
  • 网络low-enriched uranium;low enriched uranium;leu
  1. 在那里,这些浓缩铀将被混合成低浓缩铀,然后用于核电厂。

    There , it will be blended down to low-enriched uranium and used in power plants .

  2. 此信函说,根据该协议,这些低浓缩铀在土耳其期间仍然是德黑兰的财产。

    It says under the agreement , the low-enriched uranium would remain Tehran 's property while it is in Turkey .

  3. 风险咨询机构欧亚集团(EurasiaGroup)驻华盛顿分析师克利夫•库普钱(CliffKupchan)表示:他们正快速推进,也没有做出任何外交表态。他们正在积累低浓缩铀。

    They are moving forward , they are not making diplomatic overtures , they are accumulating low enriched uranium , said Cliff Kupchan , an analyst at the Eurasia Group , a risk consultancy in Washington .

  4. 伊朗已经开始将其部分低浓缩铀设备转移至Fordow,Fordow是埋在库姆(Qom)附近一座大山深处的设备。

    Iran has already begun moving part of its uranium-enrichment capacity to Fordow , a facility buried deep within a mountain near Qom .

  5. 结果表明:低浓缩铀引起血清尿素氮浓度和外周血淋巴细胞微核出现率显著升高的剂量,注射后第1天为1.00mg/kg;第4天为0.50mg/kg。

    The results showed that the doses of the marked increase of BUN concentration and micronucleus rates were 1.00mg/kg for the 1st day and 0.50mg/kg for the 4th day after injection .

  6. 低浓缩铀对机体急性损伤效应的研究

    Study on acute adverse effects of low concentrated uranium in rat

  7. 然而,伊朗要建造核弹,只有低浓缩铀是远远不够的。

    Still , to build a bomb Iran needs to go beyond low enrichment .

  8. 乌克兰还将转移几座使用低浓缩铀的核研究设施。

    Ukraine will also convert its several nuclear research facilities to use low enriched uranium .

  9. 该草案要求伊朗送出将近70%的低浓缩铀储备,从法国和俄罗斯换取高度浓缩铀。

    N.draft nuclear deal to exchange close to70 % of it stockpile of low-grade uranium for more highly enriched uranium from France and Russia .

  10. 国际原子能机构称,截至11月,伊朗积累了630公斤的低浓缩铀,而8月底为480公斤。

    The agency says that , as of this month , Tehran had amassed 630kg of low enriched uranium hexafluoride , up from 480KG in late August .

  11. 该协议要求伊朗将大部分低浓缩铀送往国外,浓缩铀可以用于研制核武器。

    It caused Iran to send most of its low enriched uranium out of the country . That 's the material that can be used for nuclear weapons .

  12. 本周早些时候,伊朗总统称他的政府有能力将低浓缩铀出口以换取高浓度核反应堆燃料。

    Earlier this week , the Iranian President said his government would have " no problem " sending low-enriched uranium abroad if it later received , in exchange , higher-enriched reactor fuel .

  13. 目的:研究了低剂量浓缩铀对脾淋巴细胞DNA合成和UDS的刺激效应。方法:运用3H-TdR掺入技术,观察了脾淋巴细胞在PHA和LPS刺激下的DNA复制合成。

    AIM To study the stimulatory effect on DNA synthesis and unscheduled DNA synthesis ( UDS ) in splenic lymphocytes induced by low dose enriched uranium 235 U.METHODS By using 3 H-TdR incorporation assay technique , the DNA replicative synthesis of splenic lymphocytes stimulated by PHA and LPS was observed .

  14. 根据这个所谓的“核交换协议”,伊朗将把低浓度浓缩铀出口到国外进一步浓缩并转换为燃料棒。

    In a so-called " nuclear swap deal " Iran would export its low-enriched uranium abroad for further enrichment and conversion into fuel rods .

  15. 伊朗昨日同意将其大部分低纯度浓缩铀出口至土耳其,以换取核燃料,此举旨在阻止美国对其实施新的经济制裁。

    Iran sought to derail the US drive for new economic sanctions yesterday by agreeing to export most of its low-enriched uranium to Turkey in exchange for nuclear fuel .

  16. 但伊朗将会出口约58%的低纯度浓缩铀储备,此举将限制其生产核武器所必须的高纯度浓缩铀的能力。

    But Iran would export about 58 per cent of its total stockpile of low-enriched uranium , a move that would constrain its ability to produce the highly enriched material needed for a nuclear bomb .

  17. 根据上述协议,伊朗将把1200公斤低纯度浓缩铀“存放”在邻国土耳其,在该国进一步加工后运回伊朗,用于为德黑兰的民用研究反应堆提供动力。

    Under the agreement , Iran will " deposit " 1200kg of low - enriched uranium in neighbouring Turkey , where the material will be further processed before being returned to power a civilian research reactor in Tehran .