
gāo nóng suō yóu
  • highly enriched uranium
高浓缩铀[gāo nóng suō yóu]
  1. 16起非法“事件”涉及钚或高浓缩铀。

    Sixteen illicit " incidents " involved plutonium or highly enriched uranium .

  2. 如高浓缩铀和钚这样的裂变物质而言,并不安全

    like highly enriched uranium and plutonium , are absolutely not safe .

  3. 昨天就出现了这样一个步骤。美国、加拿大和墨西哥同意与国际原子能机构(IAEA)合作,将墨西哥的一座研究型反应堆,从使用高浓缩铀改造为使用普通核燃料。

    In one such step yesterday , the US , Canada and Mexico agreed to work together with the International Atomic Energy Agency to convert a research reactor in Mexico from using high enriched uranium to ordinary nuclear fuel .

  4. 这些高浓缩铀将在美国的帮助下进行转移。

    This will be removed with some help from the United States .

  5. 你需要大约75磅高浓缩铀

    Well , you need about 75 pounds of it .

  6. 核武器需要高浓缩铀或钚才会有用。

    In order to work , nuclear weapons require either highly enriched uranium or plutonium .

  7. 美国官员表示,乌克兰的高浓缩铀储备足够制造几个核武器。

    US officials said that Ukraine has sufficient highly enriched uranium for several nuclear weapons .

  8. 但他表示,这些设施经过简单改造,即可生产用于核武的高浓缩铀。

    But he said they could be readily converted to produce highly-enriched uranium bomb fuel .

  9. 氨基磺酸亚铁作还原剂在调节高浓缩铀靶元件溶解液时的作用

    The role of ferrous sulfamate as reductant in Valancy adjustment of highly enriched uranium feed solution

  10. 大家觉得造一个一万吨级当量的核弹,大约需要多少高浓缩铀呢?

    How much of that do you think it would take to actually build a 10-kiloton bomb ?

  11. 预期许多国家将表示,他们已将多批高浓缩铀转换为较低等级的燃料。

    Many countries are expected to say they have converted batches of highly enriched uranium into lower grade fuel .

  12. 可用于生产核弹的武器级高浓缩铀和钚有可能丢失;

    That weapons-grade highly enriched uranium and plutonium that could be used to make nuclear bombs might go missing ;

  13. 有关高浓缩铀颗粒的证据也是近两年才在媒体披露。

    And the evidence concerning the highly-enriched uranium particles was disclosed in the media within the last two years .

  14. 今晚,当我们聚集在这里时,伊朗已经开始拆除高浓缩铀储备。

    As we gather here tonight , Iran has begun to eliminate its stockpile of higher levels of enriched uranium .

  15. 伊朗竭力获取足够的高浓缩铀来制造少量核武器,这个国家到底想干什么?

    What does Iran have in mind as it strives to acquire enough highly enriched uranium to make a few nuclear weapons ?

  16. 全球的高浓缩铀储备大约为1300吨到2100吨之间

    The global stockpile of highly enriched uranium is about 1300 , at the low end , to about 2100 metric tons .

  17. 他说,另一个重要的核实问题是高浓缩铀问题。外界指责平壤秘密进行浓缩铀工作。

    He says another major verification question is the question of highly-enriched uranium , a program Pyongyang is accused of pursuing in secret .

  18. 所以,我想给大家展示一下,那就是75磅高浓缩铀大约是多少呢?

    So , what I 'd like to show you is what it would take to hold 75 pounds of highly enriched uranium .

  19. 白宫发言人称乌克兰正准备放弃足够制造好几个核武器的高浓缩铀储备。

    The White House says Ukraine is getting rid of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium , enough to build several nuclear weapons .

  20. 哈钦从全世界的核设施那里获得这些样本,接着他会逐个检测,看它们是否含有诸如高浓缩铀的非法原料。

    Hutcheon receives samples from nuclear facilities throughout the world . He then tests them for evidence of illegal materials like highly enriched uranium .

  21. 在一份报告中,国际原子能机构称,他们有新的证据表明伊朗正在制造适用于核弹的高浓缩铀。

    In a report , the IAEA says it has new evidence about Iran 's work with highly enriched uranium , suitable for bombs .

  22. 墨西哥已和其他国家一起从本国国土上消除所有的高浓缩铀。昨天乌克兰也加入了这个行列。

    Mexico , and just yesterday Ukraine , have joined the ranks of nations that have removed all the highly enriched uranium from their territory .

  23. 他的工作是找到生产高浓缩铀或钚的证据,这两种成分是核武器必不可少的。

    Hutcheon 's job is to look for evidence of the production of highly enriched uranium or plutonium , the essential components of nuclear weapons .

  24. 平壤今年以前一直否认美国有关北韩拥有高浓缩铀计划,违反先前有关协议的指控。

    Until this year , Pyongyang has denied U.S. accusations it possessed a covert HEU , or highly enriched uranium program , in violation of previous agreements .

  25. 从1993年到2006年,国际原子能机构记录在案的核失窃案件就有175起其中18起和高浓缩铀和钚有关

    From 1993 through 2006 , the International Atomic Energy Agency documented 175 cases of nuclear theft , 18 of which involved highly enriched uranium or plutonium ,

  26. 一名军事情报官员在华盛顿告诉参议院的一个委员说,伊朗可能只需一年就能够生产出足以制造核武器的高浓缩铀。

    In Washington , a military intelligence official told a Senate committee that Iran could be one year away from producing enough highly-enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon .

  27. 朝鲜已经拥有足够装备数枚核装置的裂变材料,但该国迄今采用的都是另一条途径,即生产钚,而非高浓缩铀。

    North Korea already has enough fissile material for several nuclear devices but , to date , it has used the alternative route of producing plutonium rather than highly enriched uranium .

  28. 然而,在同一份报告中,国际原子能机构称,伊朗已经开始在圣城库姆附近的地下工厂中安装用于制造高浓缩铀的机器。

    However , in the same report , the IAEA says Iran has begun installing machines for creating highly enriched uranium at an underground site near the holy city of Qom .

  29. 他表示:试验一个用高浓缩铀制造的装置将证明他们又撒了一个弥天大谎,因为他们一直坚称,铀浓缩努力纯粹是出于和平利用能源的目的。

    Testing a highly-enriched uranium device would catch them in another big lie , since they are maintaining that the uranium enrichment effort is strictly for peaceful energy purposes , he said .

  30. 美国一直努力消除从巴基斯坦的核反应炉高浓缩铀出于关心,它可以用来建立一个非法的核装置。

    The United States has been working to remove highly enriched uranium from a Pakistani nuclear reactor , out of concern that it could be used to build an illicit nuclear device .