
shū ji
  • secretary;clerk;letter;books
书记 [shū jì]
  • (1) [secretary]

  • (2) 旧称从事文书工作的人

  • (3) 党、团等各级组织的主要负责人

  • (4) [books]∶指书籍

  • 涉猎书记

  • (5) [letter]∶书信

  • 数通书记相报谢

  • (6) [tabellion]∶ 在罗马帝国时期具有一些公证人权力的公证人

书记[shū ji]
  1. 她当选为地方党组织的书记。

    She was elected to serve as secretary of the local party .

  2. 我决定申请副书记一职。

    I decided to put in for a job as deputy secretary .

  3. 书记员把在法庭上所有的话都记录在案。

    Clerks transcribe everything that is said in court .

  4. 他为最高法院的大法官做书记员。

    He clerked for the chief justice of the Supreme Court .

  5. 比克斯塔夫看上去对于当选总书记志在必得。

    Bickerstaffe looks assured of being elected general secretary .

  6. 让未经过训练的书记员在诸如谋杀等重大案件中提供建议是普遍的做法。

    It was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder

  7. 他怒视着尼基廷,但总书记圆睁双眼,用严厉的目光瞪得他转移了视线。

    He glared at Nikitin but the General Secretary stared him out with hard , pebble-like eyes .

  8. 书记突然离开会议室。

    The secretary abruptly left the conference room .

  9. 县委书记到一个乡村蹲点去了。

    The county Party secretary has gone to stay in a village to gain firsthand experience .

  10. 下议院的书记官整理了下议院的议事录

    The Clerk of the House prepares the journals of the House .

  11. 书记员宣读了刑事起诉书。

    The clerk to the justices read out the indictment .

  12. 弗朗西斯科先生是行政书记职位的正式提名人。

    Mr.Francisco is standing as the official nominee for the post of District Secretary .

  13. 输入书记员的判断:仅以归还房产为目的并发出执行判决的令状。不适用民事诉讼法第1174(c)款。(民事诉讼法第1169条)

    Enter clerk ′ s judgment : For restitution of the premises only and issue a writ of execution on the judgment . CCP1174 ( C ) DOES NOT APPLY . ( CCP1169 ) .

  14. 他是norfolk的一个书记员。

    He was a clerk at norfolk .

  15. 已故的伯特兰德·伊布拉辛在VL成为正式社团之前的发展历程中,是一个重要的贡献者,并且时任VL的书记,直至英年早逝。

    The late Bertrand Ibrahim was a key contributor to the pre-association phase of the VL 's development , and then served as its Secretary until his untimely death .

  16. 假如这是真的,那么“我们将会警告相关部门,开始我们的调查”交大的宣传部党委书记LiuYuxiang说。

    If it is true ," We 'll alert related departments and start our own investigation ," said Liu Yuxiang , head of the propaganda department of the party committee at Jiaotong University in Shanghai .

  17. 泗阳与意大利的Pavia和CasaleMonferrato是合作伙伴城市。今年早些时候,泗阳县县委书记赵深率团赴意大利访问。

    Earlier this year , Mr Zhao Shen , Chairman , County Council , Siyang County , lead a mission to Italy , where Siyang has twinning partners in Pavia and Casale Monferrato .

  18. 一名副书记撤销党内职务。

    A deputy secretary has been removed from his party position .

  19. 看,市政厅的书记来了!

    Look , it 's the Secretary from the town hall !

  20. 我们学校的校长和书记都是数学老师。

    The Party secretary and the principal are both maths teachers .

  21. 年级:系学生支部书记。

    Senior year : Party secretary of the department student branch .

  22. 法庭书记员将把那句话从记录中删去。

    The court reporter will strike that remark from the record .

  23. 校长和书记都出席了会议。

    The Secretary and the principal were present at the meeting .

  24. 法庭里的一位书记员听见门背后有人在笑。

    A clerk hears laughing behind the door of a courtroom .

  25. 尊敬的秦书记,王校长,尊敬的朋友们,女士们,先生们。

    President Wang , my distinguished friends and ladies and gentlemen .

  26. 第二天,我见到了他们县委书记。

    The next day , I saw them county wei secretary .

  27. 一致举手表决通过他当选为书记。

    He was elected secre-tary by a unanimous show of hands .

  28. 正如法庭书记员可能采用的描述:审判(考验)还在继续。

    As court reporters might put it : the trial continues .

  29. 他借口身体不好,辞去书记的职务。

    He resigned his secretaryship on the ostensible ground of health .

  30. 书记向我们布置了下一阶段的任务。

    The secretary assigned us the tasks for the period ahead .