
  1. 多贡族生活在西非的马里,以丰富的民间神话、面具舞、木雕和建筑闻名。

    The Dogon is an ethnic group living in Mali , best known for their mythology , mask dances , wooden sculpture and architecture .

  2. 试论民族文化的共振与合势&从民族民间神话的多元一体谈起

    On the " Resonance " and " Combination " of the National Cultures & A Mention from Diversification in Unity of National Folk Mythology

  3. 从而说明我国的民俗文学与西方文学及民间神话一样,在揭示人类情感底蕴上具有共性。

    Thus , it shows that our folk literature just same as the western literature and popular legends has generality while disclosing the human feelings .

  4. 《长恨歌》与现代都市民间神话的关系具体说来就是:现代都市民间叙事是以现代都市世俗审美叙事的方式出现的;

    The relation of Song of Eternal Sorrow with the folk myth of modern metropolis is folk narration of modern metropolis appears by the worldly esthetic narrative way of modern metropolis .

  5. 这艘名为圣荷西号的帆船一直是魔力之源和民间神话,甚至被作家加西亚·马尔克斯写进他的故事《霍乱时期的爱情》里。

    The San Jose has long been the source of fascination and popular legends , and even figures in Gabriel Garcia Marquez 's " Love in the Time of Cholera . "

  6. 英汉谚语都来自于人们的日常生活、文学宗教典籍、历史事件、民间神话及传说以及外来语。

    English and Chinese proverbs both originate from folk life , from literal works , historical events , religious records , fairy tales and mythology , and from other languages as well .

  7. 本文主要目的不是为了讨论土族的族源,而是运用人类学的田野调查方法,结合当地口传历史和民间神话传说,考察青海省同仁县五屯土族的族群认同与区分。

    This paper does not indent to discuss the origin of the Tus , but explores the ethnic identification and distinction of the Tus of Five Hamlets in Tongren County of Qinghai through making use of fieldwork of anthropology and combining with the local oral history and folk myth legendry .

  8. 英国的书店里还有许多地理书、童话、民间传说和神话故事,在我三年级的女儿眼中更是动人,因为她是波希·杰克逊(PercyJackson)系列故事的发烧友。

    They 're also particularly strong on fairy tales , geography , folklore and mythology - much of it highly appealing to my third-grade Percy Jackson fan .

  9. 她正在写一篇有关爱尔兰民间传说和神话的论文。

    She is writing a thesis on Irish legend and mythology .

  10. 都来自民间生活,神话传说,文学作品和外来语。

    They both originate from folk life , mythology , literary works and from other languages .

  11. 《嗜血幽灵》,他的第五部小说,于1897年出版,在斯托克花了好几年时间研究欧洲关于吸血鬼的民间传说和神话故事之后。

    Dracula , his fifth novel , was published in 1897 after Stoker spent several years researching European folklore and mythological stories of vampires .

  12. 兔子十分胆小敏感,主要吃素,并且在民间传说和神话故事中存在了上千年。

    Hares are shy , calm creatures that mainly eat plants , and they have been used in folklore and mythology for thousands of years .

  13. 人们常常冠以老虎强壮和领土之王的美称。在古老的民间传说、神话故事、文学作品和当代电影中,老虎的形象深入人心。

    Tigers have always been praised for their strength and unique markings . They feature prominently in ancient folklore , mythology , literature and modern films .

  14. 至于说在汉-诺文化相互影响方面,诺苏彝人在音乐、民间艺术以及神话方面所贡献出来的跟他们所得到的似乎一样多。

    With respect to influences across the Han-Nuosu cultural interface , they have contributed as much as they have received in music , folk art , and myth .

  15. 前不久的一个下午,演员们花了两个小时在后台画上一层层的妆,变身为中国民间传说和神话中的男女神明、英雄和反派。

    On a recent afternoon , actors had spent two hours applying layers of makeup backstage , transforming into gods and goddesses , heroes and villains from Chinese folklore and mythology .

  16. 作为当代美国黑人作家的最杰出代表,托妮.莫里森把黑人的语言、民间故事和神话传说运用到她的小说中,这有利于将黑人文化传播到世界各地。

    As the best representative of the contemporary black writers , Toni Morrison applies black language , black folklores and myths into her stories , which spreads black culture to the world .

  17. 千百年以来,流传在这里的民风民俗,民间信仰和神话传说形成了丰富的神秘文化,在中原大地远近闻名。

    For thousands of years , the folk down here folklore , folk beliefs and myths and legends of the mysterious formation of a rich culture , the land known in the Central Plains .

  18. 它集客观的现实主义描写与神奇的表现于一身,超越了现实主义的限制而从寓言、民间故事和神话传说汲取素材,同时又与当代社会现实相关联。

    It combines the objective realism and the magic to transcend the realism limit , absorbs the materials from the fables , folklores and myths and relates to the social reality at the same time .

  19. 对以民间传说与神话资料作为中国古代体育起源的依据提出了质疑,认为这种研究在把握资料上缺乏理性分析,这些资料只能作为传说来看待。

    The author questioned basing the origin of Chinese ancient sports on folklores and mythologies , and believed this kind of researches lack rational analysis because the materials they used may only be regarded as folklores .

  20. 除了民间文学中的神话、传说和故事,现实生活中也有很多与龙相关的节日、祭祀和礼仪。

    Apart from the myths , legends and stories in folk literature , there are also quantities of holidays , ceremonies and etiquette that concerns dragons .

  21. 这里有记载的史实、民间故事、民间传说、神话、童话、乃至诗歌、成语、谚语等等,这些都是动漫创作的灵感来源也是重要的参考依据。

    There are documented facts of history , folk stories , folk legends , myths , fairy tales , and even poetry , idioms , proverbs , etc. , which are created for the animation to provide a reference and source of inspiration .

  22. 徐先生研究的民间文化学领域,主要表现在民间歌谣、神话与鬼话、民俗学三个方面。

    His main research aspects include folk ballads , myth and folklore .

  23. 回归边缘民间文化的趋向使他对四国森林的民间习俗、神话传说情有独钟,为民间文化进发出的古朴而极富原创生命力的绚丽异彩目眩神迷。

    The trend to go back to the marginal folk culture makes him love the custom and mythology very much , and he is fascinated by the plain and vital folk culture .