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  1. 灰色、海兰色和灰棕色也不错。

    Gray , navy and beige are also good .

  2. 鞋应与衣服的颜色相配。黑颜色的衣服最佳。灰色、海兰色和灰棕色也不错。选不易出皱的衣料,如生丝和紧身牛仔。

    Use the shoes to coordinate your clothing color scheme.Black clothes are best . Gray , and are also good.Choose that don 't wrinkle , such as raw silk and knit jersey .

  3. 尸检主要见腿部肌肉色白或灰白色。

    At necropsy , muscles in the leg were white or greyish - white .

  4. 雪地迷彩:3色(,灰和黑)林图样,在东北边防军出现过。

    Snow-Land Camouflage : 3 - colour ( white , grey and black ) in a woodland pattern , used by border defence units in northeast China .

  5. 一系列微妙的色彩,中性色,从灰铝色到锡青铜色随时间氧化的锈迹阴影中提取的植物灰和银灰色。

    A range of sophisticated nuance , neutral coloured , vegetal and metallic greys from pale aluminium to tin bronze changing through time with oxidized and rusty shadows .

  6. 藏红花色一种从灰红紫色到淡红紫色的颜色碱法提取花生红衣中白藜芦醇的研究

    A grayish to light reddish purple . Study on resveratrol from red skin of peanut by alkaline extraction method

  7. 中国人、朝鲜人、暹罗人和日本人的石陶器,加釉,其色调有各种绿、橄榄色、青和灰。

    Korean , Siamese , and Japanese stoneware decorated with glazes the colour range of which includes greens of various shades , olive , blue , and gray .

  8. 被毛以黄褐、黑及黑白色最多,红褐、狸色灰之,间有青灰和白色。

    The color patterns are mostly yellowish brown , black , and black and white ;