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mín xīn xiànɡ bèi
  • 熟语popular support or the lack of it
  1. 究其因,民心向背乃是决定一个政党、一个政权盛衰的根本因素。

    The basic factor to decide the party ups and downs is the public mind .

  2. 社会公众对领导者公共形象的认知和评价体现出民心向背。

    The public recognition and evaluation of the image of leaders will reflect their common aspirations .

  3. 民贵君轻、民心向背决定政治成败是孟子民本思想的基本理念。

    Priority of subjects ' interests , political success and failure decided by common aspiration of subjects are the basic notions of Mencius ' humanist thoughts .

  4. 作为政治晴雨计,在瑞士达弗斯举行的世界经济论坛通常提供很明显的全球民心向背指标,今年也不例外。

    As a political barometer , the Davos World Economic Forum usually offers up some revealing indicators of the global mood , and this year is no exception .

  5. 人民在社会生活和生产过程中生存的优劣,决定着民心向背,而民心向背又决定着革命成果是否巩固,社会是否稳定,政权是否长久。

    People fit and unfit quality which survive in the social life and the production process , is deciding the popular sentiment likes and dislikes , but the popular sentiment likes and dislikes were deciding revolutionary achievement whether consolidated , society whether stable , the political power is whether long-time .

  6. 他提出“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”的主张,认为人民的安危与民心的向背是国家安危的关键所在。

    He claimed that " the people are the most important ; the state is secondary while the monarch is the least " and believed that civil security and public opinions are pivotal to the stability of a state .