
fěn shì
  • whitewash;gloss over;varnish;dress up;massage;sugar up;camouflage;gild;slick up
粉饰 [fěn shì]
  • (1) [camouflage;gild]∶涂饰表面,打扮,装饰

  • 云:是当为河伯妇,共粉饰之。--《史记.滑稽列传》

  • (2) [gloss over;slick up]∶掩盖实质或失误

  • 粉饰错误

粉饰[fěn shì]
  1. 这不是粉饰我们面对的困难,或者低估所需要做的努力的规模。

    This is no to gloss over out problems , or to underestimate the scale of what is required .

  2. 在这过程中,纳粹德国的对外宣传起到了掩饰或粉饰自己的战略目的的作用。

    In this process , how Nazi Germany uses the foreign propaganda to cover up or gloss over their strategic purposes is a very worthwhile research .

  3. 他妻子在他死后本来想粉饰他的名声。

    His wife had wanted to whitewash his reputation after he died .

  4. 整个想法就是要粉饰历史。

    The whole idea was to give history a happy gloss .

  5. 这是一幢没有任何装潢或粉饰的大楼。

    It was a building without any adornment or decoration .

  6. “整个事件都已经被粉饰过了,”他昨日声称。

    ' The whole incident was whitewashed , ' he claimed yesterday .

  7. 这份报告最后的结论被谴责为彻头彻尾的粉饰。

    The report 's findings were condemned as total whitewash .

  8. 无论你如何粉饰,银行就是为了放贷而生的。

    However you dress it up , a bank only exists to lend money .

  9. 他所说的是一大堆粉饰之词。

    What he said was a load of whitewash .

  10. 他想粉饰事实,但那是徒劳的。

    He tried to varnish over the facts , but it was useless .

  11. 他试图掩盖和粉饰其犯罪行为的嚣张气焰是不可原谅的。

    The blatancy of his attempt to whitewash the crime was unforgivable .

  12. 他们力图粉饰自己。

    They tried hard to whitewash themselves .

  13. 以往英国的调查主要关注政府的情报使用情况,这些调查被认为不过是一桶粉饰错误的白色涂料而已。

    Previous British reports , which concentrated on the government 's use of intelligence , have been dismissed as whitewashes .

  14. 同样,粉饰言辞去攀求高官厚禄的人,他们离大道的距离可以说是十分遥远。

    In the same way , those who use sugared up words to pursue high posts and salaries are actually very far away from the main path .

  15. 去年的业绩其实还受到电信设备合资企业诺基亚西门子通信公司(NokiaSiemensNetworks)扭亏为盈的粉饰。

    Last year 's results were also flattered by a turnaround at its telecom-equipment joint venture Nokia Siemens Networks .

  16. Jennifer讽刺道:(别粉饰自己啦,你是什么人我还不知道嘛。)

    Don 't whitewash yourself . I know what you are like .

  17. 与其他城市一样,管理伦敦出租车行业的伦敦交通局(TransportforLondon)的提议被粉饰为保护公众安全的措施。

    As in other cities , the proposals of Transport for London , which regulates the city 's taxis , are dressed up as measures to protect public safety .

  18. Nathan不讲理,而且你尽全力试图粉饰你的反对。

    Nathan was being unreasonable and you tried to sugarcoat your objections the best you could .

  19. 从去年年初开始,SEC就基金经理涉嫌对投资组合中的股票进行粉饰账面操作至少提出了三项诉讼。

    Since the beginning of last year , the SEC has brought at least three cases against money managers for allegedly window dressing stocks in their portfolios .

  20. 苹果公司只是粉饰了一下iPhoneSE,这手机和之前那款明明就差不多,只不过颜色不一样啊。

    It looks like they 've just put lipstick on a pig for the iPhone SE . It 's just the same phone as 2 years ago , but in bright new colors .

  21. 然而,由于创业板上市资格的一票难求,不少中小企业会扭曲真实的企业财务盈余情况,粉饰上市所需的相关财务指标来尽快完成创业板IPO。

    However , taking the hard GEM qualification into consideration , more and more small and median enterprises will distort the real financial surplus situation and whitewash the required financial indicators for listing on GEM IPO as soon as possible .

  22. 这话在花旗集团(Citigroup)纽约总部明净的走廊被重复得过于频繁,老板仍将公司性命攸关的困境粉饰为又一次机遇时,职员们的眼神颇有些不屑。

    The phrase is heard so frequently in the glazed corridors of Citigroup 's New York headquarters that staff roll their eyes when yet another of their bosses paints the company 's life-threatening plight as an opportunity .

  23. 2000年美国著名的安达信会计师事务所(ArthurAndersen)因涉嫌粉饰财务报表、虚假陈述和欺诈投资者这三大罪状而由加洲大学牵头提出诉讼。

    In the year of 2000 , one of the most famous CPA-Arthur Andersen in USA was sued by university of California because of polishing finical report , false statement as well as cheating investor .

  24. 室内环境:这栋砖砌结构、灰泥粉饰并铺着瓷砖屋顶的两层楼房屋由Dorr&Dorr公司设计,于1916年完工,近15年内曾经翻修。

    INDOORS : The two-story house , of brick and stucco with a ceramic tile roof , was designed by Dorr & Dorr , completed in 1916 and renovated over the last 15 years .

  25. 室内环境:这栋灰泥粉饰的两层楼当代住宅建于2005年。

    INDOORS : The two-story stucco contemporary was built in 2005 .

  26. 浅谈粉饰财务报表的危害及识别方法

    On the Jeopardy of Varnishing Financial Statements and Its Discerning Methods

  27. 我们住在拐角处那幢粉红色的拉毛粉饰的房子里。

    We live in that pink stucco house on the corner .

  28. 还粉饰了所有木器,我只是剥夺和再保险漆所有木制品。

    I just stripped and re-varnished all the woodwork . Look .

  29. 他们企图掩盖一切,粉饰一切。

    They wanted to cover up and paint over everything .

  30. 财务报告粉饰与财务报告优化的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Coloring and Optimizing Financial Statements FINANCIAL