
  • 网络Purchase of funds;purchase fund;NTPF
  1. 共同基金投资者在购买基金时支付之销售费用。

    A fee paid by an investor at the time of redemption or withdrawal .

  2. 分析师认为,散户投资者应当通过购买基金进入中国市场,而非个股。

    Analysts argue that retail investors should access China by buying funds , and not individual stocks .

  3. 投资者购买基金,本质上是购买基金管理人的能力和尽职尽责程度。

    In fact , the investors buying fund is to buy the ability and responsibility of fund administrator .

  4. 据报道,一些银行通过大幅调低投资门槛,消除了公众购买基金的障碍。

    Some banks have already reportedly removed barriers to participation in funds by slashing the minimum value of investments .

  5. 从基金投资者购买基金产品的那一刻起投资者与基金公司之间实质上已经构成了契约关系。

    Since the moment the investors buy fund products . Investors and fund companies essentially constitute a contractual relationship .

  6. 随着国民财富的增加,购买基金成为越来越多投资者的选择。

    With the increase of national wealth , buying funds has become more and more investor ' schoice to do the investment .

  7. 调查显示,基金公司品牌已经成为了投资者选择其购买基金的重要因素。

    According to the recent investigation , the brand of asset management companies has become an important factor when choosing which to buy .

  8. 他们为什么要向一个拥有10名雇员、仅成立了一年半的的公司购买基金?

    Why would they buy a fund from a group with 10 employees , who have only existed for a year and a half ?

  9. 比如你想买大成精选这个基金,那么就上网,进入大成基金公司的网页,按照提示开户,即可购买基金了。

    For instance you want to buy become concentration greatly this fund , so get online , enter the webpage that becomes fund company greatly , open an account according to clew , can buy fund .

  10. 认购:在开放式基金募集期内,投资人通过证券经营机构在证券交易所,或通过基金管理人及其代销机构购买基金份额的行为。

    Subscribeption : refers to the acts of the investors to purchase the unit fundsfunds unit through the securities operating agencies at stock exchanges or through the funds managers and the selling institutes on a commission basis thereofcommission institutions during the period of raising the open-ended funds .

  11. 尽管她的父亲仍拒绝使用自动取款机,将现金藏在家里,但佳瑶却会购买货币基金,使用中国在线支付服务支付宝(AliPay)来购物,大量使用网购。

    While her father still refuses to use an ATM machine , and keeps his cash stashed in the house , she saves in a money-market account and uses Alipay , the Chinese online payments service , to do her shopping , making most of her purchases online .

  12. 事实上,对很多人来说,投资意味着购买共同基金。

    In fact , to many people , investing means buying mutual funds .

  13. 购买该基金的投资者不会见到黄金;

    Investors who buy shares in a gold ETF don 't ever see the metal ;

  14. 一位为对冲基金提供上市咨询服务的英国银行家表示:所有人都有兴趣购买对冲基金股份。

    Everyone is interested , says one British banker who advises hedge funds on going public .

  15. 她用60%的资金购买股票基金,剩余资金自己操作。

    She puts about 60 % of her money in stock funds ; the rest she trades herself .

  16. 因此,投资者无需待至举行投标时才能购买外汇基金债券,而是可以随时入市。

    So investors need not wait for an EFN tender to acquire EFNS and can enter the market at any time .

  17. 他们可以购买对冲基金等风险较大的产品。但是普通的投资者必须谨慎。

    They can take more risks with hedge funds and be more aggressive , but the average investor needs to be careful and watch pieces well .

  18. 为避免徇私的指责,央行应该在透明、组织规范的证券交易所购买指数基金或者按市值比例购买单个证券。

    To avoid charges of favouritism , central banks should buy index funds or individual securities in proportion to market capitalisation on transparent and organised security exchanges .

  19. 在台湾,购买离岸基金的费用与香港相同,银行分销占基金销售的比例仅为30%。

    In Taiwan , where banks account for only 30 per cent of funds sold , the fees charged for offshore funds are the same as in Hong Kong .

  20. 在购买养老基金管理等金融城的服务时,政府应该仅仅邀请公布员工多样性数据的金融城企业参与投标&这将是个开始。

    In purchasing City services such as pension fund management , the government should invite tenders only from City businesses that publish diversity figures – that would be a start .

  21. 放眼全球、追逐高收益是潮流所向,亚洲散户投资者也追随了这股潮流他们购买的基金以高收益和新兴市场债券基金为主。

    Asian retail investors have followed the global trend fuelled by the ongoing search for yield retail sales in Asia have been dominated by high yield and emerging market bond fund flows .

  22. 对投资者来说,购买对冲基金管理公司的股份而非对冲基金份额,使他们能够在一个快速增长的行业中分得一块蛋糕。

    For investors , buying shares in a hedge fund manager rather than a hedge fund allows them to own a piece of a fast-growing industry to which they have not hitherto had access .

  23. 最后,我国保险业急需一批专业投资管理人才,而这样的人才只有在实践中逐渐锻炼出来,但目前保险公司只能通过购买投资基金间接入市,其公司人员失去了实际操作机会。

    Third , insurance companies is limited to buy investment fund , which is disadvantageous to cultivate talents . That is to say , the staffs lose the chance to operate directly in market .

  24. 但他相信,通过重新调校,资产管理公司的利益能够与股票最终受益者(如购买养老基金的个人和养老金领取者)的利益相一致。

    However , he believes the interests of asset management firms can be realigned with those of the ultimate , beneficial owners of the shares ( such as individual pension fund members and pensioners ) .

  25. 他们同时说,如果公司无法提前预料到大规模提款的发生,购买相关基金的投资者就可能面临巨大损失,因为公司会被迫低价抛售资产来为货币市场基金提供流动性。

    If companies are unable to predict a large-scale withdrawal , investors in the funds could face significant losses as assets would have to be sold at low prices to generate liquidity for the money-market funds , they said .

  26. 购买这一基金的散户投资者相当于投资于20种期货,其中包括谷物和活牛。这些期货都包括在罗杰斯国际商品指数(RogersInternationalCommodityIndex)的农业分类指数里面。

    Retail investors can gain exposure to 20 futures , including grains and live cattle , included in the agricultural sub-index of the Rogers International Commodity Index .

  27. 作为外汇储备多元化计划的一部分,它们已表示,将出资约1000亿美元,购买国际货币基金组织(IMF)计划发行的5000亿美元债券的一部分。

    As part of plans to diversify their foreign currency holdings , they have said that they will contribute some $ 100bn to a planned $ 500bn International Monetary Fund bond issue .

  28. 理论上,各国可购买国际货币基金组织(IMF)发行的、与特别提款权(美元所占权重为44%)挂钩的债务,以收窄其对美元的风险敞口。

    In theory , countries can purchase liabilities issued by the International Monetary Fund that are linked to the SDR ( of which the dollar has a 44 per cent weighting ) as a way to reduce their exposure to the dollar .

  29. 而要购买开放式基金,则要到银行去买,且不能使用股票帐户。

    And should buy open mode fund , want to be bought to the bank , and cannot use stock account .

  30. 这些储户可以通过安装在手机上的应用购买互联网货币基金,也可以通过同样方式在任何一个工作日赎回基金。

    These savers can buy internet money funds through apps on their mobile phones and can then make withdrawals the same way on any business day .