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  • cranial cavity
颅腔 [lú qiāng]
  • [cranial cavity] 由颅骨借缝隙或软骨紧密相连构成的腔隙,以容纳、保护脑、感觉器官及消化、呼吸器官的起始部

颅腔[lú qiāng]
  1. 结果:35例患者效果良好,其中23例随访3至36月,经头颅CT检查钛板位置良好,颅腔恢复正常结构和形态,未见变形、移位等征象。

    Results All the patients have good effect after operation , 23 cases were followed up 3-36 months . CT scan found that the position of titanium plate was fine and the cranial cavity recovered to normal structure and shape . There was no signs of disfiguration and shifting .

  2. 封闭的颅腔内急性脑肿胀是非常危险的。

    Acute brain swelling in the closed cranial cavity is serious .

  3. ChiariⅠ畸形颅腔(脑)MR测量研究

    Mr morphometric study of cranial cavity ( brain ) in Chiari I malformation

  4. 同时应用MRI测量颅腔结构,线性测量包括侧脑室颞角宽度、外侧裂脑沟根部宽度;体积测量包括海马体积、杏仁核体积,并进行统计学分析。

    Volumetric measurements of hippocampal formations ( HF ), amygdala ( AMY ), linear measurements of width of the temporal horn , and width of lateral were detected with MRI .

  5. 材料与方法:CT扫描130例重型颅脑损伤患者,分析其脑室脑池形态、脑室/颅腔比率、中线结构移位等变化特征,对颅内压和预后进行估价,并与颅内压监测结果对照。

    Materials and Methods : 130 cases of severe brain injury underwent the CT scanning . The shape of brain ventricle and cisterns , ratio of ventricle / cranial cavity , shifting of middle structure as well as the monitoring results of ICP were analyzed .

  6. 两组之间的颅腔容积和脑容积差异无统计学意义(P0.05),而BPF差异具有统计学意义(P0.001);

    The difference of BPF between the two groups was extremely significant ( P0.001 ), while the difference of cranial volume and brain volume was not ( P0.05 ) .

  7. 目的采用MR扫描检测海马结构(HF)体积,建立标准化后HF体积的正常范围,探讨HF体积与年龄、性别、颅腔容积以及脑实质体积等因素的相互关系。

    Purpose To measure the volume of hippocampal formation ( HF ) with MR imaging . Establish both sides HF volume 's normal value range and analyse the relationship between the volume of HF and , age , sex , cranial volume and cerebral volume respectively .

  8. 这便为颅腔内所有的维护功能供能。

    This powers all the maintenance functions going on in your skull .

  9. 幕上脑出血颅腔容积急性代偿能力评估与预测

    Assessments in abilities of volume-dependent acute compensation for cranial cavity after intracerebral hemorrhage in supratentorial areas

  10. 硬膜外类固醇注射导致蛛网膜下的颅腔积气

    Subarachnoid pneumocephalus from epidural steroid injection

  11. 疾病包括良性及恶性肿瘤,先天性疾病,特异性炎症等,都累及颅腔。

    The diseases included benign and malignant tumor , congenital disease , specific infection , which were all related to cranium .

  12. 除与颅腔外的静脉血管有复杂的联系以外,脑静脉系统还通过多个渠道与颅骨内的板障静脉相交通。

    Besides the complex linkages with extracranial veins , the cerebral veins connect with the skull diploic veins through multiple channels .

  13. 介绍颅腔、胸腔和腹腔脏器损伤的特点和处理原则。

    The characteristics of injury of cranial cavity , thoracic cavity , abdominal cavity , and immediate treatment are recommended in this paper .

  14. 自发耳原性的颅腔积气比较罕见,过去认为主要表现为轻微的头痛、失语症和认知障碍等症状。

    Spontaneous orogenic pneumocephalus is a rare condition and was previously understood to present with subtle symptoms of headache , aphasia and cognitive deficits .

  15. 目的用数学方法评估与预测幕上脑出血患者颅腔容积急性代偿能力,并分析主要影响因素。

    Objective To apply mathematical analysis methods for assessing the abilities of volume-dependent acute compensation for cranial cavity after intracerebral hemorrhage in supratentorial areas .

  16. 迷走神经起自延髓侧面,同副神经、舌咽神经由破裂孔出颅腔,可分成额、胸、腹三段。

    The vagus nerve originated from the lateral aspect of the medulla together with the accessory nerve and the glossopharyngeal nerve emerges from the cranium through the foramen lacerum .

  17. 结果颅鼻沟通瘤25例,其中鼻腔、副鼻窦与颅腔沟通者10例,鼻咽部与颅内沟通者15例。

    Result Among the 25 cases , 10 cases were intracranial tumors invading nasal cavity and paranasal sinus , the rest 15 cases were intracranial tumors invading nasopharynx part .

  18. 中枢部分包括脑和脊髓,分别位于颅腔和椎管内,两者在结构和功能上紧密联系,组成中枢神经系统。

    Center part includes head and spinal cord , be located in respectively inside cranial cavity and vertebra canal , both close on structure and function connection , form central nervous system .

  19. 然后关闭的颅腔内用香蕉树叶,这个洞头将保持,留下的大脑头骨保护在剩下的病人的生命。

    The cranial cavity is then closed with the use of banana leaves but the hole in the head will remain , leaving brain unprotected by the skull for the rest of the patient 's life .

  20. 之前我们已经鉴定了野生型天坛株在体内体外的生物学特性,并且已经通过检测鼻腔途径导致的体重降低和直接颅腔接种鉴定了其毒力。

    We have previously characterized the phenotypic properties of VTT both in vitro and in vivo and have identified its virulence property in causing the body weight loss in mice once inoculated directly through the intracranial route .

  21. 常规治疗方法只是在一定程度上恢复了颅腔的完整性,操作复杂、术中塑形时间长、术后效果取决于术者经验和技术水平,外形效果难尽人意。

    Traditional methods not only require long contouring time , but also largely depend on the experience and skill of surgeon . Even so , the integrality of cranial cavity could only be restored in some degree , and the aesthetic result is dissatisfactory .