
lù sī
  • egret;heron
鹭鸶 [lù sī]
  • [egret;heron] 又叫鸬鹚。水鸟名,翼大尾短,颈和腿很长,常见的有白鹭、苍鹭、绿鹭等。白鹭又名鹭鸶,羽毛纯白色,顶有细长的白羽,捕食小鱼

鹭鸶[lù sī]
  1. 年轻白鹭鸶的小鸡为了最近捕获的饲料而战斗着。

    Young snowy egret chicks battle to feed on the recently caught catch .

  2. 鹭鸶问:你给我什么报酬?

    Will you kindly give me the reward ? asked the crane .

  3. 一只黑猩猩加鹭鸶等于三只兀鹰的重量吗?

    Does a gorilla weight equally with three vultures ?

  4. 如果她想的话,鹭鸶儿本来可以成为很多种人的。

    There were many things Ruthie could have been if she wanted to .

  5. 鹳,鹭鸶与其类,戴胜与蝙蝠。

    The stork , any kind of heron , the hoopoe and the bat .

  6. 鹭鸶趁机偷袭割稻机惊动的虫子,同时间,燕子也飞著猎食。

    Egrets stalk insects flushed by the harvesters , while swallows hunt on the wing .

  7. 黄梢长白鹭鸶毛扎把

    Bundled aigrette feather with yellow tip

  8. 在这里,还可以看到自然生态环境中的小蓝企鹅和斯图尔特岛鹭鸶。

    The Little Blue Penguin and the Stewart Island Shag can also be seen here in their natural environment .

  9. 书很棒,鹭鸶儿说,然后就用手抚摸起来,似乎她可以像读布莱叶盲文一样地去读它们。

    Books are wonderful , Ruthie says , and then she runs her hand over them as if she could read them in Braille .

  10. 海拔4700米的纳木错“天湖”,成为天鹅、鹭鸶、沙鸥等珍贵水禽的天然栖息地。

    With an elevation of 4,700 meters , Namco Lake has become a natural habitat for rare water birds like swans , egrets and sand birds .

  11. 除了被市政府定为市鸟的鹭鸶(白鹭)之外,同时还生活着苍鹭、池鹭和夜鸟等鹭鸟。

    Besides the City Bird Bittern appointed by the government , other species of egrets like herons , pond herons , and brown egrets ect . also live here .

  12. 梦露……后来有人认为我们稍稍改变一下,如果我们假装自己是宾尼先生、或者他的妻子布兰卡,或者鹭鸶儿,或者别的我们认识的人,游戏会好玩点。

    But then somebody thought it 'd be better if we changed the game a little , if we pretended we were Mr. Benny , or his wife Blanca , or Ruthie , or anybody we knew .

  13. 最后,鹭鸶同意试试看,他让狼张大嘴,然后将长长的脖子伸进狼的喉咙,用尖嘴叼出骨头。

    At last the crane agreed to try . It told the wolf to open his mouth , and then put its long neck down the wolf 's throat . The crane loosened the bone with its beak , and finally got it out .