
wēi tiáo
  • trim;adjust slightly;fine-tune
  • trimming;fine tuning
  1. 与CMOS相容的嵌入式NVM技术是当前工业界的成功解决方案,并在诸如模拟技术微调应用中的位元级一直到数据或代码储存的千位元等级取得越来越广泛的应用。

    CMOS compatible NVM is a successful technical solution and is finding increasing applications that range from a few bits in analog trim applications to kilobits for data or code storage .

  2. 油门微调设置到低(关闭)位置。

    Set the throttle trim to the low ( off ) position .

  3. 我们不会根据短期预测就试图对经济进行微调。

    We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions

  4. 试验期间,机器人算法和机械结构将进行微调,使其更好地适应患病的牲畜,并确保它安全地绕开包括树木、泥浆、沼泽和丘陵在内的潜在危险。

    During the trials , the robot algorithms and mechanics will be fine-tuned to make it better suited to ailing livestock and ensure it safely navigates around potential hazards including trees , mud , swamps , and hills .

  5. 具有低压降,可微调,配有法兰等产品特点

    Low pressure drop . Micrometer adjustment . Flanged with threaded companion flange .

  6. 松崎道哉说,通过微调技术,未来顾客将能订购按照自己的口味和健康状况定制的人造肉,脂肪含量也可以随心定制。

    Michiya Matsusaki said that with these adjustments , customers might one day be able to order a cultured cut of meat with the amount of fat they desire , tailor-made to their tastes and health concerns .

  7. 封面设计一般七、八版,运气不好有可能达到50版。通常快速的设计需要7-8个版本的迭代才能选出定稿,之后还需要做一些微调(把标题调大一点儿、换一个正文字体、市场部要求作者的名字用金箔等)。

    A quick design process might involve seven or eight different iterations before a final design is chosen , followed by a process of fine-tuning ( make the title bigger , try a script font , Marketing wants the author in gold foil , etc ) .

  8. Networkbandwidth设置是不相关的,因为它与音频和视频微调有关

    The network bandwidth setting be Irrelevant as It have to do with audio and video tuning

  9. 该机采用PLC、触摸屏自动控制系统及数显电压表微调控温。

    It adopts PLC control system , touch screen and digital displayed voltmeter adjustment .

  10. 在对语言应用程序进行测试和微调之后,LotusNotes应用程序全球化就完成了。

    After testing and fine-tuning the language application , the Lotus Notes application globalization is done .

  11. LF钢包精炼炉合金微调自动控制系统

    The Automatic Control System of Alloy Adjust in Ladle Furnace

  12. startspinner函数接受两个参数:微调控制项的ID及其标题。

    The start_spinner function takes two arguments : the ID of the spinner and its title .

  13. 最后应用局部搜索对得到的GA解进行微调以改善解的质量。

    Local search is applied so as to improve the solution of GA after crossover or mutation .

  14. 微调垃圾收集首先要做的是检查冗长的GC输出。

    The first place to start with tuning garbage collection is to examine the verbose GC output .

  15. endspinner调用结束startspinner中打开的标记,以容纳微调控制项的内容。

    The end_spinner call finishes the tag opened in start_spinner to hold the content of the spinner .

  16. 如果能让财政收入提高到gdp的26%,对财政支出进行微调就可以获得可持续性。

    If revenue were allowed to rise to 26 per cent of GDP , modest adjustments to spending would secure sustainability .

  17. 巴西和韩国下调利率,加上日本央行(bankofjapan)微调其资产购买计划,都表明全球经济目前处于脆弱状态。

    Interest rate cuts in Brazil and South Korea plus tweaks by the Bank of Japan to its asset purchase programme highlighted the fragile state of the world economy .

  18. Web表达式语言实际上只是用于传统HTML中的JavaScript事件模型的一个扩展(语法有些微调)。

    The Web Expression Language is really just an expansion of the JavaScript event model used in traditional HTML ( with slightly altered syntax ) .

  19. 因此,必须先后对VisualC++编译器和JIT进行微调以生成最佳代码。

    For this reason , the Visual C + + compiler and the JIT must be tuned in tandem to generate the best code .

  20. 发动机活塞销孔精镗加工用PCD镗刀和精密微调镗杆

    PCD Boring Tool and Fine Adjustment Boring Bar Used in Precision Finishing Pinhole of Engine Piston

  21. 设计了基准电压源和电压微调电路,为ADC提供参考电压和电流,而且能进行一定范围内的微调。

    Design a bandgap voltage reference circuit and a voltage-modifying circuit to provide precise voltage and current reference for the referred ADC .

  22. 为了弥补这一缺憾,参数的在线自校正在PID参数大概确定的基础上,根据实际系统,微调系统控制参数,使系统的定值控制更加准确。

    In order to compensate for this shortcoming , the parameters on-line self-tuning is useful . It tuned the control parameters of actual system , made the control more accurately .

  23. date类型在Opera浏览器中提供一个日历选择器进行日期选择,但在Googlechrome中创建一个微调框,如图3所示。

    The date type provides a calendar picker for date selection in the Opera browser but creates a spinner in Google Chrome , as seen in Figure 3 .

  24. 在页面中隐藏和显示数据的另一选择就是微调控制项(spinner)。

    Another option for hiding and showing data on a page is the spinner .

  25. JDT系列精密微调镗头及自动检测补偿系统

    Series JDT precision boring head with fine adjustments and automatic monitoring compensation system

  26. 此外如果需求真的很高,人人可以略微调高IPO的美国存托股票单价,而这种情况通常发生在最受追捧的IPO身上。

    And , if demand is really high , it can ratchet up the price per ads of the IPO , which often happens with the most sought-after offerings .

  27. 分别熔炼钢水及合金,合兑后简单微调成分即进行VOD操作。

    The steel and alloy have been smelted separately , then after mixing process the composition has been fine adjusted ( that is VOD process ) .

  28. 同时,在函数中给出了两个重要参数:条件参数α和微调参数c,分别体现了离散化过程中的均衡性和相邻两区间数目的相差程度;并且在算法内部给出了两个重要规定。

    At the same time , two important parameters ( condition parameter α and tiny move parameter c ) which embody respectively equilibria in the process of discretization and discrepancy extent of number of adjacent two intervals are given in the function .

  29. lev2是微调控制项的链接,lev2body是该项目的正文。

    Lev2 is the link for the spinner , and lev2_body is the body of that item .

  30. 通过LF精炼炉与成分快速分析相结合,进行钢水成分微调,从而控制钢的成分波动范围;

    To adjust finely the composition of molten steel by combining LF finery with fast analysis of composition , the composition control in a limited scope can be realized .