
  • 网络concession card;preferential card;Pensioner Concession Card;Young Person Card;courtesy card
  1. 你的火车优惠卡不能转让给其他人。

    Your Railcard is not transferable to anyone else .

  2. 你们有优惠卡吗

    Do you have any coupons ?

  3. Gojee利用数据的方式是,与超市的优惠卡建立联系,了解顾客所购买商品的种类,并运用他们冰箱或食品储藏室里的食材量身定制网站所展示的菜谱。

    Gojee makes use of data by linking up with supermarket loyalty cards to learn which items have been purchased , customizing recipes it displays by what ingredients are actually in the fridge or pantry .

  4. 我能用美国列车优惠卡上车吗?

    Can I get on the train with a USA railpass ?

  5. 我能用美国列车优惠卡上这辆列车吗?

    Can I use a USA Railpass for this train ?

  6. 特殊优惠卡问题是租赁问题的推广。

    The special Bahncard problem is the generalization of the Ski-Rental problem .

  7. 哪里有办理到香港购物的优惠卡吗?

    Where to Hong Kong for shopping discount card ?

  8. 对优惠卡的存货数量有否适当的管理措施?

    Is there adequate control over card stock ?

  9. 用欧洲铁路优惠卡有什么优惠吗?

    Is there any discount with a eurailpass ?

  10. 记得买票时用火车票优惠卡能打五折。

    There 's the railcard that can get you up to a fifth off rail fares .

  11. 持学生火车优惠卡,就可节约三分之一的火车费。

    With a Young Person 's Railcard , students can save a third off of train fares .

  12. 最后,通过数值分析说明优惠卡价格和折扣率对消费者购买策略和竞争比的影响。

    Finally , numerical analysis is is given to explain the relation among the price , discount rate , purchasing strategy and competitive ratio .

  13. 当地咖啡馆或书店的优惠卡会向他们展示,你把他们视为独立的个人,你关注到了细节。

    A gift card to a local coffeehouse or bookstore will show them that you see them as an individual and that you pay attention to details .

  14. 另一位营销学者,苏赫尔·塞思表示,印度人对优惠卡很排斥,他们认为卖家发行优惠卡仅仅想诱惑他们买东西,甚至是根本不需要的东西。

    Suhel Seth , another marketing pundit , says Indians have a healthy scepticism of such loyalty schemes , regarding them as a plot to make them buy things they don 't want .

  15. 马来西亚警方在对这家按摩院进行例行突击检查时,发现了几张盖有印戳的车行优惠卡,都已用来在同一家车行消费过。

    When police stormed the parlour as part of just another routine operation , they found several stamped loyalty cards that had been used by the company 's customers to cash-in on the car wash deal .

  16. [qh]他们对资产运营集中化的可行性进行了检测,但是决定不这么做,至少短期内不会。[qh]最后,他们计划开通优惠卡增加每位顾客的消费。

    and they 'll now apply that process to purchasing . [ qh ] They 've examined the feasibility of centralisiting property operations , but decided against it , at least in the short term . [ qh ] And finally , they plan to increase spending per customer by starting a loyalty card . [ qh ]

  17. 反复多次使用你所有的信用卡,然后将你全部的贷款放在提供最优惠利息的卡上。

    Repeat with all the credit cards you have , and consolidate your loans onto the cards that offer the best interest rate .