
  • 网络volatility;fluctuation;share price movements
  1. 持有投资组合的人群中,一旦有机会,很少有人能抵御住查看资产价值的诱惑&尽管他们清楚,或是应该清楚,大部分短线内的股价波动都只是风吹草动。

    Few people with an investment portfolio can resist the temptation to check its value whenever they get a chance – even though they know , or ought to know , that most short-term share price movements are only the noise of rustling undergrowth .

  2. 研究结论是,独家承销公司占比较小,它们的首发价格比联合承销公司高15%左右;但整体而言,它们的股价波动较大,表现也较差。

    It found that the smaller pot of sole-led offerings priced approximately 15 % higher than their counterparts , but also had greater volatility and worse overall performance .

  3. 基于GARCH族模型的股价波动性分析

    To Analyse on the Fluctuating of Stocks Price Based on GARCH Model Families

  4. 股价波动的指数O-U过程模型

    Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process model of stock price

  5. 根据市场分割理论,信息不对称性、流动性差异、股价波动性、价值偏好差异和融资成本差异等五大因素对AH股价差有重要影响。

    According to the market segmentation theory , information asymmetry , flowability difference , price volatility , difference of value preference and difference of financing cost have important effects on price difference between A-share and H-share .

  6. 通过对股票收益率进行逐步回归和相关性分析,实证结果表明EVA指标能较好地解释股价波动和衡量公司业绩。

    According to the stepwise regression to stock return rate and the correlated analysis , it is proved that the EVA index can well explain the volatility of stock price and evaluate the achievement of companies .

  7. 运用资产定价回归模型的拟合系数(即R2)来捕捉股价波动的同步性,实证研究了上市公司质量与市场波动性的关系。

    This paper applies the fitting coefficient ( R2 ) in asset pricing model to capture the synchronous price volatility and studies the relationship between the quality of listed companies and market volatility .

  8. 本文通过对账面市值比(BM)的分解,得到衡量股价波动中的非基本面因素(CSI),并通过实证模型验证了股票市场对光伏产业上市公司实体投资的影响。

    Through decomposition of Book-to-Market ( BM ) ratio , the measure of volatility in the non-fundamental factors ( CSI ) is obtained . The effects to listed companies in the photovoltaic industry are proved .

  9. 因此,根据FamaandMacBeth(1973)回归结果,本文认为不同股市周期下,现金分红情况对股价波动的影响不同,下降市场时期,现金股利分红作用更大。

    Thus , according to Fama and MacBeth ( 1973 ) regression results , this paper considers that under different market cycles , the impact between cash dividends and stock price fluctuations is different .

  10. 其次本文利用行为金融学中DHS模型解释了投资者心理对股票价格的信息反应过度以及反应不足的过程,以及当投资者过度自信时对股价波动的影响。

    Then , I make use of the DHS model in the behavioral finance , giving an explanation to the investors ' overreaction and under-reaction to the stock price and the influence on the stock price for investors ' overconfidence .

  11. 受Knight算法交易影响的148只股票中,至少有40只股票的股价波动幅度超过了10%,因断路开关机制在开盘15分钟后才投入运行,而且该机制反映的是股价波动性,而非指令流量。

    In total at least 40 of the 148 stocks affected by the Knight trading algo experienced a change of more than 10 per cent , as circuit breakers do not start operating until 15 minutes into the trading day and reflect volatility , not order flow .

  12. 研究发现:原始交易量对股票指数的股价波动性开始具备了一定的解释效应,但是考虑了自相关性后交易量却无法有效解释股价波动的GARCH效应;

    The study finds that the trading volume has already had the explanation effect to the volatility of the stock index to a certain extent . But the trading volume considering the autocorrelation can 't explain the GARCH effect of the stock price effectively .

  13. 证券投资基金羊群行为对股价波动性的影响

    The Effect of Investment Funds ' Herding to Stock Price Volatility

  14. 高预期导致股价波动,也带来机会。

    High expectations make for volatile shares , and for opportunity .

  15. 股价波动序列的综合预测法研究

    A Study on Synthetic Time Series Forecast of Stock Price Fluctuation

  16. 政策性因素对中国股价波动的影响研究

    The Research on Policy Factors to Chinese Stock Price Fluctuations

  17. 股价波动及相关因素的实证研究

    The empirical research about Stock price volatility and related factors

  18. 交易量与股价波动性:对中国市场的实证研究

    Trading volume and volatility : Empirical study on China 's stock markets

  19. 投资者结构与股价波动关系&基于理论的思考

    Relationship between Proportion of Institutional Investors and Stock Price Volatility

  20. 市场上的信息千变万化、难以把握,只有能预测股价波动并作出反映的投资者才能赚到大钱。

    The information in market is myriads of changes and difficult to control .

  21. 日历、成交量进程和股价波动率的关系

    The Relationship of the Calendar Process , Transaction Process and the Price Volatility

  22. 股价波动源模型的期权定价

    Option Pricing on the Models of Stock Price Flucturation

  23. 基金持股与股价波动性研究:基于业绩报酬设计的期权分析

    The Relationship between Fund Ownership of Shares and the Fluctuation of Share Prices

  24. 房价与股价波动引起财富效应的差异比较

    Differences of Wealth Effect Caused By Fluctuations of Stock Price and Housing Price

  25. 不过,贝佐斯却笑道:对我来说,那只是一次股价波动。

    To me , that is a stock movement , Bezos said , laughing .

  26. 深沪证券市场股价波动的浑沌度及其调控方法

    The chaos degree of both Shenzhen and Shanghai stock markets and its controlling methods

  27. 地下水的波动股价波动与信息公告方式相关性研究

    Research on the Relationship between Stock Price Fluctuation and the Type of Information Announcement

  28. 政策干预,股价波动,以及中国股票市场的效率

    Policy Impact , Stock Price , and the Market Efficiency of China Stock Market

  29. 基于波浪理论和聚类小波包的股价波动预测

    Stock price forecasting model based on wave principle and clustering energy values of wavelet pocket

  30. 波浪理论是证券界的一条股价波动理论。

    Wave theory is an theory about the change of stock price in stock circle .