
  1. 举例来说,我们还有美联储(Fed)在二级市场上购买国债、机构和抵押贷款。

    For example , we also have the Federal Reserve buying Treasuries , agencies and mortgages in the secondary markets .

  2. 欧洲央行(ecb)购买国债的特别决定,引发了对通胀的忧虑。

    The extraordinary decision by the European Central Bank to purchase government bonds raises the spectre of inflation .

  3. 欧洲央行和EFSF都不会再从市场上购买国债。

    Neither the ECB nor the EFSF would buy any more bonds in the market .

  4. 这是一种趋势的一部分:美国企业要利用对欧元计价债券的巨大需求和高定价,这种趋势在欧洲央行(ECB)本月启动其购买国债的货币刺激计划之前积聚了势头。

    This is part of a trend for US companies to take advantage of huge demand and high prices for euro-denominated bonds that has gathered steam ahead of the European Central Bank launching its bond-buying monetary stimulus this month .

  5. 欧洲央行称,这一措施只是权宜之计,并敦促欧元区各国政府协同行动,同意对欧洲金融稳定机构(EFSF)的改革方案,即允许这家去年成立的特殊目的公司在二级市场购买国债。

    The ECB said the measure was temporary and urged the eurozone governments to get their act together and pass changes to the European Financial Stability Facility ( EFSF ) , which would allow the special purpose vehicle set up last year to buy bonds in the secondary market .

  6. 购买国债都有利息的,你可以算。

    Treasury bonds pay a dividend , you can count on .

  7. 他们不可能真的认为购买国债会加剧通胀。

    They cannot really believe that government bond purchases will stoke inflation .

  8. 答案是拟议中的购买国债。

    The answer is the proposed purchases of treasury bonds .

  9. 但是央行也通过购买国债帮了一忙。

    But central banks also helped by buying bonds .

  10. 美联储解释称,它购买国债是为了以一种间接方式降低私人借款利率。

    The bank explained it was buying Treasuries as an indirect way of lowering private borrowing rates .

  11. 随后美联储在公开市场大举购买国债和抵押贷款支持证券,为金融体系提供了亟需的流动性。

    Then huge open market purchases of Treasury and mortgage-backed securities provided the financial system with much-needed liquidity .

  12. 但目前,美联储正逐步停止购买国债,预计将终止定量宽松的货币政策。

    But now the Fed is phasing out such purchases and is expected to wind up quantitative easing .

  13. 购买国债计划是在利率接近于零的情况下,继续放松银根的一种方式。

    The plans are one way to ease monetary policy even when interest rates are close to zero .

  14. 今天,美国可以通过免除利息税鼓励个人购买国债。

    Today , the US could encourage domestic retail purchases of its bonds by eliminating taxes on interest paid .

  15. 这些国家在油价回落前积攒的收益被拿来购买国债或是存入银行。

    The money it did save , before oil prices fell , went into government securities or bank deposits .

  16. 乐观者预计,央行此次购买国债会有助于复苏,对股市和英镑构成支撑。

    The optimists predict the buying of gilts will aid recovery , supporting the case for equities and sterling .

  17. 但欧洲央行在购买国债方面受到(认知和实际上的)约束的阻碍。

    But the ECB is hampered by the constraints ( perceived and actual ) on purchases of government debt .

  18. 之前各国用来增加货币供应和购买国债的“定量宽松”政策几乎快要走到尽头,或至少也要暂时喊停。

    QE creating money and using it to buy bonds is coming to an end , or at least pausing .

  19. 按照其确保金融稳定的使命,欧洲央行在很大程度上有权购买国债。

    Under its mandate to ensure financial stability , it has the right to do so on a larger scale .

  20. 直白地说,原因在于德国,特别是德国央行的高级官员们他们一直反对欧洲央行购买国债。

    The crude answer is Germany and particularly the top German central bankers who have consistently opposed buying government bonds .

  21. 美国财政部的巨额借款需求和美联储购买国债的公告,为此项任务增加了难度。

    Making it more difficult are the extraordinary borrowing demands by the Treasury and the announcement of Treasury purchases by the Fed .

  22. 据英联社报道,第一笔注入资金将在每周两次的拍卖会上用来购买国债。

    The first chunk is being used to buy government gilts , the UK 's Press Association reported , at twice-weekly auctions .

  23. 面对负面冲击,一个更好的政策应对措施就是通过购买国债来扩大定量宽松计划。

    A better policy response to a negative shock is to expand the quantitative easing programme through the purchase of Treasury securities .

  24. 上周,欧洲央行购买国债总额从头一周操作时的165亿欧元下降到了40亿欧元(51亿美元)。

    ECB bond purchases last week totalled € 4bn ( $ 5.1bn ), down from € 16.5bn in its first week of operation .

  25. 在柏林,一位政府高官排除了动用欧洲纾困基金来购买国债的可能性。

    In Berlin , a senior government official ruled out the use of European rescue funds to finance the buying of government bonds .

  26. 经济学家警告称,在没有新债发行的市场购买国债可能会以不可预知的方式扭曲利率。

    Buying up gilts in a market where no new securities are being issued could distort interest rates in unpredictable ways , economists warned .

  27. 然而,5月9日星期天召开电话会议时,欧洲央行理事会内部却对购买国债计划产生了争议。

    Nevertheless , the bond purchase programme was controversial within the ECB council , which met by tele ­ conference on Sunday May 9 .

  28. 人们可以在工作时通过薪酬支付机制购买国债,也可以通过金融机构或者网上银行(资金在这里已经转手)购买。

    Treasuries could be bought on the job via payroll mechanisms or at financial institutions or via online banking - where money already changes hands .

  29. 但为了使奥巴马更巨大的赤字不得胁迫联储局扩张货币以购买国债,我们有此政治共识否?

    But is there a political consensus that the much larger Obama deficits will not pressure the Fed to expand reserves to buy Treasury bonds ?

  30. 无论是法律上的独立性,还是通过铸币权为购买国债融资的能力,欧洲央行的稳定,都无疑依赖于德国大众的支持。

    Whatever its legal independence and ability to finance the purchases by creating money , the ECB depends implicitly upon support from the German public .