
  • 网络fund risk
  1. 通过本文的介绍希望能给VaR技术在基金风险评估在的应用带来更进一步的理解。

    Through this paper introduces hope to give VaR technology in fund risk assessment in the understanding of the application caused further .

  2. 大力开发和应用VAR,对我国开放式基金风险管理技术从定性分析向量化管理的转变具有十分重要的意义。

    Vigorous development and application of VAR , on our open-end fund risk management techniques from qualitative analysis to quantify changes in the management of great significance .

  3. UML在社会保险基金风险预警系统中的建模应用

    Application of UML to Modeling for Warning System of Social Security Funds

  4. 投资基金风险管理VaR模型与支持系统研究

    Study on VaR Model and Its Support System for Risk Management of Investment Funds

  5. 基于VaR的证券投资基金风险度量及业绩评价研究

    The Research on Risk Measurement and Performance Valuation of Security Investment Fund Based on VaR

  6. 基于Var模型的开放式基金风险计量研究

    Calculate the Risk of Var-model Open-end Funds

  7. 研究VaR模型在我国投资基金风险管理中的应用具有重要的现实意义。

    Studying on the VaR ' application in risk management of investment funds is realistic .

  8. 在检验基金风险-收益关系时,本文分别采用列联表法和Spearman相关系数法,以保证检验结果的稳健性。

    While examining risk-return relationship , we use contingency table analysis and Spearman rank order correlation coefficients .

  9. 基于VaR-GARCH模型对证券投资基金风险的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on the Risk of Mutual Fund Based on VaR-GARCH Model in China

  10. 引入均值-熵度量开放式基金风险,建立了一种行为证券组合模型;以此为内核,研究提出了B-Morningstar风险评价模型;

    Measuring open-end fund risks with mean-entropy , it 's formed a behavioral portfolio model , based on which the B-Morningstar risk evaluation model is proposed .

  11. 研究了基金风险承担的业绩门槛值,发现当基金业绩达到这一门槛值时,基金选择高风险资产。最后,研究了基于PBF合同的资产定价。

    We study the performance threshold value of risk taking to mutual fund , and show that the fund hold higher risk asset when performance is lager than the threshold value . Finally , this paper studies the asset pricing based on the PBF contract .

  12. 关于对抵御医疗保险基金风险的几点建议

    Several Suggestions against the Risk of the Funds of Medical Insurance

  13. 第四节分析了完善我国私募基金风险控制的的紧迫性。

    Section four depicts the urgency of strengthening the risk control .

  14. 第二节具体阐明了对我国私募基金风险控制的原则,清晰的管理原则有助于管理措施的制定和实施。

    Section two specifically sets out the risk control principles .

  15. 我国养老保险基金风险预警指标体系探讨

    A Probe into the Pre-warning Mechanism for Old-age Insurance Fund in China

  16. 这在一定程度上说明了,我国开放式基金风险和收益并不对等&高风险不一定带来高收益。

    This explains to some extent that high-risk may not bring high-yield .

  17. 我国社会医疗保险基金风险管理问题

    Study on the Risk Management Problem of Social Medical Insurance Fund in China

  18. 我国养老基金风险评估及控制

    Risk Assessing and Controlling on Chinese Old-age Pension Fund

  19. 基金风险准备金制度形同虚设

    Fund risk reserve policy exits in the name only

  20. 第三节研究了私募基金风险控制的措施。

    Section three studies on risk control measures .

  21. 第二章主要对投资基金风险防范作了深入的探讨。

    Chapter two has been deeply discussed the problem of risk hedge on investment funds operating .

  22. 对冲基金风险收益特征的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Hedge Fund Performance

  23. 首先描述了私募基金风险控制的完整架构,最后选择以一个监管者的研究视角对私募基金风险控制进行探析。

    Firstly , describe a risk-control holistic framework , and choose the supervisor as the research perspective .

  24. 收支增长不同步对新型农村合作医疗基金风险的影响

    Studying on the Risk of New-type Rural Cooperation Medical System Fund by Income and Expenditure Different Increase Speed

  25. 第十三章主要对金融衍生工具与投资基金风险管理的相互作用和关系进行研究。

    Chapter thirteen probes into the interaction and relationship between the financial derivation tool and investment risk management .

  26. 本文从理论与实际两个方面讨论如何控制证券投资基金风险的问题。

    This dissertation is on how to control the risks of securities - investment-fund both in theory and in practice .

  27. 第六章有针对性地提出了解决陕西省社会医疗保险基金风险问题的对策。最后一章为结论部分。

    The sixth part puts forward countermeasures to solve the risk problem of social medical insurance fund of Shaanxi province .

  28. 针对我国证券投资基金风险问题的原因,本文分别从政策角度提出了解决的建议。

    In addition , aiming at different reasons of the risks of funds , the dissertation has put forward some proposals on policy .

  29. 本文设计了房地产投资信托基金风险控制模型,提出从宏观和微观层面来控制房地产投资信托基金风险。

    This article designs the risk-control model for REITs and suggest that we should control REITs risks in terms of macro-economic and micro-economic situation .

  30. 当两类不对称同时作用时,任何一类不对称减轻了另一类不对称对基金风险承担行为的影响。

    When the two kinds of asymmetry are together , any asymmetry decrease the impact of the other one on risking-taking behavior of the fund .