
  • 网络written labor contract
  1. 我国多年不断推行和完善、加强书面劳动合同制度,非但没有减少和杜绝劳动纠纷,反而导致与劳动合同有关的纠纷逐年大量增加。

    We are implementing , improving and stressing the written labor contract system in many years , but only bring abort more and more disputes yearly .

  2. 但实践中,无书面劳动合同的事实劳动关系却大量存在。

    But in practice , there are many labor relations that have no written contract .

  3. 但是,在立法理念上,我国过于强调书面劳动合同的作用,对事实劳动关系抱着含糊不定的态度。

    The concept of the legislation emphasize too much on the written employment contract , while holding the ambiguous attitude on the factual labor relationship .

  4. 用人单位自用工之日起超过一个月不满一年未与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,应当向劳动者每月支付二倍的工资。

    If an employer fails to conclude a labor contract in written form with a worker in more than one month but less than one year after the date of starting to use him , it shall pay the worker double amount of his monthly salary .

  5. 我国《劳动法》规定劳动合同应当书面订立,但现实中不签订书面劳动合同形成的事实劳动关系大量存在。

    As the Labour Law stipulates that labour contracts shall be in written form , but in reality , the de facto labour contracts without written forms are common .