
  1. 另外,从24小时杂货店到从不关门的在线购物网站,我们生活在一种迎合深夜文化的氛围中。

    Plus , we live in a culture that caters to the late-nighter , from 24-hour grocery stores to online shopping sites that never close .

  2. 我一下午都在购物网站闲逛,现在脖子疼得要命。

    I have been monitor shopping the whole afternoon , my neck is killing2 me now .

  3. 你登陆各类购物网站只是为了过过眼瘾,而不一定要买什么东西,因为你可能买不起或者根本不需要那些东西。不过单纯的浏览过程已经让你很享受了。

    You ’ re online only browsing1 , not looking for anything in particular because you can ’ t afford it or you don ’ t need any of them , but you enjoy looking anyway .

  4. 一种基于购物网站的Web挖掘工具架构

    A implement 's foundation of web mining on shopping site

  5. 中国电商巨头阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)新设立的美国购物网站上却没有中国商品。

    Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group 's new U.S. shopping site is anything but Chinese .

  6. 男装购物网站MrPorter去东方寻找新鲜造型

    Mr Porter Goes East to Find Fresh Looks

  7. 这个模型主要由购物网站、商家和物流公司三类分布式Web系统组成。

    This model is main to constitute with three distributed web system ( the shopping website , goods provided company , Physical Distribution company ) .

  8. 你谈到了约翰o多纳霍和他的购物网站eBay,它就是个很好的例子。

    You talked about John Donahoe and eBay as a good example .

  9. 今年初,乐天公司斥资2.5亿美元,收购了美国购物网站,并将其更名为Rakuten.comShopping。

    In the U.S. , it bought for $ 250 million and rebranded it to " Shopping " earlier this year .

  10. 基于体验营销的B2C网络购物网站浅析为所爱的人选购礼物应该是一种很温暖的体验。

    Buying gifts for those we love should be a heartwarming experience .

  11. B2C网站设计因素与初始信任关系的实证研究基于体验营销的B2C网络购物网站浅析

    Empirical Research on the Relationship between the Design Factors of B2C-Websites and Initial Trust

  12. 好极了autograph:签名,亲笔签名,自署EBay:易趣(一知名网上购物网站)你不会签个名然后到EBay上去卖吧?不,不,当然不会。

    Vanessa : You 're not autographing those and selling them on EBay , are you ? -

  13. d.由于购物网站的不断发展,网上银行用户目前使用的最多的功能是网上支付这一功能。

    D. due to the continuous development of shopping sites , online banking customers are using online payment function is the most this feature .

  14. 这名21岁的女子来自澳大利亚东部城市布里斯班,她在一个在线购物网站发广告表示自己想求购几部iPhone手机。

    The 21-year-old Brisbane woman had placed an advertisement in an online buy-and-sell site saying she was looking to purchase a number of iPhones .

  15. 该B2C购物网站系统的实现不仅能够让人们的购买过程更加方便,通过它用户以通过Internet,实现网上购物。

    The development of the system and allow people to be able to achieve the buying process more convenient for its customers through Internet , to realize online shopping .

  16. 因此研究B2C购物网站的消费者购买意愿显得迫切而重要。B2C购物网站具有双重性质。

    Therefore , it is urgent and important to study the consumer purchase intention of B2C shopping site.B2C shopping site has a dual characteristic .

  17. 它还将旗下的购物网站易迅(Yixun)接入微信,努力在移动端打造一个类似淘宝(Taobao,阿里巴巴电子商务网站)的购物平台。

    It has also tied its Yixun online shopping site to WeChat , trying to create a mobile alternative to Alibaba 's ecommerce site Taobao .

  18. 3月份,英国一个奢侈品品牌Burberry为中国消费者建立它的网上购物网站,媒体报道。

    In March , Burberry , a luxury British brand , launched its online shopping website for Chinese consumers , media reports said .

