
  • 网络demutualization;demutualisation
  1. 纽约股票市场的总裁johnthain讲,现代化交易市场变革中的三个趋势:股份化,分散化,及全球化。

    John Thain , head of the New York Stock Exchange , notes three key trends in the evolution of modern exchanges : Demutualisation , diversification and globalisation .

  2. 论基于《公司法》远程教育院校的股份化

    The Sharing of Distance Learning Universities Based on Company Act

  3. 关于经济特区国营企业股份化的若干理论问题

    Some Theoretical Issues Concerning Share-Capitalization of State-Run Enterprises in Special Economic Zones

  4. 国外国有企业股份化的启示

    The Enlightenment from Foreign State-owned Corporations ' Stock Capitalization

  5. 一,土地承包经营权股份化改革的背景。

    The background of the joint-stocking reform of the contracted management land right .

  6. 技术入股的效率及推进技术股份化的对策建议

    The Efficiency of Technology Investment and Suggestions of the Capitalization of Technical Achievements

  7. 建立新型的股份化的集体合作组织是实现中国农村市场化的最佳载体。

    Building a modern share-collective institution is the best carrier of realizing Chinese country marketization .

  8. 成立支线铁路公司,探索股份化融资的办法。

    Establish branch railway company , explore the means of share system for raising funds .

  9. 大中型国营企业完善经营机制的新构想&经营权股份化

    A New Idea for Consummating Management Mechanism of Large-Middle State Enterprises-Share-Holding System of Management Power

  10. 土地私有化的主要手段是股份化,目的是建立私人农场。

    The land privatization is realized mainly by granting the shares to make private household farms .

  11. 技术股份化的经济学原理解析

    The Economic Principles in Technology Stock

  12. 房地产股份化涉及房地产公司股份化和房地产资产股份化,房地产资产股份化的顺利实施关键在于房地产产权关系的理顺。

    The sharing of real estate involves the sharing of real estate company and real estate property .

  13. 技术股份化制度则是创新者实现创新利益的重要途径和方法。

    And the technical stock system is the important way to help the contrivers realize their innovative benefit .

  14. 承认经理人的人力资本产权、人力资本股份化势在必行。

    It is inevitable to recognize the property right of directors'human capital , to change human capital into stock .

  15. 农村集体土地产权股份化改革过程中微观经济组织再造研究

    Study on Reconstruction of the Microeconomic Organization during the Process of System Innovation of Share Cooperation of Rural Land

  16. 技术产权制度、技术资本制度和技术股份化制度构成技术创新产权激励的基本制度体系。

    The basic system includes three parts : technical property right system , technical capital system and technical stock system .

  17. 高职法律专科培养方向研究高职教育股份化的法律探讨

    What Kind of Students Should Law School Train A Legal Discussion on Stock and Share Holding of Higher Vocational Education

  18. 通过股份化改造实现投资主体的多元化和产权的社会化,并筹集资本金;

    Through the stock recombination , realize many-facet of investment subject and property socialization , also raise the capital fund ;

  19. 商业银行股份化过程中的若干法律问题&兼论海南发展银行的关闭原因

    Some Legal Problems Concerning Developing Stock Commercial Banks and an Additional Study of the Cause of the Bankruptcy of Hainan Development Bank

  20. 高职院校实行股份化,是高职教育面向社会,面向新世纪的一个重要途径。

    Implementing stock and share holding in higher vocational education is a feasible way to face the society in the new century .

  21. 本文拟从四个方面对土地承包经营权股份化改革进行研究。

    This paper will take a research of the joint-stocking reform of the contracted management land right from four aspects : 1 .

  22. 最后通过具体的数据,对人力资本股份化后,经营收益与经营风险在物质资本与人力资本之间的转移过程进行了较为直观的例证。

    At last this article exemplified through data the income and risk diversion between human capital and material capital after human capital stock .

  23. 家庭承包经营权股份化的法律障碍及解决思路&兼评重庆土地新政

    Legal Obstacles and Solving Thoughts of Contractual Management Right on Household Basis & Comment on the " New Land Policy " in Chongqing

  24. 政治方面的问题涉及政府机构的改革、矿产使用法的建立以及国家、油气部门利益的划分与结合问题。解决的办法首先是实际企业的股份化。

    Political problems include reform of government organizations , establishment of mining law , and the separation and cooperation of State and industrial interests .

  25. 我们将大力开放经营,吸收社会资金,实行公司、员工股份化经营。

    We will open the management strongly , absorbing the social funds , practicing the company , employee 's share to turn the management .

  26. 远程教育院校的股份化是一个系统性、综合性的工程,必将涉及到各方面的关系和利益。

    The sharing of distance learning universities , a systematic and comprehensive project , is sure to involve relationship and interests of all aspects .

  27. 为了促进技术的发展,全国各地都在积极地探索技术要素股份化的形式,以各种各样的方法来调动科技人员的积极性。

    In the aim of technological advancement , various forms of technical essentials equalization are explored nationwide to enhance the enthusiasm of technical personnel .

  28. 第三,提出确权确股这种把土地承包权股份化的制度创新方式应该成为今后农地制度创新的发展思路。

    Thirdly , giving a farmer land rights at the form of shares should be a trend for institutional innovation of farmland in the future .

  29. 论文利用新制度经济学的产权理论,论述了证券化对国有企业股份化改革的积极影响。

    On guiding of property right theory from New Institution Economics , the paper discuses the reason why state-owned company is often connected with low efficiency .

  30. 相应地,重塑银企关系的关键应是改革垄断性国有金融产权,即在增量方向推进民营经济的内生性融资方式扩张,在存量方面实施国有经济分类的股份化改造。

    We should improve the property of finance to adjust the special relationship , which means to develop non-state-owned economy and to perform stock-reform in the state-owned economy .