
  • 网络low price strategy;low pricing tactics
  1. 我国农产品以往依靠低价策略,而不是在产品质量、品牌上下功夫,恐难以在市场上立足。

    Ever depend on low price strategy , not in the product quality , brand fluctuation ; our agricultural product might not be able to exist on the market .

  2. 一方面国外知名的化工企业还在不断涌入争夺国内市场,另一方面国内化工企业通过购买技术专利在中国生产聚甲醛产品并采取低价策略渗透市场。

    A famous foreign chemical companies continue to flow for the domestic market , on the other hand , the domestic chemical enterprises through the purchase of patents in China production of POM and take the low price strategy of market penetration .

  3. 在经济衰退期间,很多商家采取低价策略,他们期望一旦吸引顾客进门,就能够劝说他们购买稍贵的产品。

    During the recession companies set prices low , hoping that once they had tempted customers through the door they would be persuaded to order more expensive items .

  4. 沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)过去仅仅采取低价策略,直到首席执行官李•斯科特(LeeScott)感觉到顾客的心态有所改变,于是决定让沃尔玛也成为一家环保企业。

    Wal-Mart was once simply about low prices , until Lee Scott , its chief executive , sensing the change in customer sentiment , decided to make it an environmentally friendly company too .

  5. 对于这类商品,天天低价策略才是最佳选择。

    With that type of product , an everyday-low-price strategy is optimal .

  6. 富国的拆船厂得想方设法才能与穷国的低价策略竞争。

    Rich-country companies struggle to match the prices of firms in poorer places .

  7. 相关报道谷歌推采取了低价策略,而微软则走了高端路线。

    Google is going cheap , Microsoft high-end .

  8. 苹果对低价策略也不陌生。

    Apple also knows about low prices .

  9. 现在还不清楚低价策略在这种转变中究竟扮演了什么样的角色。

    It 's unclear how much of a role lower prices might have played in that shift .

  10. 众所周知,沃尔玛实行天天低价策略,这已经成为沃尔玛的口号和标志。

    It is known that every day low price has become a slogan and symbol of Wal-Mart .

  11. 该公司声称其锲而不舍的低价策略十分适合萧条时期的市场情况。

    It argues that its obsessive focus on low prices is in keeping with the straitened times .

  12. 再加上日益激烈的市场竞争,全方位贯彻实施低价策略是在中国取得成功的关键。

    Coupled with increasingly fierce market competition , low-price all-round implementation of the strategy is the key to success in China .

  13. 在最好的情况下,低价策略,加上大规模的政府刺激政策能引发一次自我维持式的经济反弹。

    In the best-case scenario , the combination of lower prices and large-scale government stimulus could trigger a self-sustaining economic rebound .

  14. 这种通过低价策略争夺货源的竞争,导致港口利用率下降,港口收益受到损失。

    This strategy of competing through the supply of low-cost competition , resulting in decreased utilization of the port , port revenue loss .

  15. 电信业是服务性行业,同质化竞争激烈,为了在市场竞争中抢占有利地位,各电信运营商纷纷以低价策略抢夺用户。

    As a service industry , homogeneous competition became more competitive , the telecommunication companies always use low price marketing strategy to snatch customers .

  16. 本地市场采取低价策略,以构筑市场的价格壁垒,抵御外来品牌的进入;

    The group may form price barrier by taking low-price policy in order to resist the intrusion of other brands in the local market .

  17. 运用博弈论中的有限次重复博弈和无限次重复博弈的理论分析了纺织出口企业沿用低价策略的后果;

    The aftermath that Chinese textile 's mills have been using low price actions is given applying the Finitely Repeated Games and Infinitely Repeated Games .

  18. 造成母婴用品零售企业之间日趋激烈的市场竞争,迫使一些公司采用低价策略来获得竞争优势,造成行业间的恶性竞争,整体盈利能力降低。

    This cause tough competition and forcing some companies use low-price strategies to gain competitive advantage , resulting in vicious competition between industries , reducing overall profitability .

  19. 但是,企业高管们认为,低价策略能够削弱盗版生意,并借帮助培养出习惯使用正版软件的消费者群体。

    But executives say it puts a dent in the pirates'business , and helps cultivate a larger group of consumers who are accustomed to using legitimate software .

  20. 初期定低价策略也有益于降低实际和潜在的竞争,进而也是保护公司的重要因素。

    A low initial price strategy also has the benefit of discouraging actual and potential competition and is consequently an important protective element in the firm ? s armoury .

  21. 零售商在确定一件商品是否会导致后悔之后,就可以利用我们的算法,决定到底应该采取天天低价策略,还是降价促销策略。

    Once they determine whether it 's a regret-inducing product or not , retailers can use our algorithm to determine what the optimal everyday-low-price or mark downs should be .

  22. 中国移动依然一马当先;中国电信作为市场新进入者,用积极的营销策略争取新用户;中国联通也一改以往的低价策略,以崭新的姿态出现在人们的视野中。

    As a new comer , China Telecom obtained more clients by active marketing strategy . China Unicom abandoned the traditional price strategy and changed its brand image in the market .

  23. 汤恩不相信只有这一种选择,她开始寻找采用了不同方式的零售企业,也就是说,同样需要采取商品低价策略才能获得成功的企业。

    Unconvinced that this was the only approach , Ton decided to search for retail companies - the same kind of companies that needed low prices to succeed - that did things differently .

  24. 所有发电商都采取低价策略或都采取高价策略是系统的两个进化稳定策略,具体收敛到哪个均衡点取决于系统的初始状态。

    There are two evolutionary stable strategies that all generation companies take the bidding strategy of low price or that of high price , and it depends on the initial state of the system that to which balancing point such bidding strategies converge .

  25. 价格策略,具体的价格策略大体有三种:VIP定价策略、拍卖定价策略以及低价定价策略。

    Pricing strategy , there are three specific pricing strategy in general : " VIP " pricing strategy , auction pricing strategy and low pricing strategy . 3 .

  26. 我们的低价新策略将有助我们在这场竞争中略占上风。

    Our new low prices will help us edge the competition .

  27. 由于低价竞争策略,中国制造不断遭遇反倾销诉讼调查。

    As low-cost competitive strategy , Products-Made-in-China continues to face antidumping investigation .

  28. 航空客运低价营销策略研究

    Airelines ' Low Price Marketing Strategy on Passenger Transportation

  29. 审计服务拍卖与低价进入策略

    Auctions for Audit Services and Low - Balling

  30. 论低价营销策略与现代市场经济的关系&中国企业出口低价营销策略面临多重阻击的博弈分析

    Research on the Relationship between Low Price Marketing Strategies and Modern Market Economy & A Game-theory Analysis on the Low Export Price Marketing Strategies of Chinese Enterprises Suffering Multi-blocks