
  • 网络Microenterprise;micro-enterprises;micro-enterprise;micro enterprise;microbusiness;SMME
  1. 但从目前研究来看,关于微型企业使用B2B电子商务网站的研究还很匮乏。

    However viewed from present research , there is little research that is directed to the application of B2B e-commerce websites in micro-enterprises .

  2. 近年来,微型企业开始逐渐进入国内外学术界的研究视野,并成为继中小企业后又一个新的研究热点。

    In recent years , Micro-enterprises have begun to enter the domestic and international academic research horizons and become a new research hot spot after the SEM .

  3. 世界银行(worldbank)的一项最新研究发现,在帮助贫穷家庭实现经济富足方面,针对创业活动的微型企业投资比传统的外国援助更为有效。

    A recent World Bank study has found that micro-enterprise investment for entrepreneurial activities is much more successful in helping poor families achieve economic prosperity than traditional foreign aid .

  4. 小额信贷(Microfinance),指对低收入的人群和微型企业所提供的无需抵押物的金融服务。

    Microfinance is non-collateral financial service which provide to low-income crowd and mini-enterprise .

  5. 科技大大改善了微型企业的生存机遇。

    Technology has transformed the opportunities for microbusiness .

  6. 我国微型企业的现状、问题及发展对策研究

    Research on the Current Status and Issues and Development Strategies of Micro-enterprise in China

  7. 但这些是由一个人组成的微型企业。

    But these were tiny one-person businesses .

  8. 分配格局的企业提出了一种坚定的结构,主要是微型企业。

    The distribution pattern of enterprises presents a firmed structure which is dominated by micro enterprises .

  9. 这已经导致出现了许多微型企业,允许个人出售东西。

    This has resulted in the emergence of many micro enterprises that allow individuals to sell things .

  10. 随着个人创业现象的兴起,农村微型企业创业也逐渐发展起来。

    With the rise of individual business , rural micro enterprise startup is also gradually in development .

  11. 结果发现,中小企业特别是小型、微型企业的状况,可能比2008年金融海啸时更为艰难。

    The ACFIC found the position the small firms are facing is grimmer than that of global financial turmoil in2008 .

  12. 发展微型企业作为规范重庆家教市场的出发点是保证市场的有序运行、提高政府管理的效率。

    The starting point is to ensure the orderly operation of market and to improve the efficiency of government administration .

  13. 自2000年以来,英国增加了140万家“微型企业”,即雇员人数在0至9人之间的企业。

    The UK has added 1.4m " micro-firms , " those with between zero and nine employees , since 2000 .

  14. 然而,农村微型企业创业者创业能力的不足制约了农村微型企业的持续生存和发展扩大。

    However , the lack of entrepreneurial competency of entrepreneurs restricts rural micro enterprises ' continuous survival and future development .

  15. 也就是说:银行开展中、小、微型企业信贷业务面临着更高的信用风险水平。

    That is to say : when the bank lends money to small , miniature enterprises will face a higher level of credit risk .

  16. 志愿者还通过开辟学校菜园,发展农业微型企业以及向社区成员讲解营养知识等方式帮助解决粮食供应和营养不良问题。

    Volunteers have also helped address food availability and nutrition by building school gardens , developing agricultural microenterprises and teaching community members about good nutrition .

  17. 随着工作性质的多样化,那些打零工、做咨询或者经营一家只有一两名雇员的“微型企业”的人也需要类似的保障。

    As jobs fracture , individuals who switch jobs , work as consultants or run " micro-businesses " with one or two employees need similar support .

  18. 中国有关部门于2017年决定,对金融机构向小型企业、微型企业和个体工商户发放小额贷款取得的利息收入,免征增值税。

    Chinese authorities decided in 2017 that financial institutions will value-added taxes on income from interest from loans to small and micro-sized businesses and individually-owned businesses .

  19. 主流金融发展理论认为,大型金融机构不适合为小型和微型企业提供融资服务,认为这不符合比较优势发展原理。

    According to the major financial development theory , the large financial institutions are not suitable for providing financing services to small or micro-enterprises for the comparative-advantage principle .

  20. 以往关于微型企业的研究,主要是关于微型企业概念的界定、微型企业的优势以及微型企业创业的影响因素等相关问题,具体研究微型企业创业行为及扶持政策的文献还比较少。

    Previous research on micro-enterprises are mainly about the definition , the advantages and effect factors , the specific research between micro-enterprises start-up behavioral and policy needs is scarcely .

  21. 重建方案正在把重点从帮助渔民增加收入转移到创办微型企业上来,如奶牛和家禽饲养场,以及水果和鲜花生产农场。

    The reconstruction program is also placing emphasis on helping fisher folk supplement their income with micro enterprises , like dairy and poultry farms and fruit and flower farms .

  22. 为农村中低收入群体和微型企业提供有效的金融服务,是当前农村经济与社会发展所必须解决的关键问题。

    How to provide effective financial services for low-income groups and micro-enterprises are key issues of the current economic and social development in rural areas , which must be resolved .

  23. 第二部分对本研究所涉及的农村微型企业创业、个体信息能力、创业绩效的已有研究进行综合述评,对相关概念、研究方法、研究结论进行较为系统的归纳梳理。

    The second part review existing research about rural micro-enterprises , individual information ability , business performance , and generalize relevant concepts , research methods , research findings from existing documentation .

  24. 重点扶持就业容量大的服务业、创新型科技企业和小型微型企业,创造更多就业岗位。

    We will give high priority to supporting service industries , innovative high-tech enterprises , and small and micro businesses that employ large numbers of people so as to create more jobs .

  25. 农民在创业活动中对信息的需求较为强烈,但创业者本身的信息能力却比较薄弱,研究农村微型企业创业者的信息能力具有积极的现实意义。

    Farmers have a great need for information in the business activities , but their information ability is weak . Studying the rural micro-enterprise entrepreneurs ' information ability has a positive practical significance .

  26. 一些中小微型企业以及个人开发者为了降低移动应用的开发成本,缩短移动应用开发周期,寻求一种跨平台的移动应用开发解决方案。

    In order to reduce the cost of mobile application development and short the development cycle of mobile applications , some small micro-enterprises and individual developers seek a solution of cross-platform mobile application development .

  27. 税务机关对不能建账的个体工商户、小微型企业等纳税人的涉税事项一般采取的管理方式是定期定额征收管理。

    Tax authorities cannot prepare accounts of individual industrial and commercial households , small micro enterprises , and other general taxpayers ' tax matters management way is to norm management on a regular basis .

  28. 研究的结果显示:它们呈一种以微型企业为主,重视信誉,且分散于中国市场为特点,从而得出最重要的成功因素与其文化和地理因素相关。

    Results reveal a micro-business focus and that top-ranking success factors relate to cultural and geographical issues given the fragmentation of the Chinese market in which the important notion of trust is at the heart .

  29. 作为一个社会主义国家,大力发展微型企业,既是增强国家创新力的重要课题,也是提高妇女社会地位的重要手段。

    As a socialistic country , devoting major efforts to mini-scaled enterprises should be an important issue of enhancing the innovation of our country and be a major measure of raising women 's social status .

  30. 本部分运用探索性的案例研究方法,在14个农村微型企业创业者的访谈数据基础上,揭示为了农村微型企业的生存,农民创业者社会资本的动态发展趋势以及背后的原因。

    Using an explorative case study and based on the interview data of 14 farmer entrepreneurs , this section discloses the trend of farmer entrepreneurs ' social capital dynamics and the causes behind this trend .