
  • 网络market economy theory;theory of market economy
  1. 西方新自由主义的市场经济理论述评

    A Review of Market Economy Theory of the Western Neo-liberalism

  2. 他创建了社会主义市场经济理论,铲除了封建主义赖以生存的土壤;

    He established the socialist market economy theory and eradicated the soil of feudalism .

  3. 关于高等教育更新育才观念几个问题的思考&学习社会主义市场经济理论的一点体会

    Thoughts on Renewing Ideas of Talent Cultivation In Higher Learning Institutions

  4. 论斯密对市场经济理论的贡献

    On Adam Smith ′ s Contributions to Market Economic Theory

  5. 市场经济理论的补充与发展&介绍信息经济学

    Complement Development about the Theory of Market Economy & Introduction to Information Economics

  6. 哈耶克市场经济理论的哲学批判

    A Critique to Hayek 's Theory of Market Economy

  7. 资源市场经济理论综述

    ^ Asummary of the theory of resource market economy

  8. 论斯密的和谐市场经济理论

    On Harmonious Market Economic Theory of Adam Smith

  9. 社会主义市场经济理论模式的确立,对同一所有者的国有企业之间能否建立真正的市场关系提出了挑战。

    The establishment of the socialist market economy is a challenge to the relationship .

  10. 进行比较分析,有助于深化社会主义市场经济理论研究。

    A comparative analysis will help us to deepen our study of market-oriented socialism .

  11. 新的正统观念认为,盎格鲁-撒克逊的自由市场经济理论死了,全球化名誉扫地。

    That new orthodoxy says that Anglo-Saxon liberal market economics is dead and globalisation discredited .

  12. 重庆市《资本论》与社会主义市场经济理论研讨会综述

    Overview on the Seminar on the Relationship between On Capital and Socialist Market Economy Theory

  13. 主要阐释现代市场经济理论及其在中国农村的实践。

    This part mainly illustrates modern market economic theories and their practice in rural China .

  14. 对军事经济工作改革的思考&学习社会主义市场经济理论的一点体会

    THINKING ON THE REFORM OF MILITARY ECONOMIC WORK & experience of studying socialist market economy theory

  15. 提出了加大农村教育投资和市场经济理论宣传,提升农民市场经济理念;

    Increasing investments on rural education ;

  16. 运用市场经济理论办好高等职业教育本文对把市场经济理论运用于高等职业教育领域进行了尝试和探索

    Research 0n the Teaching Management Making Good Use of the Market Economic Theory , Run Higher Vocational Schools Well

  17. 市场经济理论是建设中国特色社会主义经济的最基本内容。

    The theory of the market economy is the fundamental concept in cultivating peculiarities of a socialist economy in China .

  18. 根据非均衡市场经济理论,从现代货币理论出发,对我国的货币需求和货币供给进行了建模分析。

    Based on modern monetary theory and disequilibrium market principal , the paper analyze China 's money demand and money supply .

  19. 研究樊纲的经济思想对于中国市场经济理论创建和改革进程的推进均有重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    It is an important theoretical significance and practical significance for us to study the market economy theory and the reform process .

  20. 现代市场经济理论认为,国家干预与经济自由都是调节经济的手段。

    The modern market economy theory believes that the state intervention and the economic freedom are all the methods of adjusting the economy .

  21. 在此基础上本文运用社会主义市场经济理论,分析了改善民间投资环境的重要性和紧迫性。

    Furthermore , the paper emphasizes the importance and urgency of improving the non-governmental investment with the application of the socialist market economic theory .

  22. 马克思主义经济理论在当代中国发展的主要内容有:社会主义初级阶段理论、社会主义生产资料所有制理论、社会主义市场经济理论、社会主义个人消费品分配理论。

    Its main contents include theories of primary socialist stage , productive resource ownership , socialist market economy and socialist distribution of personal consumer goods .

  23. 同时,它丰富和发展了传统市场经济理论,具有极其广泛的世界意义;

    Meanwhile , the theory has enriched and developed the traditional market economy theory and therefore it has very extensive significance all over the world .

  24. 因此运用现代经济学和社会主义市场经济理论作为分析的基础和框架,研究我国民营企业的环境特征和制度特征以探索和揭示其运行规律,这对于社会主义市场经济理论的研究是有意义的。

    Thus , employing the theory of modern economics and SME to reveal their running rule is beneficial to the study of the theory of SME .

  25. 在马克思主义的市场经济理论中,一方面竞争可以实现资源的优化配置,另一方面就是公平与效率的关系如何处理。

    According to the Marxist theory , competition can not only optimize resource allocation , but also can deal with the relationship between fairness and efficiency .

  26. 从这个意义而言,改革开放的得失与认识西方市场经济理论和实践的水平紧密相联。

    In this sense the gains and losses of reform and opening-up are closely linked to how we understand the theory and practice of western market economy .

  27. 在纪念改革开放30周年之际,颇有必要回眸那些市场经济理论先驱的探索足迹。

    In commemoration of the30th anniversary of reform and opening up , it is quite necessary to review the exploratory footprints made by those market economic theory pioneers .

  28. 归结与研析德国社会市场经济理论及其财经政策,探讨其体制于中国的借鉴与操作性。

    This paper sums up and analyses the social marketing economic theory in Germany and its financial policies , inquires into the reference and operation of the systems for China .

  29. 而后,阐述了煤矿安全精细化管理的基本内涵和本质要求,探寻到了安全精细化管理的理论基础,有市场经济理论、企业理论、精细管理理论和安全管理理论等。

    Moreover the basic connotations and essential requests are set forth , with theoretical foundations found out including theories of market economy , corporation theory , refined management and safety management .

  30. 从制度变迁理论、市场经济理论和土地产权理论以及现实状况来看,农村土地承包经营权流转的市场化具有必然性和可行性。

    According to the institutional change theory 、 market economic theory and land property rights theory , the market circulation of rural land contract and management rights has necessity and feasibility .