
mín zú qí shì
  • ethnic discrimination
  1. 反对任何形式的民族歧视和压迫

    Opposing Ethnic Discrimination or Oppression of Any Form

  2. 在社会主义制度下,民族压迫、民族歧视、隔阂的社会阶级根源虽然已被消除,但由于民族间发展不平衡和民族差异而产生的民族问题依然存在。

    Under the socialist system , national oppression , ethnic discrimination , social class origin of the barrier has been eliminated , but the ethnic problems arising as a result of the uneven development of inter-ethnic and ethnic differences still exist .

  3. H:我认为作为一个犹太人,对因为种族、信仰和国家的原因而成为民族歧视的受害者、种族灭绝的被谋杀者或受害者,我们都应该捍卫他们。

    H : I believe that as a Jew , anyone who 's the victim of racism or who has been murdered or fell victim to genocide because of his race or religion or nationality , should be defended .

  4. 语言民族歧视反映了社会生活中的民族偏见、隔阂、矛盾、冲突和仇恨。本文从社会语言学角度分析语言民族歧视的几种现象,即语言理论和观念中所表现的民族歧视;

    National prejudice in language reflects national bias , alienation , conflicts and hatred .

  5. 论语言民族歧视

    On National Prejudice in Language

  6. 在旧中国,长期存在着严重的民族歧视和民族压迫。

    In old China , severe national discrimination and oppression existed over a long period of time .

  7. 英语语言中的部分短语和谚语反映了英语语言的民族歧视性,此外,英语语言对英语民族自身也有美化的一面。

    Some phrases in English can reflect English discrimination . Furthermore , English comes to beautify English-speaking nationalities .

  8. 政治领导也应当加倍努力促进文化对话,根除民族歧视和民族排斥。

    Political leaderships should also double its efforts to promote cultural dialogue and to eradicate discrimination and marginalization .

  9. 温克勒:我在前面提到过,法律保障只是反对民族歧视的关键之一;

    Winkler : As I mentioned before , legal measures constitute only one key point of fighting discrimination ;

  10. 而随着现代世界经济一体化进程的不断加快,民族歧视现象将逐渐消除,对其它民族含有歧视性的语言也必将消亡。

    With the globalization of world economy , national prejudice and discriminating languages against other nationalities are doomed to disappear .

  11. 立法应当引导树立全社会反恐意识、反同情意识和反民族歧视意识。

    The awareness of counterterrorism , counter-sympathy , counter-nationality of the whole society should be set up in the legislation of counterterrorism .

  12. 要防止民族歧视和隔离,走民族团结、民族平等、各民族共同繁荣之路。

    We should continue to forge ahead on the road of National Unity , National Equality and Mutual Prosperity of all Nations .

  13. 充分体现了乾隆君臣重法治回的思想,暴露了统治者民族歧视和民族压迫的反动本质

    It reflects the understanding of ' ruling Hui nationality through severe law ' in Qianlong time , the reactionary instinct of ethnic prejudice and oppression

  14. 元朝蒙古统治者推行的民族歧视与贱儒政策使得元文人们处于双重失落的处境,然而却成了他们重新审视、反思、批判传统和历史的契机,从而炼就了一种解构精神。

    The artists of Yuan dynasty met with an awkward and disappointed situation , because of the policy of discrimination to the Han nationality and the Confucian , which was made by the Mongolia dynasty .

  15. 元代是广西文教发展的中衰期,科举不盛,学校与书院教育处于近乎停滞的状态,这与当朝的民族歧视政策及广西地区社会局势的动荡不无关系。

    In the Yuan dynasty , imperial civil examinations were not popular and schools and academies of classical learning stagnated , which is connected with the discrimination against minority nationalities and the turbulent situation in Guangxi .

  16. 制定这些法规是为了消除对少数民族的歧视。

    The regulations are intended to prevent discrimination against minorities .

  17. 禁止对任何民族的歧视和压迫。

    Discrimination against and oppression of any ethnic group are prohibited . ' '

  18. 民权法案禁止基于性别、种族、宗教和民族的歧视。

    The law forbids discrimination based on sex , race , religion or national origin .

  19. 本文认为蒙元统治者“华夷有别”与“内华夏、外夷狄”的偏见比较淡薄,对边疆少数民族较少歧视。

    In this article the author considers that the rulers of Mongol Empire and Yuan Dynasty rarely discriminate against the minorities in borderland .

  20. 中国教育部门近日宣布,禁止用人单位在校园招聘时设置限定性别和民族等歧视性规定。

    China 's educational authorities recently announced a ban forbidding employers from setting discriminatory requirements on campus recruitment , including restrictions on gender and ethnicity .

  21. 如何消除民族偏见与歧视,进而减少民族冲突?

    How to eliminate ethnic prejudice and discriminate , and to reduce ethnic conflict ?

  22. 在这方面,同样不存在对少数民族的任何歧视。

    In this respect , there is also no discrimination against the minority nationalities .

  23. 广告、商标不得含有对民族、宗教歧视性内容。

    And no advertisements or trade marks shall include discriminatory contents against any ethnic group or religion .

  24. 反对民族压迫和歧视,发展民族平等、互助、团结关系,实行民族区域自治制度。

    Opposing ethnic oppression and discrimination , developing ethnic equality , mutual aid and unity , and carrying out the ethnic regional autonomy system .

  25. 在中国,任何煽动民族仇视和歧视,破坏民族平等团结的言行都是违法的。

    In China any words or acts aimed at inciting hostility and discrimination against any ethnic group and sabotaging equality and unity among peoples are regarded as violating the law .

  26. AIESEC不对种族、肤色、性别、性取向、信仰、宗教、国籍、民族和社会出身歧视。

    AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race , color , gender , sexual orientation , creed , and religion , ethnic or social origin .

  27. 没有务实的教育思想,犹太民族不可能在歧视中生存下来。

    Without practicable thought of education , the Jewish nation could not have survived under pervasive discrimination .

  28. 其质疑了美国政府的申明,在申明中,美国政府表示已经做了足够多的事情来应对拘禁黑人和其他少数民族时存在种族歧视的指控。

    It challenged assertions that the government was doing enough to combat alleged racial discrimination in the detention of African-Americans and other minorities .

  29. 这些词汇标签反映出美国人自己的“例外”心态以及对它民族的偏见与歧视心理。

    These labels show American mentality of themselves being " an exception " in world affairs and their prejudice and discrimination against other nations .

  30. 沃尔沃集团招聘和对待员工的方式绝没有诸如性别、宗教和民族等方面的歧视。

    The Volvo Group recruits and treats its employees in a way that is not discriminatory as regards , for instance , gender , religion and nationality .