
mín zú huà
  • nationalization
民族化[mín zú huà]
  1. 中国现代诗歌创作的民族化追求

    Be in Pursuit of the Nationalization of Indite Chinese Modern Poesy

  2. 中国钢琴曲创作的民族化研究

    The Study on Nationalization of the Creation of Chinese Piano Pieces

  3. 中国动画自诞生以来就面临民族化问题。

    Chinese animation has been faced with nationalization since its birth .

  4. 今天油画民族化的问题面临的是如何更好的发展的问题。

    Oil Painting issues facing today is how to better development .

  5. 试论中国当代平面设计民族化风格

    Prospect for Nationalized Style in Contemporary Graphic Design in China

  6. 民族化是木刻艺术中一个经久不衰的核心问题。

    " Nationalization " is a long-standing core issue of wood-engraving art .

  7. 其次是在油画民族化过程中的重要价值。

    Second is shown in the nationalization process of Chinese oil painting .

  8. 全球化语境下国产动画片之民族化、现代化走向

    The Nationalization and Modernization of Chinese-made Cartoons in the Background of Globalization

  9. 马克思主义中国化就是马克思主义在中国的民族化和具体化。

    Chinese Marxism is the nationalization and specifying of Marxism in China .

  10. 吴祖光的话剧是中国话剧民族化过程中的成功探索。

    It is the successful probe of the nationalization of China drama .

  11. 马克思主义民族化是马克思主义的一个基本原则。

    The Marxist nationalization is one basic principle of Marxism .

  12. 当代诗歌的创新与民族化思考

    Modern poetry 's inventiveness and nationalization : a meditation

  13. 广西歌曲民族化创作手法分析

    The Analysis On The National Composition Of Guangxi Songs

  14. 民族化钢琴音乐的系列画卷

    A Series of Piano Music Chinese Style Picture Scroll

  15. 中国油画民族化的艺术形式

    Artistic Form of the Nationalization of Chinese Oil Paintings

  16. 第一部分:张爱玲小说意象运用的民族化特征。

    Part one : The national characteristics of the images of her novels .

  17. 论解放区话剧创作的民族化大众化

    On the Nationalization and Popularization of the Stage Play in the Liberated Area

  18. 当代设计艺术的民族化发展

    The development of Nationalization in Contemporary Art of Design

  19. 新文化运动时期艺术歌曲创作风格民族化研究

    The Research of Art Song Creation Style Nationalization in New Culture Movement Period

  20. 佛教的民族化有待于这种新型的格义活动。

    Buddhism nation to be the model of the " Geyi " activities .

  21. 我国声乐领域里中、低声种的民族化发展探析

    Considerations to the Nationalized Development of Mediant and Burdon in National Vocality in China

  22. 话剧民族化一直以来是戏剧界重点探讨的话题之一。

    The drama nationalization has been one of the theater focuses on the topic .

  23. 中国城市儿童家纺设计民族化研究

    Research of the National Identity of Domestic Textile Design for Children in China City

  24. 中国高等教育的国际化与民族化

    On Internationalization and Nationalization of Chinese Higher Education

  25. 中日建筑设计民族化比较

    The Contrast of Chinese and Japanese Architectural Nationalizing

  26. 自我概念是心理学中一个非常重要的研究领域,具有浓厚的民族化和本土化色彩。

    Self-concept is an important domain in psychology .

  27. 他以极具独异风格的、现代性精神品格与民族化艺术形式完美统一的创作,书写了20世纪中国文学史光辉而不朽的篇章。

    His writings had a special style , modernity character and nationalized art form .

  28. 油画创作语言的民族化与当代境遇

    The National and Current Circumstances of Oil Language

  29. 十七年长篇小说:民族化倾向及成就

    Seventeen-Year-Long Novels : National Trend and Their Achievements

  30. 以及对传统东方戏剧结构的沿革和发展,对传统东方戏剧语言的继承和创新。通过这些方面的阐释和论证来探索东方近现代戏剧民族化和现代化的道路和途径。

    His inheritance and recreation of the traditional dramatic structures and the dramatic language .