
jī jīn jīnɡ lǐ
  • fund manager
  1. 或者是仰慕华尔街那些基金经理大胆的投资,

    or by following the intrepid4 trades of the wealthiest Wall Street fund manager ,

  2. 参与自私的金融工程(financialengineering)的首席执行官和寻求短期收益的对冲基金经理都不能避免挑战。

    Neither a chief executive involved in self-interested financial engineering nor a hedge fund manager seeking a short-term return is immune to challenge .

  3. 我们的新基金经理都已到位,目前的关键是让新的资金投入NewStar基金。

    The trick will be to place new money with New Star funds now our new fund managers are in place .

  4. 平均而言,对冲基金经理认为,全球国内生产总值(gdp)增速将下滑整整一个百分点。

    On average , managers saw global growth in gross domestic product dipping a full percentage point .

  5. 周三,泰珀在今年拉斯维加斯SALT投资大会上对基金经理同行和其他与会人员发出了一番警示。

    On Wednesday , Tepper cautioned fellow fund managers and other attendees of this year 's SALT Investing Conference in Las Vegas .

  6. 福米加目前公布了合并后资产管理团队的新基金经理阵容,newstar的320名前雇员中,有将近半数留任。

    Mr Formica has now unveiled the new fund manager line-up at the merged asset management group where just under half of the 320 former new star employees have been retained .

  7. 2006年,对冲基金经理约翰保尔森(johnpaulson)曾告诉投资者,这是他职业生涯中的最大机遇。

    It was the greatest opportunity of his career , hedge fund manager John Paulson told investors in 2006 .

  8. 施罗德投资(SchroderInvestmentManagement)亚洲固定收益基金经理AngusHui则表示,人民币不太可能贬值。

    Angus Hui , fund manager , Asian fixed income at Schroder Investment Management , says depreciation is unlikely .

  9. 史蒂夫•科恩(SteveCohen)等美国对冲基金经理已成为当代艺术品顶级收藏家。

    US hedge fund managers such as Steve Cohen have emerged as big Contemporary collectors .

  10. 亿万富翁、对冲基金经理乔治索罗斯(georgesoros)即将对外部投资者关闭旗下的量子基金(quantumfund),并返还他们的资金。

    George Soros , the billionaire hedge fund manager , is closing his quantum fund to outside investors and returning their money .

  11. 但46岁的基金经理陈健民(EdwardChin)和一些同行希望打破这种固定模式。

    But 46-year-old fund manager Edward Chin along with a number of his peers want to buck that mold .

  12. 投资时段在9个月到一年左右的许多基金经理都认为中国工商银行(Industrial&CommercialBankofChina)、中国银行(BankofChina)及中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)的股票将出现反弹。

    Many fund managers who have an investment horizon of about nine months to a year say shares in Industrial & Commercial Bank of China , Bank of China , and China Construction Bank are poised for a bounce .

  13. 2005年,他与另一位对冲基金经理帮助为美国西部航空公司(americawest)与全美航空(usairways)的合并筹措资金,再次吸引了伯克希尔的关注。

    He had also attracted attention as one of two hedge fund managers who helped finance a merger of two airlines , America West and US Airways , in 2005 .

  14. 泰珀很少在公开场合聊市场,他最近被《机构投资者》(InstitutionalInvestor)杂志的《阿尔法》(Alpha)专刊评选为薪资最高的对冲基金经理。

    Tepper , who rarely talks about the market publicly , was recently named the highest paid hedge fund manager by Institutional Investor 's Alpha magazine .

  15. 东京基金经理和分析师称,日本散户和机构投资者近日无视市场对于全球日元利差交易(carrytrade)一直在平仓的担忧,依然将资金投向海外。

    Japanese retail and institutional investors have continued to put money overseas in recent days , defying concerns that the global yen carry trade has been unwinding , according to fund managers and analysts in Tokyo .

  16. 纽约银行梅隆公司(BankofNewYorkMellon)的西蒙•德里克(SimonDerrick)表示,有关中东地区基金经理本周大举抛售美元的传闻,只是助长了对汇率调整的预期。

    Simon Derrick at Bank of New York Mellon says rumours that Middle Eastern fund managers aggressively sold the dollar this week have only heightened speculation of currency realignment .

