
duì lì miàn
  • opposite;antithesis;opposite sides;negative;anti-;obverse
对立面 [duì lì miàn]
  • [negative] 与另一事物相对立或反对的事物

对立面[duì lì miàn]
  1. 经验论的对立面是唯理论。

    The opposite of empiricism is rationalism .

  2. 所以变成对立面根本不是转变。

    So change to an opposite is no change at all .

  3. 爱是自私的对立面。

    Love is the antithesis of selfishness .

  4. 热和冷是对立面。

    Hot and cold are opposites .

  5. 自私的对立面是爱。

    The antithesis of selfishness is love .

  6. 另一种可能是,保守主义时代没有屈从于它的对立面&自由主义,而是倒想了一种走第三条路线(thirdway)的综合体。

    Another possibility is that the conservative era yields not to its liberal antithesis , but to a Third Way synthesis .

  7. 若A为VP结构,A的对立面是B的必经阶段。

    Negative A is the necessary phase if A is acted as VP .

  8. 近日,一位北京市的官员指责称,在线约车app已经在北京日益恶化的交通拥堵中发挥了很重的作用,而这些app也站在了传统打车服务的对立面。

    A Beijing official has accused ride-sharing apps of playing a significant role in Beijing 's worsening traffic congestion , as such apps battle it out with old-fashioned taxis .

  9. 大卫艾伦,GTD创作者,往往如何评论认是对立面的工作。

    David Allen , creator of GTD , has often remarked at how thought is the antithesis of work .

  10. 这部由埃及裔美国人萨姆·艾斯美尔(SamEsmail)创制的剧集让科技和经济站在了对立面,也让反复无常的主人公成为自己的敌人。

    Created by Sam Esmail , an Egyptian-American , the show pits technology against the economy and its unstable protagonist against himself .

  11. 尽管中国的出口下降了,但进口下降的速度更快,因此中国的GDP继续以快于消费的速度增长,同时中国的储蓄率(消费的对立面)继续攀升。

    Although Chinese exports have dropped , imports have declined even faster , so that China 's GDP continues to grow faster than its consumption , and China 's savings level , which is the inverse of consumption , continues to rise .

  12. 危险在于,我们正从诺贝尔经济学奖获得者道格拉斯诺斯(DouglassNorth)所说的开放介入秩序走向它的对立面&这是一种政治起决定性作用的体制。

    The danger is that we are moving from what the Nobel   laureate economic historian , Douglass North , calls an open-access order to its opposite , a system in which political influence is decisive .

  13. 在Winterscombe我从来没有经历过这种事情,我喜欢他们的对立面。

    At Winterscombe I never experienced such things , and I loved their opposites .

  14. 他们失败的原因有很多,但最主要的原因是,otc市场产品必然是定制的工具和合约,在职业参与者之间进行大规模交易,因此,它们是交易所交易产品的对立面。

    There are many reasons they have failed , but the largest one is that OTC market products are of necessity bespoke instruments and contracts , traded in large amounts between professional participants ; and as such , they are the antithesis of an exchange-traded product .

  15. 白宫发言人卡尼(JayCarney)说,安南的辞职提醒人们,俄罗斯和中国不支持安理会决议,这样做等于是站在了历史和叙利亚人民的对立面。

    Mr. Annan 's resignation served as a reminder that Russia and China , by failing to support Security Council resolutions , were ' on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of the Syrian people , ' said White House spokesman Jay Carney .

  16. ElBaradei表示,伊朗未及时披露该核设施的存在,“站在了法律的对立面”。他利用此次新闻发布会,为伊朗的意图提出警告。

    While ElBaradei has said Iran was " on the wrong side of the law " in not the plant 's existence earlier , he used the news conference to sound a note of caution about Iran 's intentions .

  17. 总之,对立面的统一是无往不在的。

    In short , the unity of opposites is present everywhere .

  18. 这部小说涉及爱与恨两个对立面。

    The novel deals with the polar oppositesof love and hate .

  19. 广东党校的一个研究员说广东和重庆并没有在对立面上。

    A researcher atGuangdong 's party school saysGuangdongandChongqingare not in opposition .

  20. ‘湿’的对立面是‘乾’。

    The contrary of ` wet ' is ` dry ' .

  21. 辩证法的基本观点就是对立面的统一。

    The unity of opposites is the fundamental concept of dialectics .

  22. 代币曾一度是“足价”货币的对立面。

    Token money could at one time be contrasted with'full bodied'money .

  23. 社会主义和资本主义最直接的对立面之一。

    One of the most direct antitheses between socialism and capitalism .

  24. 艺术的对立面不是丑陋,而是了冷漠。

    The opposite of art is not ugliness , it 's indifference .

  25. 同两个对立面相似但又不同的第三者。

    Some third thing similar to two opposites but distinct from both .

  26. 对立面只会使我们所向往的更加美好。

    The opposite only compliments those things we thrive for .

  27. 成年女性(对立面是男人)。

    An adult female person ( as opposed to a man ) .

  28. 有些人认为奢华的对立面是贫穷。

    Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty .

  29. 四个坚持的对立面是资产阶级自由化。

    The opposite of the four principles is bourgeois liberalization .

  30. 但这是生的对立面哈里

    But this is the flip side of his coin , harry .