
  • 网络Direct Advertising
  1. 她在一份研究报告中说,谷歌需要加大对直接广告销售的投入并扩大同广告代理商的合作,以此迅速应对。

    Google needs to make a quick response by redoubling its efforts in direct ad sales and cooperating with ad agents , ' she said in the research note .

  2. 直接邮寄广告当然是一笔巨大的生意。

    Direct mail advertising is of course a huge business .

  3. 直接邮寄广告业在特卖品的包装方面已经变得非常熟练了。

    The direct marketing industry has become adept at packaging special offers .

  4. 至于具体的商业模式,胡佛的设想是,ProductHunt会通过相当直接的广告模式来实现货币化。

    As for the business model , Hoover imagines Product Hunt will monetize with a fairly straightforward advertising model .

  5. WhatsApp不直接做广告业务,不过它的数据可能会帮助Facebook提高广告定位投放的精准度。

    Without taking advertising directly , data from WhatsApp could help make Facebook ad targeting more precise .

  6. 它有能力把经过优化的微博和Facebook上的贴子直接变成广告,因此有望重塑社交广告的形态,并将成为未来几个月里的大新闻。

    This potential to turn optimized tweets and Facebook posts directly into ads promises to remake social advertising and will be significant news in the months ahead .

  7. 广告语言的优劣,直接影响广告效果。

    The advantages and disadvantages of advertising language directly influence advertising elect .

  8. 大绝大部分的大公司当中,经理部门都是直接参与广告的策划工作的。

    In most large companies management is directly involved in planning the advertising .

  9. 广告是一种经济现象,广告的效果直接受广告语言的影响。

    Advertisements are an economical phenomenon , whose effect is directly influenced by advertising language .

  10. 广告翻译是否有效表达了信息直接影响广告的效度。

    How to correctly and efficiently translate advertisements directly decides the effect of the advertisements .

  11. 第三种按广告是否明确提及竞争者名称分为直接比较广告和间接比较广告;

    The third is direct comparative advertising and indirect comparative advertisingaccording to competitor mentioned or not .

  12. 我认为赞助的形式比直接做广告要好,既省钱又不要缴税。

    I think sponsorship is better than straight advertising . it 's less expensive and tas-free .

  13. 现目前,终端展示制品、陈列架更是经济时代最直接的广告形式。

    Are present , terminal display products , display rack economic era is the most direct forms of advertising .

  14. 投放了移动广告的公司发现了一个不同寻常的全新促销秘诀:通过智能手机广告,让消费者直接点击广告拨打电话给卖家。

    Companies diving into mobile advertising have found success getting consumers to do something unusual with their smartphones : make calls .

  15. 在这个过程中,创意发掘的角度和方式才是直接影响广告效果的关键因素。

    In this process , the angle and the way which the creativity excavates is the direct influence advertisement effect key aspect .

  16. 笔者认为,商标的商业性合理使用包括叙述性使用、指示性使用、直接比较广告。

    In the author 's opinion , the trademark fair use in commercial area includes descriptive use , nominative use , and direct comparative advertising .

  17. 作为广告代理,媒介集团通过自己的广告代理部门或公司,直接与广告主接洽广告业务,为广告主提供广告代理的专业服务。

    Role for advertising agent is the way that media group contact with the advertisers directly by their self-running advertising agent , to provide professional services to the advertisers .

  18. 现在,食品和药品管理委员会提高了对直接药品广告的限制,报纸、杂志、电视大众媒体的广告也将被检查。

    And now that the Food and Drug Administration has lifted its restrictions against direct advertising , the public too will be assaulted with ad campaigns in newspapers , magazines and television .

  19. 广告的视觉传播是通过视觉语言与受众沟通的,广告视觉语言的表达清楚与否,会直接影响广告的传播效果。

    The visual dissemination of advertisement is done by communicating the advertisement viewers through visual language . So whether the visual language is clearly conveyed has a direct influence on the effect of advertisement dissemination .

  20. 当一位互联网用户访问某个包含谷歌广告的网址时,这次访问将被记录下来,并用来编辑个人资料,然后这些资料将被调用,对该用户将来直接投放广告。

    When an Internet user visits any website containing a Google ad , the visit will be recorded and used to compile a profile that will then be deployed to direct future advertising to the user .

  21. 视觉创意的好坏直接影响到广告的成败。

    The visual creation plays the key role in the success of an advertisement .

  22. 尤其是当节目收视率的高低,直接决定了广告收入的时候。

    Especially when the level of program ratings , advertising revenue directly determines the time .

  23. 广告文案的水平高低,直接影响到广告的传播效果。

    Whether the letter of advertisement is good or not directly influences on its spreading effect .

  24. 整个行业每年在直接面向消费者广告的战场上投入超过了50亿美元。

    The industry spends over $ 5 billion per year on direct-to-consumer advertising ( DTCA ) campaigns .

  25. 广告受众对广告的认同程度如何直接关系到广告传播效果和受众对产品、品牌的态度。

    The extent how the audience identifies the ads has an important influence on the advertising communication effects and the audience'attitude towards products and brands advertised .

  26. 创意不仅直接决定了广告宣传活动的品位以及由此而形成的市场吸引力,而且间接影响着企业形象的塑造。

    It not only determines directly the taste of an advertising activity and the market attraction formed thereby , but also can influence indirectly the reputation of an enterprise .

  27. 通常人们较为注重面向旅游者的直接渠道旅游广告,而往往忽视旅游中间商与旅游产品生产商之间的间接渠道旅游广告。

    People always pay much attention to advertising in the direct channel to the end user , but neglect advertising between tourism suppliers and intermediaries in the indirect marketing channel .

  28. Facebook表示,出版商将能够保留他们直接销售的所有广告收入。

    Facebook says the publishers will be able to keep 100 per cent of any revenue from advertising they sold directly .

  29. 亚马逊表示,使用此项服务的用户可以在网络浏览器上直接观看不插播广告的电影和电视节目,或者将电影电视节目直接传输到安装了互联网视频连接的索尼(Sony)电视机上。

    The internet retailer said advertising-free movies and television shows could be watched instantly within a web browser or streamed directly on to Sony televisions equipped with an internet video link .

  30. 我可以想象到各公司通过网络直接向客户发出广告。

    I can imagine companies sending advertisements directly to customers over the net .