  17. 但是,直接估计TM模型和HM模型会导致评价基金经理证券选择能力和选时能力的偏误。

    However , estimating TM model and HM model directly and evaluating security selection ability and timing ability of fund manager may cause bias .

  18. 就LCHInvestments获得的绝对利润来说,戴利奥被视为史上最成功的基金经理。

    Mr Dalio is judged the most successful manager of all time in terms of absolute profits by LCH Investments .

  19. 但不明智的美国基金经理一直在指责美联储主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)没有拯救市场。

    But unwise US fund managers have been berating Ben Bernanke , the US Federal Reserve chairman , for not bailing out the market .

  20. 中国银行(BankofCHina)将成为首家直接向美国投资者发售美元债券的中国内地银行。该银行已开始向全球基金经理推介其符合巴塞尔协议III(BaselIII)规定的一笔债券。

    Bank of China is set to become the first mainland Chinese lender to sell US dollar bonds directly to US investors , as it begins marketing Basel III-compliant debt to global fund managers .

  21. 诉讼称,高盛在出售那些卖相花哨的抵押证券时,没有披露对冲基金经理约翰保尔森(johnpaulson)正押注于这些证券将崩盘。

    The suit complained it had sold fancy mortgage securities without disclosing that a hedge-fund manager , John Paulson , was betting that those same securities would blow up .

  22. RCMLtd.驻伦敦基金经理马克•洛维特(MarkLovett)说,他是在交易室听说这个传言的。

    Mark Lovett , who manages funds at RCM Ltd. 's London office , said he heard the rumor from his trading desk .

  23. 或者,正如富有传奇色彩的对冲基金经理乔治•索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)所说:这不是一场普通的危机,而是一个时代的终结。

    Or as George Soros , the legendary hedge fund manager , says : This is not a normal crisis but the end of an era .

  24. 克里斯拉弗尔(ChrisRuffle)在是一名在中国工作了几十年的英国基金经理,他为马丁可利(MartinCurrie)管理的基金都很成功。

    Chris Ruffle is a British fund manager who has worked in China for decades and manages successful funds for Martin Currie .

  25. 西方基金经理正将饥渴的目光投向所谓的“主权财富基金”(swf)这是一个庞大且不断增长的资金池。

    Western fund managers are casting hungry glances toward the large and growing pools of capital known as sovereign wealth funds .

  26. 为基金经理服务的专业咨询公司sigmapartnership的乔希特(joeseet)表示,奖金延期发放以及收回条款“完全不合理”。

    Joe seet of sigma partnership , a specialist advisory firm to fund managers , said imposing deferral and clawback rules was " wholly unreasonable " .

  27. 富达国际(fidelityinternational)明星基金经理安东尼波顿(anthonybolton)透露,因所投两家在美上市的中国小公司受到欺诈指控,他管理的旗舰中国基金遭受了损失。

    Anthony Bolton , the star fund manager at Fidelity International , has revealed that his flagship China fund suffered losses from investments in two small US-listed Chinese companies accused of fraud .

  28. 将人力资本投资作为提供跑赢大盘表现的有效战略,可能会引发人们的疑问,但在axawfhumancapital,基金经理认为这将行得通。

    Investing in human capital as an effective strategy for delivering outperformance might raise a few questions and eyebrows , but at AXA WF human capital , fund managers believe it will work .

  29. 其他追逐机会的公司还包括资深新兴市场基金经理麦嘉华(MarcFaber)任董事长的LeopardCapital。该公司计划为两只以缅甸为主要投资对象的基金筹资1.5亿美元。

    Others in the hunt include Leopard Capital , whose chairman is veteran emerging-markets fund manager Marc Faber , which is seeking to raise $ 150 million for two Myanmar-focused funds .

  30. 卡恩是位政治家、经济学家,他会推行自己的观点。一位密切关注IMF的对冲基金经理表示,而拉加德更像一位董事长。

    DSK was a politician and an economist who would push his own ideas , says one hedge fund manager who monitors the IMF . Christine Lagarde is more like a chairman of the board .