  15. 罗西在2004年7月从意甲帕尔玛转会曼联。

    Rossi joined United in July 2004 from Serie A side Parma .

  16. 我认为我们能在本赛季拿到意甲亚军。

    I think we can secure second place in Serie A this season .

  17. 至于第二个问题,每一个意甲的冠军都是特别的。

    As for the second question , every Serie A title has been special .

  18. 我知道作为意甲最好的几支球队之一,他们最终会展露锋芒的。

    I knew they would eventually emerge as one of the best sides in Serie A.

  19. 不过该俱乐部在过去12年中只赢得了一次意甲冠军。

    But it has only won the Italian championship once in the last 12 years .

  20. 当你为国米赢得意甲冠军的时候,你的感受如何?

    How did you feel when you received the Serie A trophy for Inter Milan ?

  21. 曼城已经是最佳状态了,因为英超要比意甲先开赛。

    Manchester City were already in good shape because the Premier League begins before Serie A.

  22. 在意甲保级附加赛之后,拉齐奥似乎想要与博洛尼亚关于伊格利·塔雷进行商谈。

    After the playoffs it seems Lazio wants to talk to Bologna about Igli Tare .

  23. 安德烈-舍甫琴科的经纪人表示他的雇主不会回到意甲踢球。

    Andrei Shevchenko 's agent has ruled out a return to Italy for the Chelsea striker .

  24. 意甲新赛季电影展

    Serie A new movie show

  25. 我们都很放松,我们统治了本赛季的意甲,我们最终会取得头名。

    We 're relaxed , we 've dominated this championship and will finish top of the table .

  26. 在电话门丑闻之后,老夫人失去了2005和2006年意甲冠军,他们也由此降级。

    The2005and2006titles were stripped from the old lady after the Calciopoli scandal , leading to their demotion .

  27. 我们有一种感觉,有很多人看到国米排名意甲榜首就会很气愤。

    We get the feeling that seeing Inter on top of the table irritates a lot of people .

  28. 我们不是意甲的国王,但我们是胜利的骑士。

    Even if Juve is not the king of Italy 's football , it is always crowned victory .

  29. 上赛季,他在32场意甲联赛中攻入了23粒进球,且有6球是在9场冠军联赛中攻进的。

    Last season , he hit23 goals in32 Serie A games and six in nine Champions League matches .

  30. 亚特兰大后卫里瓦尔塔本赛季的表现已经引起了多家意甲大俱乐部的兴趣。

    The form of Atalanta defender Claudio Rivalta this season has attracted the interest of bigger Serie A clubs .