
  • Bags;shopping bag;tote bags;sack;shopping carrier
  1. 塞恩斯伯里超市为重复利用购物袋的顾客提供每只1便士的奖励。

    Sainsbury 's is offering customers 1p for each shopping bag reused

  2. 她提着一个购物袋离开了酒店。

    She left the hotel carrying a shopping bag .

  3. 我手里又是书,又是购物袋,还抱着孩子,跟演杂技一样。

    I was juggling books , shopping bags and the baby .

  4. 他俯下身去提装着食品杂货的购物袋。

    He stooped to pick up the carrier bag of groceries

  5. 米什卡把一个沉重的购物袋放下。

    Mishka put down a heavy shopping bag .

  6. 该行业还瞄准了作为替代品出现的产品:可重复使用的购物袋。

    The industry has also taken aim at the product that has appeared as its replacement : reusable shopping bags .

  7. 更有趣的是,斯坦的其中一个任务就是为塑料购物袋背后的行业辩护。

    What is even more interesting is that one of   Stein 's jobs is defending an industry behind the plastic shopping bags .

  8. 研究小组在一个商业聚乙烯购物袋里放置了100个蜡螟蠕虫,12小时后,这些蜡虫消耗并分解了大约92毫克的塑料,几乎占总数的3%。

    The team left 100 wax worms on a commercial polyethylene shopping bag for 12 hours , and the worms consumed and broke down about 92 milligrams , or almost 3 % of it .

  9. 购物袋在哪里?

    Where 's the shopping bag ?

  10. 该组织现在呼吁人们采取更多行动来减少塑料垃圾。环保组织称,我们其实应把环保购物袋改称为“一周环保袋”,因为使用量太大。

    Environmental groups say we should really call them ' bags for a week ' because we use so many of them .

  11. 它可能是一个不太知名的工匠制作的昂贵手袋,也可能只是从当地商店得来的塑料购物袋。

    It could be an expensive purse made by a lesser-known artisan , but it could be just a plastic shopping bag from a local store .

  12. 无家可归的女子,她们通常生活在大城市,把自己的东西背在购物袋中。

    Bag lady : A homeless woman , especially one in a big city , who carries her possessions with her , as in a shopping bag .

  13. 我们丢弃的购物袋和汽水瓶会因阳光变脆弱,接着在风及海浪中被分裂成微小的塑胶碎屑。

    Our castaway shopping bags and soda bottles get weakened by sunlight and torn apart in the wind and the waves into little bits of plastic confetti .

  14. 他们的最新报告称,虽然传统薄的购物袋的销量有所下降,但自去年以来,可重复使用的环保购物袋的消耗量却增长了30%,这也是超市塑料袋使用仍在上升的原因之一。

    Their latest report says that although fewer traditional flimsy carrier bags are being sold , the use of ‘ bags for life ' has risen by 30 % since last year - one reason why the use of plastics overall by the supermarkets is still rising .

  15. 就许多方面来说,塑胶是完美材料--我们可以让它强韧坚固到足以建造宇宙飞船和替代骨骼,或让它够轻薄且有弹力,可以做出和五分钱硬币重量相同但却能耐重到八公斤的购物袋。

    In many ways , plastic is the perfect material — we can make it strong and rigid enough to build spaceships and replace bones , or thin and flexible enough to make shopping bags that weigh as much as a nickel but carry up to eight kilograms .

  16. 所有递送给消费者的商品都用典雅的黑色购物袋进行包装,包装袋上点缀着奢华的金字和Logo。

    Goods arrive in elegant black shopping bags with sumptuous gold lettering and logos .

  17. 李(Lee)经营一家广告公司,布赖恩(Brian)则负责一家生产购物袋的公司。

    Lee , who runs an advertising agency , swaps with Brian whose company makes carrier bags .

  18. 嘲弄(2)shoppingbag购物袋一个小男孩向他母亲哭诉道:“他们都取笑我,说我脑袋大。”

    A boy cried to his mother , " All the children make fun of me . They say I have a big head . "

  19. 比利时的《P杂志》,为了让人们去思考回教长袍下的生活,他们想出了这个聪明的购物袋,用长袍遮住了杂志封面上的美女。

    When P Magazine from Belgium wanted to get people thinking of what life behind the burka was like , they came up with this clever shopping bag that burka-izes the beauties featured on their magazine covers .

  20. 如果你不能将货品加入购物袋内,这可能是因为你的浏览器停用了「cookies」功能。

    If you are having trouble adding items to your shopping bag , you may have disabled the'cookies'function on your browser .

  21. 这15款怪异奇妙的购物袋的设计,将“可爱提手”的概念带到了一个全新层次。所以,把你原来那朴实平淡的褐色袋子扔进垃圾箱吧。ShoppingUnplugged购物时也要记住拔去电器插头

    These 15 weird & wonderful shopping bag designs take the concept of " love handles " to a whole new level while consigning the basic , bland , brown bag to the boredom bin .

  22. 来自印度南部的软件工人SantoshReddy和SureshNaidu在都柏林的亨利街上闲逛,手里没有提着购物袋。

    Software workers Santosh Reddy and Suresh Naidu , from southern India , were strolling , without shopping bags , on Henry Street , Dublin .

  23. 去年,梅根被曝出现在肯辛顿,哈利王子家附近——手提美国超市WholeFoods购物袋(这家超市离哈利王子家很近),摘了花,还在皮帕·米德尔顿(PippaMiddleton)婚礼前夕去索霍区做了水疗。

    During the last year , Markle has been spotted walking around Prince Harry 's neighborhood in Kensington , carrying Whole Foods shopping bags ( the health food store is a short stroll from Harry 's cottage ) , picking up flowers and visiting a spa in Soho on the eve of Pippa Middleton'swedding .

  24. Kaufhof的竞争对手、ArcandorAG旗下的百货公司连锁店Karstadt现在每年至少有六次促销活动,举办活动时会有新品推介,店内也装饰一新,还会提供专用购物袋并进行打折促销。

    Rival department-store chain Karstadt , a unit of Arcandor AG , now runs promotions at least six times a year that include new products , lavish store decorations , special shopping bags & and discounts .

  25. Food52的下一个商机是设计自己的产品,目前该公司已经开始与一些厂商展开合作。比如它与纽约手提包公司MZWallace合作开发了一款定制的农产品购物袋;与设计师克里斯蒂娜o韦伯合作开发了一系列擦拭杯盘用的抹布。

    The next opportunity for Food52 is to design its own products , which the company has already explored in partnership with its vendors . Food52 has created a custom farmer 's market tote bag with MZ Wallace , the New York handbag company , and a set of tea towels with 52 stripes with designer Christina Weber .

  26. 她打开购物袋,拿出雨伞。

    She opened her shopping bag and took out an umbrella .

  27. 一次性塑料购物袋的替代研究与环保方案论证

    Substitute Research and Environmental Protection Problems Discussion of Plastic Shopping Bags

  28. 对超市不免费发放塑料购物袋,你的态度()。

    What 's your opinion on charged plastic bags of supermarkets ?

  29. 它在萨默斯太太那老旧的购物袋里仿佛不见了踪影。

    It seemed lost in her worn , old shopping bag .

  30. 通常会用塑胶购物袋作何用途?

    What do you usually use the plastic shopping bags for ?