
  1. 星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。(杜甫《旅夜书怀》)

    Stars drawn low by the vastness of the plain , | the moon rushing forward in the river 's flow .

  2. 《旅夜书怀》是杜诗的名篇,选入《古代汉语》作为高校教材,但历来对该诗的编年似不准确。

    Writing at a Travel Night 》 is one of DU Fu 's famous poems , selected in 《 ancient Chinese 》 as a textbook in institutions of higher learning in China , but the chronology of the poem has ever been inaccurate .

  3. 他们追上他,把他所有的书都从怀里扔到地上并把他绊倒,结果他摔在污泥里,眼镜也被打飞了,我看到它落在离他10英尺远的草地上。

    They ran at him , knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt . His glasses went flying , and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him .

  4. 然而很少有人向书索取它能给我们的东西,我们拿起书来往往怀着模糊而又杂乱的想法,要求小说是真是的,诗歌是虚假的,传记要吹捧,史书能加强我们自己的偏见。

    Yet few people ask from books what books can give us . Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds , asking of fiction that it shall be true , of poetry that it shall be false , of biography that it shall be flattering , of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices .