
  • 网络Underlying security;Basic Securities
  1. 衍生工具附在基础证券或商品上,用来保护不利价格波动的金融工具。

    Derivative A financial instrument that is attached to an underlying security or commodity , with the aim to protect against adverse price fluctuations .

  2. 贝莱德的调查发现,许多印度投资者并不知道,欧洲的etf是按照工具进行划分的,一类工具购买基础证券,另一类利用互换来实现指数回报。

    The Blackrock survey found many Indian investors were unaware the European ETF industry was split between instruments that buy underlying securities and those that use swaps to deliver the index return .

  3. 在CDR方案的设计中,可以在CDR与基础证券的转换中设定一特殊中介&指定交易商,由其负责平衡两个市场之间的价差;

    During the design of CDR , one agency qualified dealer may be designed to delete the price balance .

  4. 但考虑到美国在对付房地产泡沫方面遭遇的种种麻烦,将政府支持对象从机构转向基础证券这剂药的药效不够强劲。

    But shifting government support from institutions to the underlying securities is weak medicine considering all the troubles the US has with housing bubbles .

  5. 创始机构违反前项规定,对于资产基础证券取得人或受让人因而所受之损害,应负赔偿责任。

    The originator , violating the preceding provision and causing the acquirer or transferee of the asset-backed securities , shall be liable to compensate for such damage .

  6. 特殊目的公司向特定人发行资产基础证券者,应依投资说明书之规定,向资产基础证券持有人寄发财务报告。

    When the SPC issues asset-backed securities to specific people , the SPC shall deliver financial reports to the asset-backed security holders in accordance with the investment memorandum .

  7. 如有发行不同种类或期间之资产基础证券者,其就特殊目的公司所受让之资产或其所生之利益、孳息或其它收益,所得受偿之顺位。

    If issuing asset-backed securities with different types or durations , the order of priority in terms of receipt from the SPC of the transferred assets and the profits , interests , or other proceeds accrued therefrom ;

  8. 特殊目的公司依资产证券化计划发行不同种类及期间之资产基础证券时,各不同种类或期间之资产基础证券持有人之受偿顺位,依资产证券化计划之记载定之。

    In case the SPC issues asset-backed securities with different types and durations in accordance with the asset securitization plan , the order of priority in payment of the holders of different asset-backed securities shall be set forth in the asset securitization plan .

  9. 蒂莫西-盖特纳表示,政府已准备投资一兆美元重建以贷款为基础的证券市场。

    Tim Geithner says the government is prepared with up to one trillion dollars to rebuild the market for loan-based securities .

  10. 立足于我国现有法治基础和证券市场现状,注意制度建设的本土化和可操作性。

    Emphasize the localization and feasibility of the system on the base of the present law and present situation of stock exchange .

  11. 大部分是资产为基础的证券类型,包括以住房贷款为基础的证券的证券化工具在中国还没有出现。

    Securitization instruments , that are the most types of asset-backed securities including mortgage-backed securities , have NOT yet been seen in China .

  12. 证券市场的长期增长效应的微观基础在于证券市场提供一种信息传导机制。

    The micro foundation of stock market 's long - run growth effect is that stock market provides a mechanism of information incentive .

  13. 国外学者在证券市场开放是否能够促进经济增长这一问题上存在分歧,但都认为国内金融体制的同步改革和良好的经济基础是证券市场开放促进经济增长的重要前提条件。

    Foreign scholars have differences on the issue whether the market opening promotes economic growth , but they all think that the domestic financial system reform and good economic base are important prerequisite .

  14. 作为现代金融体系基础的证券市场,在促进产业结构调整、优化资源配置和促进实体经济发展中的作用日益为人们所重视,特别在我国市场化建设的进程中,证券市场功不可没。

    Security market , as the basis of modern finance , is drawing more and more human attention in the adjustment of industrial structure , the optimization of resource distribution and economic development .

  15. 资产证券化通过将资产转让给特殊目的载体,并辅以资产担保和信用增级,使特殊目的载体可以特定资产信用为基础发行证券来募集资金。

    Through transferring the assets to special purpose vehicle , assisting with asset guarantee and credit enhancement , asset securitization can make the special purpose vehicle issue securities to raise funds based on particular asset credit .

  16. 传统金融学假定证券投资者是理性的,以此为基础对证券投资行为分析,形成了有效市场假说、最优投资选择模型、资本资产定价模型等理论。

    Traditional finance theory analyzes the behaviors of security investment based on the hypothesis that investors are rational and thus forms such theories as Modern Portfolio Theory , Efficient Market Hypothesis and Capital Asset Pricing Model etc.

  17. 在此基础上对证券市场收益率的基本统计特征进行相关检验;然后利用修正ICSS算法对收益率序列进行变点检测,并寻找变点附近对应的重大事件。

    On this basis , this paper does some relevant tests of the basic statistical characters of securities market return . Then it uses modified ICSS algorithm to detect change points . And it looks for the events near by the change points .

  18. 我国基础设施项目证券化融资与设计

    Securitized Financing and Design for China 's Infrastructure Projects

  19. 政府性基础设施资产证券化融资方式研究

    Research on Government Infrastructure Property Securitization Financing Pattern

  20. 我国基础设施资产证券化问题研究

    A Research on Chinese Infrastructure Securitization

  21. 从实践意义上看,本论文理论的研究有利于我国基础设施资产证券化的试行、操作和推广,为基础设施建设提供了一条切实可行的融资新途径。

    At the same time , we afford a new means for infrastructure construction financing in practice .

  22. 在此基础上,证券投资基金得到了大力发展,尤其是开放式基金。

    On this basis , securities investment funds have been developing vigorously , especially in open-end funds .

  23. 第五章在介绍套利基本原理的基础上分析证券投资基金的套利操作和套利过程中的应注意的问题。

    The fifth chapter analyzes the operation of arbitrage which is based on the basic principles of arbitrage .

  24. 第二,请求权人和请求权基础是《证券法》等相关法律条文。

    Second , claimant and rights of claim are based on securities law of China and other relevant provisions .

  25. 第四章分析了与股票期权相关的公司法律相关基础制度及证券法律相关监控制度并提出了完善建议。

    Chapter four : Modification and improvement of the legal system relate to stock option . This chapter also gives some advices about it .

  26. 这当然是个好事情,因为成千上万的投资者就企图在变化莫测的政治风向基础上来对证券定价。

    And that is obviously a good thing , as millions of investors attempt to price securities on the basis of ever-shifting political winds .

  27. 首先,以实验为基础建立了证券营业部的建筑模型及空调动态冷负荷分析模型;

    First , build the building model and air conditioning dynamic cooling load analysis model of the stock exchange in the basis of the experiment .

  28. 并以城市轨道交通项目的建设为例,尝试应用基础设施收费证券化方式对其进行融资方案的初步设计。

    Taking construction of the urban rail transportation project as an example , the thesis try to apply the infrastructure charge securitization on design of the financing scheme .

  29. 文章第一部分概述首先介绍了我国实施基础设施资产证券化的背景、阐述了实施的意义及可行性,并给出了基础设施资产证券化的定义。

    The paper firstly summarizes the background , significance and feasibility of implementing the urban basic infrastructure asset securitization in China , then gives the definition of it .

  30. 其核心思想是将流动性差但能够产生可预见的稳定现金流的资产经过打包整合成一个资产池,然后在此基础上发行证券。

    The principle of this method is to integrate assests with poor liquidity but predictably stable cash flow into an asset pool and then issue security on this basis .