
  • 网络base table;basic table
  1. 不过,DB2会尽其所能优化重新计算,例如扫描总结表,而不是整个基本表。

    However , DB2 will optimize the re-computation as best it can , such as by scanning the summary table instead of the entire base table .

  2. 假设有一个底层的基本表,它存储每个测试者的所有测试用例名称(NAME)、测试结果(VERDICT)、相关缺点(DEFECTS)和评论(NOTES)。

    Assume there is an underlying base table that stores all the test case names ( NAME ), test results ( VERDICT ), related defects ( DEFECTS ), and comments ( NOTES ) for each individual tester .

  3. 元数据信息在DataDictionary中存储和管理,由基本表和相应的视图组成。

    Metadata information is stored and managed by the Data Dictionary , which is composed of base tables , and corresponding views .

  4. 设计了数据库的基本表、实现了用JDBC技术对数据库的访问。

    Design the tables of database and realize database access with JDBC .

  5. 在第一种情况下,一个CLI测试应用程序访问DB2基本表,在第二种情况下,这个应用程序访问指向相同表的昵称。

    In one case , a CLI test application accessed DB2 base tables , and in the other case , the same application accessed nicknames pointing to the same tables .

  6. runstats信息是统计视图部署的关键,必须提供比基本表更完整的信息。

    The runstats information is the key to the statistical view deployment , and must provide more complete information than the base tables .

  7. 当基本表中的数据发生改变时,需要相应地更新MQT。

    As the data for the base table ( s ) changes , the MQT needs to be updated accordingly .

  8. 然而,MQT的设计却可能受到基本表上使用的分区特性的影响。

    However , the design of an MQT can be affected by which partitioning features are used on the base table .

  9. 基本表上分区特性的使用不需要考虑将来是否会在这个表上创建MQT。

    The use of partitioning features on the base table does not need to take into account whether MQTs will be built upon this table .

  10. 例如,如果基本表使用了DPF进行分区,那么MQT的设计就应该考虑是否要在各个数据库分区上复制MQT。

    For example , if the base table is DPF partitioned , the design of the MQT should consider whether to replicate the MQT across the data partitions .

  11. 对于MQT,当从MQT中删除相应的总结数据时,建议在MQT上使用表分区,并与基本表定义一样的数据分区。

    With MQTs , when they are updated to remove the corresponding summary data , it is advisable to use table partitioning on the MQT and to define the same data partitions as on the base table .

  12. 数据库设计部分对模块进行了概念模型设计和基本表结构的设计。

    Database design makes concept model design and table structure design .

  13. 这是用户资源的基本表。

    This is the primary table for the user resource .

  14. 表只作为基本表重新创建。

    The table is recreated as a basic table only .

  15. 一个或多个较大基本表中常被访问的一部分数据。

    A commonly accessed subset of data from one or more larger base tables .

  16. 基于标准数据元素与基本表的装备保障数据集成研究

    Research on Equipment Support Data Integration Based on Standard Data Element and Basal Table

  17. 数据平台由主题数据库、数据仓库和基本表构成。

    The data platform consists of the subject databases , the data warehouses and the fundamental relation tables .

  18. 权限组根据员工岗位及操作权限,把对数据库的操作精确到基本表。

    The operation of database was shifted in basic table with authorization groups according to the station of staff and operation authorization .

  19. 应用数据库设计的一般原则设计视频点播数据库,并给出了系统的基本表结构。

    Applying the general principles of database design , The VOD database is designed , and gives the system the basic table structure .

  20. 本文时基本表定义的变更对表内数据及相关数据窗口对象定义的影响进行了分析整理,给出了一个参照结果表。

    This article analyses the effects on data and datawindow objects by modification of base table definition , gives a contract table on this issue .

  21. 提出了边坡案例的表示方法,利用基本表的方式,一条记录就是一个边坡案例;

    What 's more , this paper brought forward slope case representation , which adapted the forms of radical tables , a record is a slope case .

  22. 如果打开这个选项,则会将一个基本过滤表(带有内置的INPUT、FORWARD和OUTPUT链)添加到内核空间。

    Turning this option on will add a basic filter table to kernelspace with built-in INPUT , FORWARD , and OUTPUT chains .

  23. 针对Sun公司提供的J2ME的个人基本简表(PBP)的层次结构,提出更为实用的类库裁剪方案。

    Based on the architecture of Sun J2ME Personal Basic Profile ( PBP ), higher efficiency tailoring of class libraries is provided . 3 .

  24. 制定军事发展最高限额的基本要素表

    Basic chart for determining factors for establishing maximum limits for military development

  25. 会计师事务所基本情况表;

    The essential information form of the accounting firm ;

  26. 中国国民经济核算体系由基本核算表、国民经济账户和附属表构成。

    The Chinese SNA consists of basic accounting tables , national accounts and satellite tables .

  27. 我国国民经济核算体系采用基本核算表与国民经济账户并行的结构。

    National Accounts System in our country adopts a parallel structure of Basic Accounting Table and National Accounts .

  28. 然后着重介绍了录音服务器的总体软件设计,并对后台数据库中的基本信息表进行了表述。

    Then the whole software structure of voice recording server is described and contents concerning the database tables are stated .

  29. 若学童有特别需求、过敏或疾病,请事先告知,或填写于访视者基本资料表。

    If students have special demand , allergy or disease , please firstly notice or sign in the guest basic information .

  30. 基本核算表包括国内生产总值表、投入产出表、资金流量表、国际收支平衡表和资产负债表;

    Basic accounting tables consist of GDP table , input-output table , flows-of-funds table , balance of payments , and balance sheet .