  19. 阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroupHoldingLtd.)周四说,其在线购物网站暂时禁止卖家使用与微信(WeChat)相关的营销和推广应用。微信是腾讯控股(TencentHoldingsLtd.)旗下的移动消息服务。

    Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. said Thursday that its online shopping sites are temporarily blocking sellers from subscribing to marketing and promotion apps linked with rival Tencent Holdings Ltd. 's WeChat mobile messaging service .

  20. 不过,谷歌在一篇博客文章中声称,就在线购物网站而言,这种说法夸大了谷歌的影响力,比如在德国,亚马逊和eBay就令谷歌相形见绌。

    But in a blog post , Google claimed this overstated its influence when it came to online shopping sites , with Amazon and eBay overshadowing it in Germany .

  21. 最后几年,她为奥斯卡·德拉伦塔(OscardelaRenta)设计了一系列珠宝,还为购物网站HSN设计了一系列服装和配饰。

    During her last few years , she designed a collection of jewelry for Oscar de la Renta and a line of clothing and accessories for HSN .

  22. 让我大胆猜测一下:你在互联网上使用的,用于访问网上银行、电子邮件、购物网站、Twitter和Facebook账户的密码系统是一团糟。

    Let me hazard a wild guess : the system of passwords you use on the internet – for accessing online banking , email , shopping sites , Twitter and Facebook accounts – is a mess .

  23. 支付宝是中国当下最热门的在线支付系统,人们用它支付淘宝(Taobao)上的订单,缴纳物业费,购买电影票,还可在其他购物网站上消费。

    Alipay is China 's most popular online payment system used for online purchases including Taobao orders , paying utility bills , movie tickets , and other shopping sites .

  24. 2011年上半年,在B2C综合购物网站业务扩张的同时,一些垂直化、个性化的精品购物网站也迎来了新的发展机遇。

    In the first half of 2011 , in addition to the B2C shopping expansion , those competitive shopping websites with vertical and personalized services also faced a new opportunity for development .

  25. 此研究证实了在购物网站中植入社会性线索(印象型和交互型)有助于改善顾客体验的理论假设,为B2C电子商务网站的设计和管理提供了有益的启示。

    The research verifies the theoretical assumptions which infusing social cues in website is helpful to improve the customer experience and provide a useful viewpoint for the B2C e-commerce web site design and management .

  26. 在创办在线购物网站giltgroupe时,两位创始人没有费心去写一份传统的商业计划书。

    When launching Gilt Groupe , an online shopping site that currently has 3M members , the co-founders did not trouble to write a traditional business plan .

  27. 目前该公司月收入约3000元人民币,两位创始人正在探索更广泛的分销渠道以扩大销售额,并且通过淘宝(Taobao)进行网上销售。淘宝是阿里巴巴集团创建(AlibabaGroup)的与亚马逊(Amazon)和易趣(eBay)类似的购物网站。

    With a monthly income so far of around Rmb3000 , the founders are looking to wider distribution to increase sales and are now selling online through Taobao , China 's answer to Amazon or eBay , founded by the Alibaba Group .

  28. 本文基于Web的MVC架构,结合三个当前流行的Java开源项目(Struts、Spring和Hibernate),构造一个支持快速开发的J2EE应用框架,并通过一个购物网站的应用实例来验证其可用性。

    According to the Web MVC , this paper combines three popular Java open source projects ( Struts , Spring and Hibernate ) at present , constructing a J2EE application framework which supports a fast development and is verified by an applied example of shopping website .

  29. 三是构建顾客视角B2C网站品牌资产影响要素的金字塔模型,采用结构方程模型进行了研究,修正了以往关系价值在B2C购物网站中的意义。

    Last but not the least , it built a B2C website brand assets affect elements pyramid model from customer perspective using structural equation modeling , and corrected the significance of past relationship value in the B2C shopping site .

  30. 一个基本的XSS例子是当一个恶意用户注入一个脚本,在一个合法的购物网站的网址,这反过来又重定向用户到一个假的,但相同的页面。

    A basic example of XSS is when a malicious user injects a script in a legitimate shopping site URL which in turn redirects a user to a fake but identical page .