
fěn dǐ shuānɡ
  • foundation cream
  1. 在冬天,干性皮肤的人使用粉底霜前一定要用面霜来进一步润肤。

    In the winter , drying cutaneous must come to further profit skin with cream before person use foundation cream .

  2. 日本男性用淡妆让自己看上去清新自然,韩国男性则大胆通过男用眼线液或粉底霜打造精致优雅的面庞。

    While Japanese men used to put on light makeup to keep their natural look , South Korean gentlemen were not afraid of wearing eyeliner or foundation to create delicate and elegant face .

  3. 在雅诗兰黛活动中卖的最好的化妆品就是粉底霜。

    The best-selling make-up product at the Lauder events was foundation .

  4. 玛丽在施粉之前先涂上粉底霜。

    Mary spread vanishing cream on her face before applying her face powder .

  5. 哪个颜色的粉底霜比较适合我?

    Which color foundation is good on me ?

  6. 我能试试低变应原性粉底霜吗?

    May I try the hypoallergenic foundation ?

  7. 我用什么粉底霜好看呢?

    Which foundation looks good on me ?

  8. 首尔已经成为亚洲旅游者蜂拥购买粉底霜和乳霜的热点地区之一。

    Seoul has become a hot spot for Asian tourists flocking to buy foundations and creams .

  9. 粉底霜就用手指涂抹,是液体粉底,用海绵块,粉状的话最好用小刷子。

    Fingers for a cream foundation , a sponge for liquids and a brush for mineral powder .

  10. 第一,用粉底霜打过底后在面部和颈部喷洒些冰水。

    First splash ice-cold water on your face and neck after you have applied foundation to set the base .

  11. 胶底纸:纸的一面涂上粘性胶,玛丽在施粉之前先涂上粉底霜。

    Adhesive paper : Paper coated on one side with adhesive gum , Mary spread vanishing cream on her face before applying her face powder .

  12. 确保任何部位充分保湿,因为遮掩红肿的皮肤比遮掩干燥皮肤更加容易。2.粉底霜

    Also make sure you moisturise any blemishes as it will be easier to cover red skin than to cover dry skin . Step 2 : Foundation

  13. 用途:美容化妆品和护肤品中,如粉底霜、爽身粉、唇膏、沐浴露、香皂等。

    Application : Used as Colour cosmetic and skin care , for example face powder , talcum powder , lipstick , body shower foam and soft soap , etc.

  14. 取决于皮肤的类型,你可以选择使用粉底或者浅色保湿霜,对于较小的瑕疵或斑点来说,有时这样就足够了。

    Depending on what suits your skin , you could use either a foundation or a tinted moisturiser on your face , and for smaller blemishes and spots this can sometimes be enough .